Medical Terminology

  1. A medical word consists of some or all of the following elements:
    • -Word root
    • -Combining form
    • -Suffix
    • -Prefix
  2. Word Root
    The foundation of a medical term and contains its primary meaning.
  3. Most word roots are derived from Greek or Latin language, thus two different roots may have the same meaning.  As a general rule, greek roots are used to:
    Build words that describe a disease, condition, treatment or diagnosis.
  4. Latin roots are used to build words that:
    Describe anatomical structure.
  5. Word root for skin.
    • Greek: dermat
    • Latin: cutane
  6. Word root for kidney.
    • Greek: nephr
    • Latin: ren
  7. Word root for mouth.
    • Greek: stomat
    • Latin: or
  8. Dermatitis
    Inflammation of the skin
  9. Cutane
    Pertaining to the skin
  10. Nephroma
    Tumor of the kidney
  11. Renal
    Pertains to the kidney
  12. Stomatitis
    Inflammation of the mouth
  13. Oral
    Pertaining to the mouth
  14. Erythr/o
  15. Gastr/o
  16. Hepat/o
  17. Immun/o
    Immune, immunity, safe
  18. Nephr/o
  19. Oste/o
  20. Suffix
    A word element placed at the end of a word that changes the meaning of the word.  This usually describes a pathology (disease or abnormality), symptom, surgical or diagnostic procedure, or part of speech.
  21. Gastritis
    Inflammation of the stomach
  22. Gastromegaly
    Enlargement of the stomach
  23. Gastroma
    Tumor of the stomach
  24. Hepatitis
    Inflammation of the liver
  25. Hepatomegaly
    Enlargement of the liver
  26. Hepatoma 
    Tumor of the liver
  27. -itis
  28. -megaly
  29. -oma
  30. an
    Without, not
  31. esthes
  32. -ia 
  33. anesthia 
    condition of not feeling 
  34. hyper
    excessive, above normal
  35. therm
  36. hyperthermia 
    condition of excess heat 
  37. intra
    in, within
  38. muscul
  39. ar
    pertaining to
  40. intramuscular
    pertaining to within the muscle 
  41. para
    near, besides, beyond
  42. nas
  43. al
    pertaining to
  44. paranasal
    pertaining to (area) near the nose
  45. poly
    many, much
  46. ur
  47. polyuria
    condition of much urine
  48. Three steps for defining medical words with example gastroenteritis 
    • 1.) suffix or last part of word (itis)
    • 2.) first part of word (gastro)
    • 3.) middle (enter)
  49. Rule # 1
    A word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel
    Hepat (liver) + itis (inflammation) = hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
  50. Rule # 2
    A combining form (root + o) links a suffix that begins with a constant 
    hepat/o (liver) + cyte (cell) = hepatocyte (liver cell)
  51. Rule # 3
    A combining form links one root to another root to form a compound word
    osteo/o (bone) + chondr (cartilage) + itis (inflammation) = osteochondritis (inflammation of bone and cartilage)
  52. osteoarthritis
    inflammation of bone and joint
  53. The four elements used for form words are:
    word root, combining form, suffix, prefix
  54. A root is the main part or foundation of a word.  In the words arthritis and arthrectomy, the root is
  55. A combining vowel is usually an e (T/F)
    False, it is usually an o
  56. A word root links a suffix that begins with a constant (T/F)
    False, a word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel
  57. A combining form links multiple roots together (T/F)
  58. A combining form links a suffix that begins with a constant (T/F)
  59. To define a medical word, first define the prefix (T/F)
    False, first define the suffix or end of the word
  60. Words that contain more than one word root
    Compound words
  61. hemat
  62. emesis
  63. hematemesis 
    vomiting blood 
  64. arthr 
  65. dynia 
  66. gastrodynia
    paint in the stomach
  67. logy
    study of 
  68. hematology 
    study of blood 
  69. centesis 
    surgical puncture 
  70. arthrocentesis 
    surgical puncture of a joint 
  71. osteo
  72. encephal
  73. mening 
  74. encephalomeningitis 
    inflammation of the brain and meninges 
  75. Emboli is a plural form (T/F)
  76. Arteriole
    small or minute artery
  77. graphy 
    the process of recording 
  78. deficiency of red blood cells is 
  79. logist 
    specialist in the study of 
  80. What is not an adjective ending 
  81. Mononuclear does not have a prefix (T/F)
  82. Adsternal means 
    toward the sternum
  83. an ectopic pregnancy is one in its correct position (T/F)
  84. microcephaly
    small head 
  85. primigravida
    first pregnancy
  86. heteromorphous
    different than normal
  87. The kidneys are retroperitoneal.  This means 
    behind the peritoneum 
  88. prefix for easy or good 
  89. What does not contain a prefix? 
  90. Nephritis
    inflammation of the kidney
  91. arthrodesis
    fixation of a joint 
  92. dermatitis 
    inflammation of the skin 
  93. dentist 
    specialist in teeth 
  94. gastrectomy
    excision in the stomach
  95. chondritis
    inflammation of cartilage 
  96. hepatoma
    tumor of the liver
  97. muscular
    pertaining to muscle
  98. gastric
    pertaining to the stomach
  99. osteoma 
    tumor of the bone 
  100. -centesis
    surgical puncture 
  101. -clasis
    to break; surgical fracture 
  102. -desis
    binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)
  103. -ectomy 
    excision, removal 
  104. -lysis
    separation, destruction, loosening 
  105. -pexy
    fixation (of an organ)
  106. -plasty
    surgical repair 
  107. -rrhaphy
  108. arthrocentesis
    puncture of a joint space with a needle and the withdrawal of fluid 
  109. osteoclasis
    surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity 
  110. arthrodesis
    binding together of a joint 
  111. appendectomy
    excision of the appendix
  112. thrombolysis
    destruction of a blood clot 
  113. thromb/o 
    blood clot 
  114. mastopexy
    • fixation of the breasts
    • an elective surgery, affixes sagging breasts in a more elevated position, commonly improving their shape
  115. rhinoplasty
    surgical repair of the nose
  116. myorrhaphy 
    suture of a muscle 
  117. -stomy
    forming an opening (mouth)
  118. tracheostomy
    forming an opening into the trachea
  119. -tome
    instrument to cut
  120. osteotome
    instrument to cut bone 
  121. -tomy
  122. tracheotomy
    incision (through the neck) into the trachea 
  123. -tripsy
  124. lithotripsy
    crushing a stone 
  125. lith/o
    stone, calculus
  126. -gram
    record, writing 
  127. electrocardiogram
    record of the electrical activity of the heart 
  128. -graph
    instrument for recording
  129. cardiograph
    instrument for recording electrical activity of the heart 
  130. -graphy
    process of recording 
  131. angiography
    process of recording blood vessels 
  132. -meter
    instrument for recording 
  133. -metry
    act of measuring 
  134. pelvimeter
    instrument for measuring the pelvis 
  135. pelvimetry
    act or process of measuring the dimensions of the pelvis 
  136. -scope
    instrument for examining 
  137. -scopy
    visual examination
  138. -algia
  139. dynia
  140. Two suffixes for pain
    • -algia
    • -dynia 
  141. -cele
    hernia, swelling
  142. -ectasis
    dilation, expansion
  143. -edema
  144. -emesis
  145. -emia
    blood condition 
  146. -gen
    forming, producing, origin
  147. -genesis
    forming, producing, origin 
  148. neuralgia
    pain of a nerve
  149. otodynia
    pain in the ear, also called earache
  150. hepatocele
    hernia of the liver
  151. bronchiectasis
    dilation or expansion of one or more bronchi 
  152. lymphedema
    swelling and accumulation of tissue fluid
  153. hyperemesis
    excessive vomiting 
  154. anemia
    blood condition caused by a decrease in red blood cells (erythrocytes)
  155. carginogen/carginogenesis
    forming, producing, or origin of cancer
  156. -iasis
    abnormal condition (produced by something specified)
  157. -itis
  158. -lith
    stone, calculus
  159. -malacia
  160. -megaly
  161. -oma
  162. -osis
    abnormal condition, increase (used primarily with blood cells)
  163. -pathy
  164. -penia
    decrease, deficiency
  165. -phagia 
    eating, swallowing 
  166. -phasia
  167. -phobia
  168. -plasia
    formation, growth 
  169. cholelithiasis
    abnormal condition of gallstones 
  170. gastritis
    inflammation of the stomach
  171. cholelith
  172. chondromalacia
    softening of the articular cartilage, usually involving the patella 
  173. cardiomegaly
    enlargement of the heart 
  174. neuroma 
    tumor composed of nerve tissue
  175. cyanosis
    dark blue or purple discoloration of the skin and mucus membrane 
  176. myopathy
    disease of muscle
  177. erythropenia
    decrease in red blood cells 
  178. dysphagia
    inability or difficulty in swallowing 
  179. aphasia
    absence or impairment of speech
  180. hemophobia
    fear of blood 
  181. dysplasia
    abnormal formation or growth of cells, tissues, organs
  182. -plasm
    formation, growth
  183. -plegia
  184. -ptosis
    prolapse, downward displacement
  185. -rrhage
    bursting forth 
  186. -rrhagia
    bursting forth
  187. -rrhea
    discharge, flow 
  188. rrhexis
  189. -sclerosis
    abnormal condition of hardening 
  190. -spasm
    involuntary contraction, twitching
  191. -stenosis
    narrowing, stricture
  192. -toxic
  193. -trophy
    nourishment, development 
  194. dystrophy
    bad nourishment 
  195. hepatotoxic
    pertaining to an agent (poison) that damages the liver (such as alcohol and drugs)
  196. arteriostenosis
    abnormal narrowing of an artery
  197. blepharospasm
    twitching of the eyelid
  198. arteriosclerosis
    rupture or an artery
  199. diarrhea
    abnormally frequent discharge or flow of fluid fecal matter from the bowel
  200. menorrhagia
    profuse discharge of blood during menstration
  201. hemorrhage
    bursting forth of blood 
  202. blepharoptosis
    drooping of the upper eyelid
  203. hemiplegia
    paralysis of one side of the body
  204. neoplasm
    new formation or growth of tissue 
Card Set
Medical Terminology
med term