What are the four major bones contributing to the hard palate?
The palatine processes of the maxillae at the anterior, and the horizontal plates of the palatine bones.
How do the maxillary palatine processes arise?
As horizontal plates at the junction of the bodies and alveolar processes of the maxillae.
What is the median palatine suture?
The junction between the palatine processes in the midline.
What is the incisive fossa?
Anteriorly, behind the central incisors, the median palatine suture is incomplete which forms this small gap through which pass the nasopalatine nerves
What is the transverse palatine suture?
this is the suture formed when the posterior edges of the palatine processes articulate with the horizontal plates of the two palatine bones.
What are the greater palatine foramina?
Laterally, the transverse palatine suture is incomplete which forms this small gap through which the greater palatine nerves and vessels pass.
What are the lesser palatine foramina?
These lie behind the greater palatine foramina, and the lesser palatine nerves and vessels pass through it.
What is the posterior nasal spine?
The posterior borders of the horizontal palatine plates are concave and in the midline they form a sharp ridge of bone, which is called the posterior nasal spine.
What is attached to the posterior edge of the hard palate?
The fibrous palatine aponeurosis of the soft palate, which is formed by the tendons of the tensor veli palatini muscles.