Psych Test 3

  1. In
    schizophrenia, these reflect an excess or distortion of normal
    • Positive
    • symptoms
  2. What are the four symptoms of Schizophrenia?
    • 1. Delusions
    • 2. Hallucinations
    • 3. Thought Disorder
    • 4. Disorganized behavior
  3. These
    beliefs are not based in reality and usually involve misinterpretation of
    perception or experience.
    They are
    the most common of schizophrenic symptoms.


  4. These
    usually involve seeing or hearing things that don't exist, although
    hallucinations can be in any of the senses. Hearing voices is the most common
    hallucination among people with schizophrenia.


  5. Difficulty
    speaking and organizing thoughts may result in stopping speech midsentence or
    putting together meaningless words, sometimes known as "word salad."

    • Thought

    • disorder

  6. This
    may show in a number of ways, ranging from childlike silliness to unpredictable

    • Disorganized

    • behavior

  7. refers to a diminishment
    or absence of characteristics of normal function. They may appear months or
    years before positive symptoms. They include:

    Loss of
    interest in everyday activities

    1. Appearing to
    lack emotion

    2. Reduced
    ability to plan or carry out activities

    3. Neglect of
    personal hygiene

    4. Social

    5. Loss of

    • Negative symptoms

  8. involves problems with
    thought processes. These symptoms may be the most disabling in schizophrenia,
    because they interfere with the ability to perform routine daily tasks. A
    person with schizophrenia may be born with these symptoms, but they may worsen
    when the disorder starts. They include:

    1. Problems with
    making sense of information

    2. Difficulty
    paying attention

    3. Memory

    • Cognitive symptoms

  9. Schizophrenia also can affect mood,
    causing depression or mood swings. In addition, people with schizophrenia often
    seem inappropriate and odd, causing others to avoid them, which leads to social

    • Affective
    • symptoms
  10. Mental illness is one of the main contributors to homelessness. Schizophrenia and homelessness are dual conditions that plague nearly every industrialized country in the world. The crisis is compounded by the fact that many schizophrenics are drug addicts and/or alcoholics. Treatment is difficult, if not impossible, and funding is a continuing issue. With the challenges of treatment, increased legal issues, schizophrenics' tendency toward violence and the fact that mentally ill homeless remain homeless longer than the general homeless population, homeless schizophrenics have become modern society's untouchables. According to, in 2007, approximately 200,000 people were schizophrenic and homeless.
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Psych Test 3