white and green book

  1. If you change your name or address, it must be submitted to the board within
    10 days
  2. You mayengage in activities included in the practice psychology without a license as long as
    it is within the scope of another profession
  3. The licensing procedure include
    • application form and fees
    • transcripts
    • supervisory tating forms
    • examination scheduling form and fees

    as well as education, experience, and examination
  4. licenses expire

    if late
    on Nov 30 of odd numbered years

    you pay a fee of $5/mo, reapply, state that you did not practice while unlicensed, and you may be disciplined
  5. a duplicate license can only be issued if
    you get a notorized statement saying the original was lost or stolen
  6. professional corporation with other health practitioners requires
    name and services advertised are not misleading
  7. The qualifications for taking the licensing exam include
    • doctoral degree in psychology or related field
    • foreign degree with the same requirements
    • taking up to one core and one content area course to make up for it

    • 2 yes expereince; one post doc 1500 hrs
    • 2 hrs week learning
    • exposed to other professionals
    • at least 25% client contact
    • no more than 25% research
  8. skipping exams
    • if you skip 2, you need to reapply
    • if rejected you must be given notice of the reason; you have 30 days to correct it
  9. pre-doc experience must
    • be at least 450 supervised hours before internship
    • 2 hours learning per week
    • exposed to other professionals
    • last 1 year an be 1500 years
    • at least 25% in direct contact
    • no more than 25% in research
  10. post doc
    • at least half in service provision, diagnosis, assessment, therapy, interventions, or consultation
    • not independent practice
    • 2 hrs supervison weekly from licensed psychologist
    • experience needs to be 30-40 hours/week for at least 3 consecutve months on >=15 hr/week for 6 mo in a single setting
    • has to be within last 10 years, half within last 5 yr
  11. standards for supervisors
    • qualified in practice area
    • owner, employee, contracted with setting
    • accessible to supervisee
    • responsible for client services
    • responsible for client services
    • empowered to terminate supervisee's clients
    • not a relative
    • not receiving disciplinary action from board
    • establish objectives
    • maintain records of supervision
    • discuss supervisee's competence and areas of improvement
    • written evaluations of progress
    • no gifts from supervisee
    • inform of trainee status
  12. Examination uses______
    Can add procedures with hom much notice?
    accomodations for
    • ASPPB
    • 6 mo
    • handicapped persons
  13. Reexam requirements
    • may take again after 6 mo
    • after second time, after 60 days
    • no more than 4x in one year
  14. waiver of the exam is granted for
    • those with a inter/national reputation, if the board thinks the person has current competency to practice
    • must petition board in writing for the exception
  15. If you are licensed in another state
    • may be exempt if requirements are similar
    • if your score on ASPPB met PA requirement, you don't have to take it again
    • can practice on a temp assignment for up to 6mo after notifying the board and getting permission
    • may ask for 1 6moextention
    • if you are practicing for 14 or fewer days, you don't need a temporary assignment
  16. school psychologists can practice privately if
    they do what they are authorized to do in schools, are certified in PA, and currently employed as an SP
  17. Professional records requirements
    • legible record for each client including:
    • name, address (of guardian if minor), if parents are separated, note legal custodial arrangements
    • fee arrangement
    • date and substance of each service contract
    • notation and results of formal consults
    • authorizations for release of info
    • store and dispose of written/electronic records in a manner that ensures confidentiality
    • must keep at least 5 yrs after service rendered
    • provide for dispositon of records in even to withdrawal from practice, incapacity, or death of psychologist
  18. Standards for employing or supervising unlicensed persons with graduate training (not counting post-docs, those with another license, or non-clinical staff)
    • all duties under full control of psychologist
    • at least 15 hours graduation training
    • supervisor bears full responsibility for client welfare
    • can supervise or delegate supervision
  19. Each supervising psychologist is responsible to:
    • ensure employee has necessary skills
    • plan service delivery procedures with employee
    • meet clients face-to-face with employee
    • sign all reports, records, commincations
    • make sure that employee's supervised status and level of qualification is known and in title
    • meet with clients at client's or supervisor's request
    • be clear about employee's status for billing and advertising purposes
    • psychologist can be disciplined for not meeting these standards
  20. Continuing Education requirements
    • 1 CEU=10 contact hours (50-60 min of participation in an approved continuuing ed course or program)
    • need at least 3 CEUs (30 contact hours) to renew; at least 3 hours ethics
    • can care up to 10 hours/1 CEU from one biennium to next
    • must maintain records for at leat 2 bienniums
    • must be board-approved sponsors and within scope of practice
    • includes courses at accredited colleges/universities; APA-approved sponsors; APA itself; sponsors approved AMA, national/regional boards, if board approved
    • up to 15 hours home study by approved sponsors
    • up to 15 hours for teaching (college course or workshop for approved sponsor and sponsors evaluate the amount of learning)
    • up to 10 hours writing: article published by PSYCLIT, chapter or more in published textbook for psychs
    • exempt for CEU requirement first biennium
    • if license has lapsed, met CEU requirements
    • apply for waiver if you could not meet requirements for a good reason (board's discretion)
    • appy to make up hours if you're short for a good reason (board's discretion)
  21. Code of ethics requirements include
    • responsibility
    • competency
    • moral and legal standards
    • public statements
    • confidentiality
    • welfare of the consumer
    • professional relationships
    • utilization of assessment
    • research with human participants
    • care and use of animals
  22. professionals who violate the code of ethics

    trainees who violate

    supervisors may be
    may be disciplined

    may be considered to have unacceptable moral character and be disqualified from license

    disciplined for violations by supervisees
  23. child abuse reporting requirements
    • if a child appears to be a victim of abuse must be reported to DPW
    • if you work in an institution, you may report in to the person in legally responsible for reporting
    • immediate phone call to Childline
    • followed by written report: within 48 hours, on CYS forms, include: name and address of child and parents/guardians, where suspected abuse occurred, age and sex of child, nature and extent of abuse, evidence of prior abuse or abuse of siblings, family composition, source of report, your name and contact information, action taken (photos, x-rays, etc), other info required by DPW
  24. if you think a child died from abuse
    report it to the coroner
  25. good faith reporting of abuse
    provides civil and criminal immunity
  26. confidentiality and abuse
    reporting duty supercedes confidentiality
  27. failure to report suspected abuse
    • is subject to disciplinary action by board and criminal liability
    • 1st offense = summary offense; 3rd degree misdemeanor for subsequent
  28. sexual intimacies
    • probitied with current clients or their family members
    • cannot accept former sexual partners as a client
    • cannot have sex with former client or their family members for at least 2 year, discouraged after that time
  29. if you have sexual relations with a former client or the family member of a former client
    • it must be at least two years later
    • demonstrate no exploitation of the client, considering
    • length of time since professional relationship
    • nature and duration of therapy
    • circumstance of termination
    • client's unique history and vulnerabilities
    • client's current mental status
    • anything said or done during therapy which may have suggested the possiblity of a future relationship
    • liklihood of adverse impact on client and family
  30. discipline related to sexual intimacy
    • if charges are brought, consent does not mitigate
    • no past conduct or reputation is admissible in current disciplinary action
    • psychologist has the burden of proof of no exploitation
    • can't be placed on impaired profesisonal program in lieu of disciplinary action
  31. Purpose of Act 52
    to protect people from unprofessional, improper, unauthorized, and unqualified practice of psychology, and by unprofessional conduct by psychologists.
  32. private practice of psychology is defined as
    • rendering or offering to render (for remuneration) services involving:
    • application of principles of learning, motivation, perception, thinking and emotional relationships to personality evaluation, group relations, behavior adjustment, including
    • counseing anduse of psycological methods to address adjustment problems
    • measuring and testing
    • psychological consulting
  33. Exemptions to license requirement
    • simple acts of persuasion
    • persons licensed to practice other "healing arts" (psychologist cannot practice them)
    • qualified member of other professions doing work consistent with their profession (clergy, D&A, mental health counselors, social workers, marriage and family counselors, crisis intervention, pastoral counselors, psychoanalysts)
    • individuals employed by federal, state, local agenies
    • SP working in school or private practice in specified scope
    • students, interns, trainees
    • research affiliated with a univerity or hospital
    • people on temporary assignment
    • business using psych principles to eval, hire, train
    • clerical employees of a psych
    • post-doc if properly identified
    • professional employees with graduate training if supervised
  34. PA state board comprised of
    • 9 members
    • US citizens
    • resident of PA for at least 3 yr
    • 8 appointed by governer with advice of Senate
    • 1 in a Commissioner of Prof and Occ Affairs
    • 6 are licensed psychologists
    • 2 representatives of public at large
  35. Board procedures
    • term=4 yrs, or until next appointment (no more than 6 mo extra)
    • no more than 2 consecutive terms
    • majority (must be physcially present to vote) = quorum
    • get $60/diem + traveling expenses
    • kicked off if you miss 3 consec meeting unless excused for family member's illness of death
    • public member who skips 2 consec mandatory training seminars is kicked off unless excused
    • board will meet as much as necessary - at leat 6/yr
  36. Power of the board includes
    • pass upon qualificaitons of licensure applicants
    • adopt rules requiring applicants to pass qualifiying exams
    • adopt rules and regs to carry out Act 52, including code of ethics
    • examine, deny, issue, revoke, suspend, restrict, limit, renew licenses
    • conduct hearings regarding complaings concerning rules and regs violations
    • prosecute, impose penalties, ejoin violations
    • employ professional credential evaluator to review applications
    • to waive examination and grant license in exceptional cases
  37. fees, fines, and civil penalties
    • fees will be fixed by regulation - if not sufficient to cover expenses, they will be raised
    • all fees, fines, and civil charges will be paid into Professional Licensure Augmentation Account
  38. fees may be charged for
    • exams
    • registrations
    • certifications
    • licensures
    • applications
  39. Reports of the board
    • annual report of finacial requirements and expenses to Dept of State and House and Senate Appropriations Committee
    • annual report to Professional Licensure Committess of House and Senate detailing type of complaings receive, status of cases, board actions take and time from intial complaint to resolution
  40. Qualifications for license
    • acceptable moral character
    • PsyD, PhD, EdE in psych or related field as deeemed by the board
    • at least 2 yr supervised experience; at least 1 yr post doc
    • passed board exam
    • paid appropriate fee
    • not convicted of a felony under controlled substance (ok in >10 yrs sinse conviction, can demonstrate progress in personal rehab and not likely to be at risk for harming clients or committien further drug offenses)
    • afirm verity of application
  41. refusal, suspension, or revocation of license can result from
    • failure to meet qualification
    • making false statements in practicing psychology
    • fraud or deciet to get a license
    • gross incompetence, negligence or misconduct
    • submitting false biennial registration
    • being convicted of a misdemeanor in psyc or any felony
    • suspeneded license in another territory
    • unable to practice b/c of illness, drunkeness, drug use, and physical condition
    • violating ethical reg
    • aiding an unlicenced person in practicing psych
    • immoral or unprofessional conduct
    • soliciting to per perform services in a direct, in-person manner using coersion
    • failing to perform statutory obligations
    • submitting false claims to a 3rd party payor
    • failure to maintain professional records
  42. for offenses, the board may
    • require licensee to get counseling or tx
    • probation and suspenstion with penalties for non-complaince
    • restore suspended license
  43. if board issues penalty, licensee has
    • the right of notice
    • hearing
    • adjudication
    • appeal
  44. board may immediately (before a hearing) suspend a license if
    • there is clear and immediate danger to public safety for a temporary amount of time but the hearing must be within 30 days
    • temp suspension cannot last longer than 180 days
    • if psych is committed to an institution for menatl incompetence or is convicted of a drug felony
  45. psychologist must report:
    • if license to practice in another state
    • disciplinary action in another state w/om 90 days of on biennial registration, whichever is sooner
  46. penalties and injunctions for practicing without a license or violating a regulation
    • 1st offense = misdemeanor, fine up to $1,000, up to 6 mo in prison
    • addtional offenses = at least $2,000, 6-12 mo prision
    • may be injoined by the courts upon petition by board
  47. board can subpoena testimony or records to investigate violations
    • patient records cannot be subpoenaed without client consent or a court order
    • board shall maintain records of reports of violations and shall review them periodically to be sure that matters are resolved in a timely fashion
  48. revoked licenses
    • will not be reinstated except by court order
    • person can apply after 5 years but must re-do whole process including exam
  49. Impaired professionals
    • consultant with experience in id, tx, and rehab of peopel with mental and physical impairments and will be a liason between board and treatment programs
    • board may defer or dismiss corrective action se forth for an impaired professional, if progressing satisfactorily in an approved txment program
    • provider will disclose to the board information about profession who has entered into agreement with board, impaired professional under investigation, and those who entered txment voluntarily but did not finish
  50. revocation of license can be stayed
    • as long as making progress, complies with terms of agreement, and adheres to limitations of practice
    • If not, board decides whether to suspend or revocation of license should be resumed
  51. providers complying with impaired professional program
    will not be subject to civil liability
  52. fine for failure to report an impaired professional
    up to $1,00
  53. Instution requirements for impaired professionals
    required to make a report to the board if the professional has an active addictive disease and is not receiving txment, incompetent to carry out duties, or is diverting a controlled substance
Card Set
white and green book
for exam