¿Como te llamas?
What is your name?
¿Como se llama?
What is his name?
¿Donde eres?
Where are your from?
Buenos dias
Good morning (5:00AM-11:59AM)
Buenas tardes
Good afternoon (12:00PM-6:59PM)
Buenas noches
Good night (7:00M-4:59PM)
Older, married women, Mrs.
Young, unmarried women, Ms.
Stand up (everyone)
Stand up (one person)
Sit down (everyone)
Sit down (one person)
Cierre la ventana
Close the window
Abra la ventana
Open the window
Apague las luces
Turn off the lights
Encienda las luces
Turn on the lights
Choqurn eros cincos
High five
Escriba su nombre
Write your name
¿De dónde eres?
Where are you from?
¿Donde vives?
Where do you live?
¡Hasta luego!
See you later!
¡Hasta mañana!
- See you tomorrow!
- See you in the morning!
Hasta pronto!
See you soon!
Mucho gusto
It's nice to meet you
It's nice to meet you too. (Equally)
Mucho gusto tambien
It's nice to meet you too. (Equally)
De nada
You're welcome/Nothing of it