BIOL 1406 Lab Test 2 Vocab

  1. Cell Wall
    rigid cellulose box enclosing each plant cell
  2. chloroplast
    membranous structure in many plant cells that produces food by photosynthesis, contains chlorophyll
  3. cilia
    numerous short, hair-like structures projecting from the surface of some cells: coordinated wave-like motion produces movement of cell or materials on surface of cell
  4. cyclosis
    movement of cytoplasm w/in euk cells, generally a circular streaming around large sap vacuole
  5. epithelium
    layer of cells that covers inner or outer surfaces of organs and cavities
  6. euk cells
    have membrane bound organelles, ex animal, plant, fungi, protists
  7. plasma membrane
    forms outer boundary of protoplasm; holds cell contents together and regulates passage of materials in and out of cell
  8. plastid
    membrane bound organelle that functions in carb metab of plant and algal cells; includes chloroplasts (photo) and leucoplasts (starch storage)
  9. prok cell
    cells that contain no membrane bound organelles, includes bacteria and blue green algae
  10. protoplasm
    semifluid substance consisting mainly of water, proteins, lipids, carbs, inorganic salts and suspended organelles
  11. sap vacuole
    large central chamber of plant cells holding water
  12. turgor
    hydrostatic pressure w/in a plant cell caused by pressure of contents against a rigid cell wall
  13. active transport
    movement of moles from low to high conc req energy
  14. crenation
    shrinkage of a red blood cell when place in a hypertonic sol
  15. diffusion
    movement of moles from high to low w/o energy (passive)
  16. exocytosis
    active elimination of large materials
  17. hypertonic
    solution with higher solute concen than the cell, osmosis will occur with cell gaining water
  18. isotonic
    solution having the same solute and solvent concen as the cell no osmosis
  19. osmosis
    water higher to lower concen
  20. passive transport
    movement that req no energy, osmosis
  21. plasmolysis
    shrinkage of protoplasm in a plant cell, usually as a result of loss of water to a hypertonic environment
  22. turgor
    stiffness or rigidity of plant cells caused by cells gaining water and as result of the swelling press against the cell wall
  23. accessory pigments
    plant pigments that abosorb energy from different parts of the light spectrum, may pass the energy on to chlorophyll for photo
  24. anthocyanin
    purple, blue or dark red pigments found in some flowers, leaves
  25. betacyanin
    pigment found in beets, possibly a chemical defense against predators
  26. carotenoids
    accessory pigments of yellow or orange
  27. glycolysis
    conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid, there is a net gain of two ATP molecules
  28. lactate fermentation
    conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid,typicalof muscle cellswhen o2 is limiting
  29. pyruvic acid
    3 carbon product of glucose breakdown during glycolysis
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BIOL 1406 Lab Test 2 Vocab
BIOL 1406 Lab Test 2