
  1. abscess

    * collection of pus
  2. albuminuria

    * protein in urine
  3. diuresis

    * induced/increased formation & secretion of urine
  4. dysuria

    • * painful
    • * difficult urination
  5. edema

    * swelling caused by fluid in tissue space
  6. electrolyte

    * a chemical element
  7. glomerulonephritis

    • * inflammation of kidney glomerulus. occurs w/infection.
    • * (glomerulus = tiny ball of capillaries in cortex of kidney)
  8. ketosis

    * process of fat metabolism. excess ketone bodies in tissue/fluids
  9. meatus

    * opening or canal
  10. micturition

    • * urination
    • * the act of voiding
  11. nephrolithiasis

    * kidney stone
  12. nocturia

    * frequent/excessive urination at night (4am special)
  13. oliguira

    * light colored urine
  14. polydipsia

    * excessive thirst
  15. polyuria

    * excessive urination
  16. pyelogram

    * xray of kidneys & ureters AFTER injection of raidopaque dye
  17. pyuria

    * pus in urine
  18. urethra

    * tube leading from the urinary bladder to outside of the body (urethra franklin)
  19. urethritis

    * inflammation of the uretha
  20. urinalysis

    * chemical analysis of urine
  21. retro
    * behind/back
  22. a/an
    * no/not/without
  23. epi
    • * above
    • * on
  24. ren/o
    * kidney
  25. olig/o
    * scanty/little
  26. nephr/o
    * kidney
  27. meat/o
    * opening
  28. noct/o
    * night
  29. pyel/o
    * renal pelvis
  30. lith/o
    • * store
    • * calculus
  31. emia
    * blood condition
  32. ectasis
    • * dilation
    • * widening
  33. uria
    • * urination
    • * condition of urine
  34. ABG
    * artieror blood gas
  35. FBS
    * fasting blood sugar
  36. Hgb
    * hemoglobin
  37. Hct
    * hematocrit
  38. BT
    * bleeding time
  39. cyst/o
    • urinary bladder
    • cyst sac of fluid
  40. kidneys are retroperitonal... (retro-per-it-on-al)...
    * posterior to abdominal wall
  41. kidneys are enclosed in a tough covering called a _______ that is surrounded by _________.
    • * capsule
    • * peritoneal fat
  42. 2 parts of the kidney:
    • * 1 renal cortex (outer layer)
    • * 2 renal medulla (inner layer)
  43. a nephron is...
    * structural & functional unit of the kidney
  44. 6 parts to a nephron...
    • * glomerulus
    • * glomerular
    • * proximal convoluted tube
    • * nephron loop
    • * distal convoluted tube
    • * collecting duct
  45. average adult urinates 5 - 6 times a day... average output...
    * 1200-1500 ml daily
  46. 6 FUNCTIONS of the Urinary System:
    • * #1 filters body of waste products
    • * #2 regulates fluid volume
    • * #3 maintains electrolytes in body fluids
    • * #4 controls blood pH
    • * #5 secretes erythropoietin (stims RBC formation) (ery-thro-poie-tin)
    • * #6 secretes renin (controls BP) (re-nin)
  47. 24 hour Urine Test
    • * discard 1st specimen on 1st day
    • * specimen should be refridgerated
  48. urinalysis may detect...
    • * cystitis (bladder infection)
    • * diabetes
    • * nepritis
    • * cancer
  49. NORMAL urine is...
    • * clear - yellow - golden
    • * odorless
    • * SG 1.001 - 1.015/ ph 4.6 - 8.0
    • * 95% water/ 5 % solutes
  50. ABNORMAL urine is...
    • * has blood
    • * pus
    • * ketone bodies
  51. primary kidney function is...
    * eliminate excess water & remove nitrogen waste
  52. uretha is...
    • * tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body
    • * FEMALE @ 5" / MALE @ 7-8" (men can "hold" more)
  53. 2 names for a kidney stone...
    • * neohrolithiasis
    • * renal calculi
    • (crystals of uric acid in urine)
  54. hematuria is...
    * blood in urine
  55. turbidity is...
    * cloudiness in urine (abnormal)
  56. specific gravity is...
    • * comparison of weight of urine to equal amount of water
    • (1.00 - 1.025)
    • * increased: dehydration/fever
    • * decreased: hypothermia/renal failure
  57. cellular cast is...
    * cast trap of RBC/WBC or renal tubular epithelial cells
  58. KUB is...
    • xray of the:
    • * kidneys
    • * ureters
    • * bladder
  59. examples of an invasive procedure...
    • * catheterization
    • * cystoscopy
  60. uremia is...
    • * condition where products normally found in urine are found in blood
    • * (usually results from chronic kidney disease)
  61. urinary disorders:
    • * polyuria (diluted urine)
    • * anuria (absence of urine)
    • * hemodialysis ( treatment of kidney failure)
    • * gout (increased uric acid in blood)
    • * cystitis ( inflamed bladder)
    • * renal calculi (kidney stone)
    • * kidney
    • * ureter
    • * urinary bladder
    • * urethra
Card Set
Urinary System