DH 1330 quiz 3 head and neck anatomy

  1. Which of the following bony features listed does NOT serve as an opening in bone?

  2. Which of the following bones listed is the ONLY movable bone of the skull?

    Hyoid bone
  3. The squamosal suture is BEST observed
    from which view of the skull?

    Anterior view
    Inferior view
    Lateral view
    Superior view
    Lateral view
  4. On the petrous part of the temporal bone, inferior and medial to the external acoustic meatus, is a long pointed bony projection, the _________________, a structure that serves for the attachment of tongue and pharyngeal muscles and ligaments.
    Styloid process
  5. Which of the following openings within the orbit connect the orbit with the cranial cavity?

    Cribriform plate
    Infraorbital foramen
    Inferior orbital fissure
    Superior orbital fissure
    Superior orbital fissureThe superior orbital fissure is a slitlike opening between the lesserand greater wings of the sphenoid and serves as a passageway for blood vesselsand nerves from the cranial cavity into the orbit thus connecting the two
  6. Match the skull bone(s) that form the superior wall, medial wall, lateral wall, and the base of the skull's orbit.

    Zygomatic and sphenoid bones 
    Ethmoid and lacrimal bones
    Sphenoid and Palantine bones
    Frontal Bone

    lateral wall
    superior wall
    medial wall
    • lateral wall
    • medial wall
    • base
    • superior wall
  7. Through which of the following openings
    in the skull does the twelfth cranial nerve pass?

    Internal acoustic meatus
    Foramen rotundum
    Foramen spinosum
    Hypoglossal canal
    Hypoglossal canal
  8. Why is the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone an important feature of the skull to the dental professionals?

    Serves as an attachment for the muscles of mastication
    Serves as an attachment for muscles involved in swallowing
    Serves as a landmark observed on maxillary posterior periapical radiographs
    Serves as a landmark observed on mandibular posterior periapical radiographs
    Serves as an attachment for the muscles of mastication
  9. Which of the following skull bones are
    considered to be paired cranial bones?

    Maxillary bones
    Temporal bones
    Lacrimal bones
    Zygomatic bones
    Temporal bones
  10. How does the mandibular condyle move in
    relationship to the temporal bone?

    Articular eminence
    Coronoid notch
    Articular fossa
    Mandibular fossa
    Articular fossa
  11. Where is the pterygoid process of the
    skull located?

    Inferior to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
    Posterior to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
    Anterior to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
    Anterior to the body of the sphenoid bone
    Inferior to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
  12. What are the three projecting structures that create the lateral walls of the nasal cavity and which extend inward from the maxillae? 

    superior conchae, middle conchae and inferior conchae
    the crista galli, cribiform plate, and the perpenditcular plate
    the lesser wing, greater wing and the pterygoid process
    the lateral pterygoid plate, the pterygoid fossa, the medial pterygoid plate
    superior conchae, middle conchae and inferior conchae
  13. Which of the following is the location of the articulation of the parietal bone and the occipital bone?

    Coronal suture
    Squamosal suture
    Sagittal suture
    Lamboidal suture
    Lamboidal suture
  14. The cribifom plate  is located on the superior aspect of the ____________  and is perforated by several foramina to allow for the passage of ______________ .
    • ethmoid bone
    • olfactory nerves
  15. The body of the sphenoid bone has three paired processes projecting from it:
    • the lesser wing
    • the greater wing
    • the pterygoid process

    From the following list of structures, select which structures are associated with the nasal cavity.

    nasion, conchae, meatus

    Which of the following external foramina can be observed from both the inferior and superior aspects of the skull?

    Hypoglossal canal
    Foramen ovale
    Foramen spinosum 
    Stylomastoid foramen
    Hypoglossal canal, Foramen ovale, Foramen spinosum

    The larger anterior oval opening on the
    sphenoid bone is the foramen ovale for: 

    the opthalmic nerve
    the maxillary nerve
    the mandibular nerve
    the middle meningeal artery
    a division of the trigeminal nerve
    • the mandibular nerve
    • a division of the trigeminal nerve

    From the following list of structures,
    select which structures are associated with the occipital bone.

    Condyle, Tubercle, Notch
  20. From the following list of structures,
    select which structures are associated with the frontal bone.

    Notch, Glabella, Eminence
  21. From the following list of structures,
    select which structures are associated with the tympanic part of the temporal bone.

    external acoustic meatus
    mastoid process
    pterotympanic fissure
    articular fossa
    • external acoustic meatus
    • pterotympanic fissure
    • articular fossa
  22. From the following list of skull bones,
    select which skull bones articulate with the ethmoid bone.

    Frontal bone
    Sphenoid bone  
    Lacrimal bones
    Occipital bones
    Parietal bones
    Frontal bone, Sphenoid bone, Lacrimal bones
  23. From the following list of structures, select which structures are associated with the petrous part of the temporal bone.

    Articular fossa
    Postglenoid fossa
    External acoustic meatus
    Mastoid process
    Carotid canal
    carotid canal, Mastoid process
  24. What is the six letter mnemonic that
    should remind you of the cranial bones?
    PEST OF 6
  25. Describe the supraorbital notch, and its location, as well as the two structures that pass through it  and where they travel to:
    The supraorbital notch is located onthe medial part of the surpaorbital ridge and is where the supraorbital arteryand nerve travel from the orbit to the forehead
  26. After the seventh cranial nerve travels through the petrous part of the temporal bone, through which opening does it exit onto the face?

    External auditory meatus
    Jugular notch
    Foramen spinosum
    Stylomastoid foramen
    Stylomastoid foramen
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DH 1330 quiz 3 head and neck anatomy
Quiz 3 head and neck anatomy