Essential Doctrines

  1. __________ __________ is God's communication of __________ to all persons at all times and in all places.
    GENERAL REVELATION is God's communication of HIMSELF to all persons at all times and in all places.
  2. Special Revelation is God's authoritative Word conveyed __________ and __________ through the __________ medium of the Bible.
    Special Revelation is God's authoritative Word conveyed OBJECTIVELY and PROPOSITIONALLY through the EXCLUSIVE medium of the Bible.
  3. The doctrine of __________ teaches that God's __________ upon those who wrote the Scriptures rendered their writings __________.
    The doctrine of INSPIRATION teaches that God's INFLUENCE upon those who wrote the Scriptures rendered their writings INFALLIBLE.
  4. The doctrine of __________ teaches that the Bible is __________ __________ in everything it teaches.
    The doctrine of INERRANCY teaches that the Bible is FULLY TRUE in everything it teaches.
  5. The four tests of Canonicity were __________, __________, __________, and __________.
    The four tests of Canonicity were APOSTOLOCITY, ACCEPTANCE, CONTENT, and INSPIRATION.
  6. There is one God in three persons: __________, __________, and __________ __________ of the same majesty.
    There is one God in three persons: CO-EQUAL, CO-ETERNAL, and JOINT PARTAKERS of the same majesty.
  7. The Virgin Birth guaranteed Christ’s true __________ without inherited __________ and made possible the uniting of full __________ with full ___________.
    The Virgin Birth guaranteed Christ’s true HUMANITY without inherited GUILT and made possible the uniting of full DEITY with full HUMANITY.
  8. Christ is __________ Deity and __________ humanity __________ in one person forever.
    Christ is UNDIMINISHED Deity and TRUE humanity UNITED in one person forever.
  9. The __________ is the work that God did through Christ to bring __________ to mankind.
    The ATONEMENT is the work that God did through Christ to bring SALVATION to mankind.
  10. The doctrine of __________ __________ says that Christ’s death satisfied the __________ of God’s justice by paying the penalty for sin.
    The doctrine of PENAL SUBSTITUTION says that Christ’s death satisfied the DEMANDS of God’s justice by paying the penalty for sin.
  11. Redemption is the __________ of the sinner out of the __________ __________ of sin.
    Redemption is the PURCHASE of the sinner out of the SLAVE MARKET of sin.
  12. The Holy Spirit is a __________, not a __________ or __________ principle.
    The Holy Spirit is a PERSON, not a FORCE or SPIRITUAL principle.
  13. The __________ __________ says that man was created in the image of God.
    The IMAGO DEI says that man was created in the image of God.
  14. Justification is the __________ act of God by which He pardons all the sins of those who believe in Christ, and __________ them as __________.
    Justification is the JUDICIAL act of God by which He pardons all the sins of those who believe in Christ, and ACCEPTS them as RIGHTEOUS.
  15. __________ is the spiritual change __________ in man by the Holy Spirit, by which he becomes the __________ of a new life.
    REGENERATION is the spiritual change WROUGHT in man by the Holy Spirit, by which he becomes the POSSESSOR of a new life.
  16. __________ is the work of the Holy Spirit that brings the __________ man increasingly under the __________ of the new nature.
    SANCTIFICATION is the work of the Holy Spirit that brings the WHOLE man increasingly under the INFLUENCE of the new nature.
  17. Calvin taught __________ Depravity, __________ Election, __________ Atonement, __________ Grace, and __________ Perseverance.
    Calvin taught TOTAL Depravity, UNCONDITIONAL Election, LIMITED Atonement, IRRESISTIBLE Grace, and FINAL Perseverance.
  18. A Sacrament is a __________ religious act __________ __________ on those who receive it.
    A Sacrament is a FORMAL religious act CONFERRING GRACE on those who receive it.
  19. The four distinct models of church government are __________, __________, __________, and __________.
    The four distinct models of church government are EPISCOPAL, PRESBYTERIAN, CONGREGATIONAL, and NON-GOVERNMENT.
  20. The false views concerning eternal judgment are __________, __________, Conditional __________, and __________ Universalism.
    The false views concerning eternal judgment are MATERIALISM, ANNIHILATIONALISM, Conditional IMMORTALITY, and TRINITARIAN Universalism.
  21. The __________ refers to the 1,000-year reign of Christ spoken of in __________.
    The MILLENNIUM refers to the 1,000-year reign of Christ spoken of in REVELATION.
  22. __________ means there will not be a __________, future Millennium; the Millennium is __________.
    AMILLENNIAL means there will not be a LITERAL, future Millennium; the Millennium is SYMBOLIC.
  23. __________ Premillennial means Christ will return __________ the Millennium to establish a __________ earthly reign of one thousand years.
    HISTORIC Premillennial means Christ will return BEFORE the Millennium to establish a LITERAL earthly reign of one thousand years.
  24. __________ Premillennial means that Christ will return __________ in the sky to __________ living saints.
    DISPENSATIONAL Premillennial means that Christ will return SECRETLY in the sky to RAPTURE living saints.
  25. __________ means the Millennium is the __________ extension of the Kingdom of God transforming __________ and __________.
    POSTMILLENNIAL means the Millennium is the GRADUAL extension of the Kingdom of God transforming SOCIETY and CULTURE.
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Essential Doctrines
Essential Doctrines