4 major types of tissue
- epithelial
- connective
- muscle
- nervous
collection of a group of cells that have a similar function
tissue found throughout the body and covers all the body surfaces
epithelial tissue
thing layer of tissue that binds the underlying connective tissue layer to upper tissue layers
basement membrane
functions of the epithelial functionspr
- protection
- excretion and secretion
- diffuse
- cleaning
- absorption
- sensation
forms the lining of the mouth, blood vessels, heart, lungs and outer layer of the skin
simple squamous epithelium
tissue found in glands, gland ducts and the lining of the kidney tubules, produces eggs cells and sperm cells
simple cuboidal epithelium
forms the lining of the uterus, stomach and intestines
simple columnar epithelium
produce mucus to lubricate intestinal wall
goblet cells
composed of single columnar epithelium tissue, produces motion that directs mucus to flow in specific direction
ciliated columnar epithelium
columnar epithelium with mucus producing cells
glandular epithelium
gland that communicates with the surface thru an unbranched duct
simple gland
multi-lobed gland, with a branched duct arising from each lobe
compound gland
several layers of epithelium cells, where the body is exposed to conditions tat cause wear and tear
stratified squamous epithelium
tissue designed to handle tension in tissues, lines the wall of the urinary bladderm urethra and ureters
transitional epithelium
supports the body and binds together all types of tissue
provides framework of the body
tissue that forms space between the organs
loose connective
3 types of loose connective tissues
"white fibers"- thick fibers composed of protein collagen, keeps separate structures together
collagenous fibers
"yellow fibers" - made of protein elastin, found in areas that require stretching
elastin fibers
most widely spread tissue, surrounds organs, lies under epithelium, provides support to nerves for transport to nutrients to epithelial cells
areolar tissue
most common cell types in connective tissues
"macrophages" designed to carry out phagocytes , a major function of immune system that scavenges foreign particles from tissue to prevent infections
located near blood vessels, manufactures heparin and histamine
mast cells
constructed of specialized cells called adipocytes that store fat droplets within their cytoplasm
adipose tissue
consists of a network of delicate collagenous fibers that mechanically support the liver, bone marrow, spleen and lymphoid organs
reticular tissue
tissue that forms tendons, ligaments and aponeuroses
dense connective tissue
tissue that is made of dense, thick, collagenous fibers and network of delicate elastic fibers
fibrous connective
tissue that is made up of yellow, elastic fibers that are either branched or run in parallel strands
elastic connective
tissue that consists of cartilage, bone, blood and hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial tissues
specialized connective tissue
3 types of cartilage
- hyaline
- elastic
- fibrocartilage
cartilage that occurs at the ends of bones in joints, supporting rings of respiratory airway and soft portion of nose
matrix of dense elastic fibers and more flexible than hyaline
elastic cartilage
dense, tough tissue with many collagenous fibers embedded within the matrix
hardest of connective tissues because it contains mineral salts with a large amount of collagen serving as intercellular matrix
enables support and movement, protects organs, and contains red marrow
thin layers that bone matrix is deposited in
cavities lying in between or within lamellae
is unique connective bc its intercellular matrix is composed of liquid in which cells are suspend
forms RBC and WBC
hematopoietic tissues
formed with red bone marrow
formed by lymphoid organs
tissue composed of various cells that are phagocytic, attack foreign invaders of the body and ingest them
relaxes and contracts, causes movement that brings about locomotion and other internal movement necessary for survival
muscle tissue
muscle tissue that controls slow contractions of the walls of stomach and intestines, controls artery wall contractions to regulate blood pressure, and controls uterine wall
smooth muscle
muscle tissue that coordinates movement of limbs, eyes, trunk, and jaws
muscle tissue that controls the contraction of the atria and ventricles of the heart
cardiac muscle tissue
tissue that is made up of neurons, found in brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves
nerve tissue
made up of many neurons that bond together by connective tissue
nerve tissue
thin sheetlike structures composed of connective and epithelial tissues, lines body cavities and covers body surfaces
4 major types of membranes
- serous
- mucous
- cutaneous
- synovial
membrane that lines body cavities that do not open to the outside of the body
membranes that covers the organs within the abdomen and thorax, forms the inner lining of those cavities
epithelial membranes that line cavities and tubes that open to the outside of the body
mucous membranes
'skin', is an organ of the integumentary system
cutaneous membrane
lines the inner linings of freely moveable joints between the ends of the bones
synovial membranes
intentional cut thru intact tissue for the purpose of exposing underlying structures
removal of tissue
incision is made under ideal conditions and aseptic technique is not broken, no wound drain
class I clean
after primary closure, but the wound is drained and minor break in aseptic tech or tech was entered
class II clean contaminated
open traumatic wound is encountered, tract was entered or major break in aseptic tech
class III contaminated
open traumatic wound in which microbial contamination had previously occured
class IV dirty infected
3 types of healing
- first intention
- second intention
- third intention
optimal type of healing, tissues heal from side to side without infection
first intention (primary union)
space between tissue layers that can accumulate fluids and lead to infection
dead space
3 phases of first intention healing
- lag
- proliferation
- maturation or differentiation
phase that begins within minutes of injury and lasts approx 3-5 days
phase that starts the 3rd day and goes up to 20 days
healing that takes place from bottom upward, wound fills with granulation tissue, occurs in large wounds
second intention healing
healing that occurs when 2 granulated surfaces were approximated and is employed when wound is infected, dirty and contaminated
third intention healing
partial or total separation of a layer or layers of tissue after closure,
genetic markers on the surface of most of white blood cells
human leukocyte antigen
test that identifies an identifies a persons HLAs (human leukocyte antigen)
tissue typing
code for the production of specific glycoprotein antigens that recognizes each individuals tissues and targets as foreign those different from that individuals tissue
major histocompatibility complex MHC
protrusion of viscera thru edges of totally separate wound
uncontrolled bleeding that can occur immediately following a procedure and can lead to hypovolemic shock
abnormal attachment of 2 surfaces or structures that are normally separate
result of wound dehiscence that could cause incarceration of the bowel
tract between 2 epithelium lined surfaces, opened at both ends
hypertrophic scar formation that occurs mainly in dark skin individuals
keloid scarring
tract between 2 epithelium lined surfaces that is only opened at one end
sinus track