Oral Anatomy 1 - The Oral Cavity

  1. What is the oral cavity?
    The oral cavity is the space which extends from the lips and cheeks externally to the pillars of the fauces internally, where it continues into the oropharynx.
  2. What is the oral cavity subdivided into?
    It is subdivided into the vestibule external to the teeth, and the oral cavity proper internal to the teeth.
  3. What is the palate?
    The palate forms the roof of the mouth and separates the oral and nasal cavities.
  4. What is the floor of the oral cavity?
    The floor of the oral cavity consists of mucous membrane covering the mylohyoid muscle, and is occupied mainly by the tongue.
  5. What is the mylohyoid muscle?
    The mylohyoid muscle is a paired muscle running from the mandible to the hyoid bone, forming the floor of the oral cavity (the mouth).
  6. What are the lateral walls of the oral cavity?
    The lateral walls of the oral cavity are defined by the cheeks and retromolar regions.
  7. What are the primary and secondary functions of the mouth?
    The primary functions of the mouth are concerned with ingestion (and selection) of food, and with mastication and swallowing.

    The secondary functions include speech and ventilation
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Oral Anatomy 1 - The Oral Cavity
Oral Anatomy 1 - The Oral Cavity