Heart Anatomy

  1. Pulmonary Circuit?
    Systemic circuit?
    • pulmonary circuit- carry blood to /from lungs
    • systemic circuit- carry blood to /from rest of body
  2. what are arteries?
    what are veins?
    • arteries: carry blood away from heart
    • veins: carry blood to heart
    • capillaries? small thin walled vessels for exchange of gas,nutrient and wastes
  3. anterior interventricular sulcus
  4. anterior interventricular artery
  5. aortic arch
  6. apex
  7. aortic semilunar valve
  8. ascending aorta
  9. auricle
  10. ascending aorta
  11. atrioventricular node
  12. bicuspid valve
  13. bundle of His
  14. bicuspid valve
  15. chordae tendineae
  16. circumflex artery
  17. chordae tendineae
  18. coronary sinus
  19. coronary sulcus
  20. coronary sinus
  21. coronary sulcus
  22. coronary sinus
  23. descending aorta
  24. endocardium
  25. fibrous pericardium
  26. endocardium
  27. fossa ovalis
  28. epicardium
  29. inferior vena cava
Card Set
Heart Anatomy
Heart Anatomy, how it pumps and what parts make it work?