Chapter 11

  1. What are the 3 Clusters of personality disorders and their characteristics?
    • A-odd or eccentric
    • B- dramatic or emotional
    • C-fearful or anxious
  2. Describe the course of personality disorders?
    They are thought to begin in childhood. They are usually chronic w/o treatment and have high comorbidity rates.
  3. Describe paranoid personality disorders and its origins, treatment, and course.
    • Pervasive and unjust mistrust for others.
    • origins: early beliefs that people and the world is a dangerous place.
    • Tx: focuses on dev of trust
    • Course: few seek pro help and their are few good outcome studies
  4. Describe schizoid personality disorder and its origins, treatment, and course.
    • Pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships. limited in range of emotion in interpersonal situations.
    • Causes: not clear
    • Tx: Focuse on value of interpersonal relationships, building empathy and social skills
    • Course: few seek pro help, lack of good outcome studies
  5. Describe schizoid personality disorders and its origins, treatment, and course.
    • behavior and dress is odd, socially isolated, paranoid, magical thinking, illusions, ideas of ref, comorbid with depression
    • cause: schizophrenic phenotype, brain deficits
    • Tx: dev social skills, address comorbid depression, similar med as schizophrenia
    • Course: tx prognosis is poor
  6. Describe antisocial personality disorders and its origins, treatment, and course.
    • disregard for others and feelings, irresponsible, impulsive, and deceitful, no regrets
    • causes: relation w/conduct disorder and early behavioral problems, families lack consistent discipline and support, history of crime and violence in families
    • Treatment: emphasis on prevention and rehab
    • course: few seek help, incarceration is often the only option.
  7. What are some theories abt neurobioliogical contributions and treatment?
    • underarousal hyp: cortical arousal is low
    • cortical immaturity hypothesis: cerebral cortex is not fully developed
    • Fearlessness hyp: failure to respond to danger cues
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Chapter 11
personality disorders