VTI Unit 1, Pt A, L1

  1. Number Symbols
    More commonly called numerals, symbols used to represent quantities
  2. Operation Symbols
    Symbols such as, + (add), - (subtract), x (multiply) and ÷ (divide), used to indicate action
  3. Relation Symbols
    symbols such as = (is equal to), > (is greater than), and < (is less than), used to show comparisons, as well as combinations such as  (is greater than or equal to), (is less than or equal to), and the negations of all of these ( =, >, <,  ) among others
  4. Grouping Symbols
    Symbols such as ( ) (parentheses), [ ] (brackets), and { } (braces), used to show groupings
  5. Placeholder Symbols
    - more commonly called variables, symbols such as a, b, c (letters of the alphabet) and empty boxes, used to hold the place of a number until the number has been identified
Card Set
VTI Unit 1, Pt A, L1
Cards for VideoText Interactive Unit 1