AVA 115 - 171

  1. 115 What type of clouds will be formed if very stable moist air is forced up slope?

    First stratified clouds and then vertical clouds.

    Vertical clouds with increasing height.

    Stratified clouds with little vertical development.
  2. 116 What type clouds can be expected when an unstable air mass is forced to ascend a mountain slope?

    Layered clouds with little vertical development.

    Stratified clouds with considerable associated turbulence.

    Clouds with extensive vertical development.
  3. 117 Which of the following combinations of weather producing variables would likely result in cumuliform-
    type clouds, good visibility, rain showers, and possible clear-type icing in clouds?

    Unstable, moist air, and no lifting mechanism.

    Stable, dry air, and orographic lifting.

    Unstable, moist air, and orographic lifting.
  4. 118 The suffix “nimbus”, used in naming clouds, means a

    Cloud with extensive vertical development.

    Rain cloud.

    Dark massive, towering cloud.
  5. 119 What are the four families of clouds

    Stratus, cumulus, nimbus, and cirrus.

    Clouds formed by updrafts, fronts, cooling layers of air, and precipitation into warm air.

    High, middle, low, and those with extensive vertical development.
  6. 120 A high cloud is composed mostly of


    Condensation nuclei.

    Ice crystals.
  7. 121 Which family of clouds is least likely to contribute to structural icing on an aircraft?

    Low clouds.

    High clouds.

    Clouds with extensive vertical development.
  8. 122 Which clouds have the greatest turbulence?

    a.Towering cumulus


    c.Altocumulus castellanus. .
  9. 123 Standing lenticular clouds, in mountainous areas, indicate

    An inversion.

    Unstable air.

  10. 124 The presence of standing lenticular altocumulus clouds is a good indication of.

    A jet stream.

    Very strong turbulence.

    Heavy icing conditions.
  11. 125 Ice pellets encountred during flight normally are evidence that

    A warm front has passed.

    A warmfront is about to pass.

    there are thunderstroms in the area
  12. 126 An air mass is a body of air that

    Has similar cloud formations associated with it.

    Creates a wind shift as it moves across the Earth’s surface.

    Covers an extensive area and has fairly uniform properties of temperature and moisture.
  13. 127 Which weather phenomenon is always associated with the passage of a frontal system?

    A wind change.

    An abrupt decrease in pressure.

    Clouds, either ahead or behind the front.
  14. 128 If you fly into severe turbulence, which flight condition should you attempt to maintain?

    Constant airspeed (VA).

    Level flight attitude.

    Constant altitude and constant airspeed.
  15. 129 If severe turbulence is encountered during your IFR flight, the airplane should be slowed to the design
    maneuvering speed because the

    Maneuverability of the airplane will be increased.

    Amount of excess load than can be imposed on the wing will be decreased.

    Airplane will stall at a lower angle of attack, giving an increased margin of safety.
  16. 130 A pilot reporting turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and/or attitude
    should report it as

    Light turbulence.

    Moderate turbulence.

    Light chop.
  17. 131 What are the requirements for the formation of a thunderstorm?

    A cumulus cloud with sufficient moisture.

    A cumulus cloud with sufficient moisture and an inverted lapse rate.

    Sufficient moisture, an unstable lapse rate, and a lifting action.
  18. 132 Which weather phenomenon signals the beginning of the mature stage of a thunderstorm?

    The start of rain at the surface.

    Growth rate of clouds is maximum.

    Strong turbulence in the cloud.
  19. 133 During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts?



  20. 134 What is an indication that downdrafts have developed and the thunderstorm cell has entered the
    mature stage?

    The anvil top has completed its development.

    Precipitation begins to fall from the cloud base.

    A gust front forms.
  21. 135 Where do squall lines most often develop?

    In an occluded front.

    In a cold air mass.

    Ahead of a cold front.
  22. 136 Which thunderstorm generally produce the most severe conditions, such as heavy hail and destructive.

    Warm front.

    Squall line.

    Air mass.
  23. 137 What is indicated by the term “embedded thunderstorms”?

    Severe thunderstorms are embedded within a squall line.

    Thunderstorms are predicted to develop in a stable air mass.

    Thunderstorms are obscured by massive cloud layers and cannot be seen.
  24. 138 Which weather phenomenon is always associated with a thunderstorm?


    Heavy rain showers.

    Supercooled raindrops.
  25. 139 Which procedure is recommended if a pilot should unintentionally penetrate embedded thunderstorm

    Reverse aircraft heading or proceed toward an area of known VFR conditions.

    Reduce airspeed to maneuvering speed and maintain a constant altitude.

    Set power for recommended turbulence penetration airspeed and attempt to maintain a level flight

  26. 140 Which conditions result in the formation of frost?

    The temperature of the collecting surface is at or below freezing and small droplets of moisture are

    When dew forms and the temperature is below freezing.

    Temperature of the collecting surface is below the dew point of surrounding air and the dew point is

    colder than freezing.
  27. 141 Why is frost considered hazardous to flight operation?

    Frost changes the basic aerodynamic shape of the airfoil.

    Frost decreases control effectiveness.

    Frost causes early airflow separation resulting in a loss of lift.
  28. 142 In which meteorological environment is aircraft structural icing most likely to have the highest rate of

    Cumulonimbus clouds.

    High humidity and freezing temperature.

    Freezing rain.
  29. 143 Where does wind shear occur?

    Exclusively in thunderstorms.

    Wherever there is an abrupt decrease in pressure and/or temperature.

    With either a wind shift or a wind speed gradient at any level in the atmosphere.
  30. 144 What is an important characteristic of wind shear?

    It is primarily associated with the lateral vortices generated by thunderstorms.

    It usually exists only in the vicinity of thunderstorms, but may be found near a strong temperature


    It may be associated with either a wind speed gradient at any level in the atmosphere.
  31. 145 Which is a characteristic of low-level wind shear as it relates to frontal activity?

    With a warm front, the most critical period is before the front passes the airport.

    With a cold front, the most critical period is just before the front passes the airport.

    Turbulence will always exist in wind-shear conditions.
  32. 146 Which forecast provides specific information concerning expected sky cover, cloud tops, visibility,
    weather, and obstructions to vision in a route formal?

    Area Forecast.

    Terminal Forecast.

    Transcribed Weather Broadcast.
  33. 147 The Surface Analysis Chart depicts

    Frontal locations and expected movement, pressure centers, cloud coverage, and obstructions to vision
    at the time of chart transmission.

    Actual frontal positions, pressure patterns, temperature, dew point, wind, weather, and obstructions at
    the valid time of the chart.

    Actual pressure distribution, frontal systems, cloud heights and coverage, temperature, dew point, and
    wind at the time shown on the chart.
  34. 148 Which provides a graphic display of both VFR and IFR weather?

    Surface Weather Map.

    Radar Summary Chart.

    Weather Depiction Chart.
  35. 149 When total sky cover is few or scattered, the height shown on the Weather Depiction Chart is the

    Top of the lowest layer.

    Base of the lowest layer.

    Base of the highest layer.
  36. 150 Which weather chart depicts conditions forecast to exist at a specific time in the future?

    Freezing Level Chart.

    Weather Depiction Chart.

    12-Hour Significant Weather Prognostication Chart.
  37. 151 What is the upper limit of the low level Significant Weather Prognostic Chart?

    30.000 feet.

    24.000 feet.

    18.000 feet.
  38. 152 The most current en route and destination weather information for an instrument flight should be
    obtained from the


    ATIS broadcast.

    Notices to Airman Publications.
  39. 153 What is meant by the Special METAR weather observation for KBOI? SPECI KBOI 09185AZ 32005KT
    1 1/2SM RA BR OVC007 17/16 A2990 RMK RAB12

    Rain and fog obscuring two-tenths of the sky, rain began at 1912z.

    Rain and mist obstructing visibility, rain began at 1812Z.

    Rain and overcast at 1200 feet AGL.
  40. 154 To best determine observed weather conditions between weather reporting stations, the pilot should
    refer to

    Pilot reports.

    Area Forecast.

    Prognostic charts.
  41. 155 A pilot reporting turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and/or attitude
    should report it as

    Light chop.

    Light turbulence.

    Moderate turbulence.
  42. 156 When turbulence causes changes in altitude and/or attitude, but aircraft control remains positive, that
    should be reported as



  43. 157 Turbulence that is encountered above 15.000 feet AGL not associated with cumuliform cloudiness,
    including thunderstorms, should be reported as

    Severe turbulence.

    Clear air turbulence.

    Convective turbulence.
  44. 158 What values are used for Winds Aloft Forecasts?

    True directions and MPH.

    True directions and Knots.

    Magnetic direction and knots.
  45. 159 SIGMETs are issued as a warning of weather conditions which are hazardous

    To all aircraft.

    Particularly to heavy aircraft.

    Particularly to light airplanes.
  46. 160 Which correctly describes the purpose of convective SIGMETs (WST)?

    They consist of an hourly observation of tornadoes, significant thunderstorm activity, and large hail
    stone activity.

    They contain both an observation and a forecast of all thunderstorm and hailstone activity. The forecast
    is valid for 1 hour only.

    They consist of either an observation and a forecast or just a forecast for tornadoes, significant
    thunderstorm activity, or hail greater than or equal 3/4 inch in diameter.
  47. 161 What type of in flight Weather Advisories provides an en route pilot with information regarding the
    possibility of moderate icing, moderate turbulence, winds of 30 knots or more at the surface and
    extensive mountain obscurement?

    Convective SIGMETs and SIGMETs.

    Severe Weather Forecast Alerts (AWW) AND SIGMETs.

    AIRMETs and Center Weather Advisories (CWA).
  48. 162 What single reference contains information regarding volcanic eruption, that is occurring or expected to

    In-flight Weather Advisories.

    Terminal Area Forecast (TAF).

    Weather Depiction Chart.
  49. 163 The Hazardous In flight Weather Advisory Service (HIWAS) is a broadcast service over service over
    selected VORs that provides

    SIGMETs and AIRMETs at 15 minutes and 45 minutes past the hour for the first hour after issuance.

    Continuous broadcast of in flight weather advisories.

    SIGMETs, CONVECTIVE SIGMETs and AIRMETs at 15 minutes and 45 minutes past the hour.
  50. 164 When are severe weather watch bulletins (AWW) issued?

    Every 12 hours as required.

    Every 24 hours as required.

    Unscheduled and issued as required.
  51. 165 SIGMETs are issued as a warning of weather conditions potentially hazardous

    Particularly to light aircraft.

    To all aircraft.

    Only to light aircraft operations.
  52. 166 Which meteorological condition is issued in the form of a SIGMET (WS)?

    Widespread sand or dust storms lowering visibility to less than 3 miles.

    Moderate icing.

    Sustained winds of 30 knots or greater at the surface.
  53. 167 The surface Analysis Chart depicts

    Actual pressure systems, frontal locations, cloud tops, and precipitation at the time shown on the chart.

    Frontal locations and expected movement, pressure centers, cloud coverage, and obstructions to vision
    at the time of chart transmission.

    Actual frontal positions, pressure patterns, temperature, dew point, wind, weather, and obstructions to
    vision at the valid time of the chart.
  54. 168 What important information is provided by the Radar Summary Chart that is not shown on other
    weather charts?

    Lines and cells of hazardous thunderstorms.

    Types of precipitation.

    Areas of cloud cover and icing levels within the clouds.
  55. 169 What is the lowest cloud in the stationary group associated with moutain wave?

    Rotor Cloud

    Standing Lenticular

    Low Stratus
  56. 170 At which location does Coriolis force have the laest effect on wind direction

    At the poles

    Middle latitudes (30°-60°)

    At the Equator.
  57. 171 El codigo SKC se utiliza en el METAR cuando?

    La Visibilidad es menos a 10 KM. Y hay nubosidad por debajo de 5000 FT.

    La visibilidad horizontal es mayor a 10 KM. Y el cielo esta despejado.

    La visbilidad horizontal es menor de 10 KM. Y el viento esta despejado.
Card Set
AVA 115 - 171
AVA 115 - 171