
  1. Structuralist view on Media
    • Functionalists look at the structural relationship between
    • the media and other social institutions that affect content , including the
    • social and economic conditions

    EX. Viewing Violence in the media as a child leads to aggression
  2. Conflict Theorists view on Media
    • Conflict Theorists believe that the media can be fully
    • understood only when we learn who controls them. The media, serving the
    • interest of interlocking state and corporate powers, frame messages in a way
    • that supports the ruling elite and limits the variety of messages that we read,
    • hear and see. The purpose of media is to advertise to a large group.
  3. Feminist - media
    • Feminist addresses how the media represents and devalues
    • women and minorities. They examine how the media either uses stereotypes to
    • disparage women and minorities or they are completely excluded from the media
    • images.

    • The media teaches children gender roles through shows like Barnie and
    • Friends which shows male characters and leaders of directors of action
  4. Ineractionist media
    • Interactionist focus on the symbols and the messages of the
    • media and how the media come to define our reality.

    • EX. The news programs are responsible for defining what is newsworthy
    • and what isn’t which helps to shape was is a social problem.
  5. Crime - Function
    • Durkheim felt that crime is normal and functional because
    • it separates acceptable behavior from unacceptable behavior.

    • Merton created the
    • strain theory the state where cultural goals are unattainable because of
    • structural barriers which cause people to turn to crime.
  6. Conflict theorist Crime
    • Criminal laws don’t exist for our good; They exist to preserve the
    • interests and power of specific groups with power. The CJS is discriminatory
    • and bases its decisions on subordinate group membership.
  7. Feminist crime
    • Criminology completely ignored the experiences of women. Women’s crime
    • will be closer to men’s as gender inequality decreases.
  8. Cime interactionist
    • Interactionists examine the process that defines certain individuals and
    • acts as criminal.
  9. Drugs functionalist
    • Drug abuse is likely to occur when society is
    • unable to control or regulate our behavior. There are norms set for our drug
    • abuse. College binge drinking is a cultural norm perpetuated by the media and
    • advertisers.
  10. Drugs conflict
    • Conflict theorists believe that intentional
    • decisions have been made over which dugs are illegal and which ones are not.
    • Then powerful politicians and business interest groups are able to manipulate
    • our images of drugs and their users.
  11. Cnflict Drugs
    • Theorists and practitioners have ignored the
    • experiences unique to women ethnic groups’ gay and lesbian populations and
    • other marginalized groups. There has been a lack of sensitivity to the drug
    • abuse experiences beyond the white male experience
  12. Drugs - Interactionist
    • Deviant behavior is learned through others.
    • Differential association to explain how we learn specific behaviors and norms
    • from the groups we have contact with.
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