
  1. How is the Future Active Indicative verb formed?
    Future active tense stem + tense formative (sigma) + Connecting Vowel + Primary Active personal Endings.
  2. What is the “tense formative” in the Future Active Indicative?
    Sigma – it is called a tense formative because it helps form the future tense.
  3. What is the connecting vowel for the future for the Future Active Indicative?
    -It’s the same as the present – omicron before no ending, mu, or nu. Epsilon before everything else.
  4. What type of personal endings is used in the Future Active Indicative?
    Primary Active endings – the same as the present active. They also contract with the connecting vowels as they do in the present.
  5. Paradigm for Future Active Indicative.
  6. What happens to contract verbs in the future active indicative?
    • The contract vowel lengthens before a tense formative. Alpha and epsilon lengthen to eta. Omicron lengthens to omega.
  7. How does the tense formative (sigma) of the future active indicative interact with the square of stops?
  8. What are the components of the future middle indicative?
    Future Active tense stem + tense formative (sigma) + connecting vowel + primary passive personal endings.
  9. Paradigm: Future Middle Indicative
  10. Because a verb is deponent in the present does not mean that it will be deponent in the future. How can you tell if a verb is deponent in the Future?
    Look up the verb in the lexicon, if the second form listed ends in –omai, then it is deponent in the future.
  11. Paradigm - Future of Eimi
  12. Master Verb Chart #3
Card Set
Future Active/Middle Indicative