
  1. Man's __________ sin is the desire to be like God, to be __________.
    Man's ULTIMATE sin is the desire to be like God, to be AUTONOMOUS.
  2. __________ involves the freedom to __________ and the freedom to __________ without __________ to anyone or anything.
    AUTONOMY involves the freedom to SIN and the freedom to LIVE without ACCOUNTABILITY to anyone or anything.
  3. Man develops __________ from a desire to sin __________ without __________.
    Man develops PHILOSOPHIES from a desire to sin FREELY without ACCOUNTABILITY.
  4. The __________ cause of a wrong worldview is a __________ __________ and a __________ mind.
    The ROOT cause of a wrong worldview is a HARDENED HEART and a DARKENED mind.
  5. __________ are __________ __________ that are believed without proof.
    PRESUPPOSITIONS are FIRST PRINCIPLES that are believed without proof.
  6. The __________ Stage was characterized by the __________ of man and the __________ of reason and logic.
    The CLASSICAL Stage was characterized by the DEIFICATION of man and the EXALTATION of reason and logic.
  7. The __________ Stage was characterized by the __________ of the Church and her __________, and the attempt to __________ reason and revelation.
    The MEDIEVAL Stage was characterized by the ASCENDANCY of the Church and her AUTHORITY, and the attempt to SYNCRETIZE reason and revelation.
  8. The __________ Stage was characterized by the __________ of progress, the __________ of the human race, and the elevation of __________ as the ultimate __________.
    The MODERN Stage was characterized by the INEVITABILITY of progress, the PERFECTIBILITY of the human race, and the elevation of REASON as the ultimate PANACEA.
  9. __________ believed that science and __________ institutions had corrupted mankind and that the __________ state was morally superior to the __________ state.
    ROUSSEAU believed that science and SOCIAL institutions had corrupted mankind and that the PRIMITIVE state was morally superior to the CIVILIZED state.
  10. __________ Hume attacked __________ because they were important __________ of Christianity.
    DAVID Hume attacked MIRACLES because they were important ATTESTATIONS of Christianity.
  11. __________ proposed that the great problems of __________ and __________ are __________ by scientific thought.
    KANT proposed that the great problems of PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION are INSOLUBLE by scientific thought.
  12. The __________ Stage was characterized by the death of __________, __________, and radical __________.
    The POSTMODERN Stage was characterized by the death of TRUTH, RELATIVISM, and radical SUBJECTIVITY.
  13. __________ __________ advocated a new, superior type of man: the __________, who through the “Will to Power” created his own __________ and made his own __________.
    FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE advocated a new, superior type of man: the UBERMENSCH, who through the “Will to Power” created his own VALUES and made his own MORALITY.
  14. Sigmund Freud taught that the __________ is the __________ force in determining human __________.
    Sigmund Freud taught that the LIBIDO is the DOMINANT force in determining human BEHAVIOR.
  15. Jean-Paul __________ advocated the philosophy of __________.
    Jean-Paul SARTRE advocated the philosophy of EXISTENTIALISM.
  16. __________ __________ is the idea that there are no __________ __________ of right and wrong.
    MORAL RELATIVISM is the idea that there are no ABSOLUTE STANDARDS of right and wrong.
  17. __________ is characterized by the idea that there is no __________ and no __________ purpose in life.
    DARWINISM is characterized by the idea that there is no CREATOR and no TRANSCENDANT purpose in life.
  18. __________ is the belief that __________ accounts for differences in human __________ or __________, and that some ethnicities are inferior to others.
    RACISM is the belief that ETHNICITY accounts for differences in human CHARACTER or ABILITY, and that some ethnicities are inferior to others.
  19. __________ says that __________ is all that exists and that humans are very complex __________ __________.
    NATURALISM says that MATTER is all that exists and that humans are very complex BIOCHEMICAL MACHINES.
  20. __________ says that every event is the __________ __________ of __________ independent of the human will.
    DETERMINISM says that every event is the INEVITABLE CONSEQUENCE of ANTECEDENTS independent of the human will.
  21. __________ is the belief that everything is __________ and that the only __________ left is __________.
    NIHILISM is the belief that everything is ABSURD and that the only VALUE left is DESTRUCTION.
  22. __________ emphasizes human __________ in an indifferent __________ and __________ for one's actions.
    EXISTENTIALISM emphasizes human ISOLATION in an indifferent UNIVERSE and RESPONSIBILITY for one's actions.
  23. Existentialism teaches that in an __________ __________, meaning is found in an __________ “leap of faith.”
    Existentialism teaches that in an ABSURD UNIVERSE, meaning is found in an IRRATIONAL “leap of faith.”
  24. __________ is the belief in a __________ world that can be accessed through __________ experiences and __________ practices.
    MYSTICISM is the belief in a NON-MATERIAL world that can be accessed through SUBJECTIVE experiences and RITUALISTIC practices.
  25. The __________ __________ Movement says that man is evolving a cosmic __________ of __________ and global harmony.
    The NEW AGE Movement says that man is evolving a cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS of ENLIGHTENMENT and global harmony.
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