PRACTICE Telecommunications and Network

  1. SDLC
    • synchronous data link control
    • allows secondary device to communicate with primary station in IBM architecture
    • IBM proprietary protocol
  2. HDLC
    • same function as SDLC – open protocol - addresses multipoint connections
    • full-duplex connections - higher throughput
  3. PPP
    • PPP – replaced SLIP – offers more capabilities, both are encapsulation protocols used to carry
    • data over serial lines
  4. IPX
    IPX – Inter network packet exchange – exists at the network level – Novell networks
  5. PPTP

    PPTP – encapsulation and encryption , repackages frame and encrypts it - only works with IP

    L2TP – just encapsulation - allows for tunneling over frame relay and ATM
  6. Circuit-based proxy firewall

    Application based proxy firewall
    Circuit-based proxy firewall – looks at header information of packet to make decision

    Application based proxy firewall – look at information within the payload of the packet
  7. Stateful firewall –
    Stateful firewall – firewall has table to track communication between devices and uses this to make decisions
  8. Plenum-rated cabling
    • cables placed in plenum space – vents
    • will not produce harmful chemicals in case of a fire.
    • Nonplenum use polyvinyl jackets, plenum-rated use flouropolymers
  9. 10Base2
    ThinNet – thin coax – 185 meters, 10 mbps
  10. Well known ports
    – 0-1023
  11. CSMA – Carrier Sense Multiple Access

    CD – collision detection
  12. ISDN

    • Basic Rate Interface (BRI) ISDN service provides
    • two bearer, or B channels, for data and one D, or control channel.
    • Data is transferred over the B channels and the maitenance is on the D channel

    PRI ISDN service provides 23 B channels and one D Channel
  13. Classless interdomain routing
    • Classless interdomain routing – CIDR
    • IP addresses are running out –
    • class A and Class B – too big – class C too small –
    • CIDR allows to break up class B’s
  14. Trunk
    • Trunk – used to connect switches for traffic of the same class
    • - ex. Connection between two voice
    • switches at a local phone company’s office … or connect lines or links of larger network
  15. Broadcast – one to ALL

    Multicast – one to many (devices that are assigned to receive multi cast)

    Unicast – one to one
  16. SKA

    • SKA - The acess point (AP) will authenticate the wireless device with WEP key,
    • the same key is used for encrypting data
  17. end-to-end connections, what level? Session leayer - session establishment,
    maitenance, and breakdown between applications
  18. Asynchronous communication devices

    Synchronous communications
    - modems - devices can send data at will, sending a sequence of bits framed with start and stop bits and reassembled into data at the end

    Synchronous communications - determine a synchronization scheme before data transmission
  19. IP v6 - 128 bits,

    iPng - (IP v6, or IP next generation)
  20. FDDI -
    • Fiber Distributed Data Interface
    • high-speed token-passing technology.
    • Used in MAN technology, meaning it connects different networks.
  21. Cable modems - all used use the same coaxial network.
  22. ARP -
    • Address Resolution Protocol - Knows the IP address of a device and broadcasts message to find the matching MAC address.
    • IP and mac info stored in ARP table
  23. Firwall aspects?
    Protocol filtering, rule enforcement engine, extended logging capability
  24. IGMP -
    Internet Group Management Protocol - used to report multicast group memberships to routers.
  25. 802.11i -
    standard that specifies security mechanisms for wireless networks - working group to deal with security flaws in WEP -
  26. gap in the WAP problem address? -
    translation between WTLS and SSL. Wireless device will not use TCP/IP stack - point in time to translate WTLS to SSL
  27. Physical layer standard for transmitting data over fiber-optic lines?
    SONET -self-healing netowrk rings.
  28. CIR
    • Paying for guaranteed amount of frame relay bandwidth
    • committed information rate
  29. NAT -
    • Network address translation -
    • uses NAT to translate intnernal address to public addresses
  30. IPSec works at network layer -
  31. IPX - network layer
  32. SPX - sequenced packet exchange - transport layer
  33. 802.2 - LLC

    802.3 - MAC
  34. SOCKS firewall -
    Circuit-level firewall - only look at the packet header infomration.
  35. Asymmetric DSL - downstream is faster than upstream
  36. FDDI vs. FDDI-2 -
    provides fixed bandwidth that can be allocated for specific applications
  37. Source routing -
    packets containing router information within their headers - can override routes within the router - should drop packets
  38. beacon functionality
  39. beacon functionality - excludes misbehaving computer from the network
    • the beacom frame generates a failure domain, which is between the computer and the downstream neighbor,
    • other computers on network will work around the failure.
  40. 802.11b - 2.4 GHZ only 1-2 Mbps - backward compatable - mostly used

    802.11a - 5 GHz much higher data transfer rates - 802.11a - is not backward compatable
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PRACTICE Telecommunications and Network
PRACTICE Telecommunications and Network CISSP