drugs for wk of 7:25:10 revised

  1. Albuterol C & T
    • Sympathomimetic/Bronchodilator
    • Proventil/Ventolin
  2. Albuterol Desc is....
    • Bronchodilator w/ less cardiac effect than epi
    • Reduces mucus secretions, pulmonary capillary leaking & edema in lungs in allergic reaction
  3. Albuterol Indications are....
    • Bronchospasm
    • Asthma in COPD
  4. Albuterol Contraindications are. . . .
  5. Albuterol Precautions are (6). . . .
    • Tachycardia
    • Anxiety
    • Nausea
    • Cough
    • Wheezing
    • Dizziness
  6. Albuterol Dosage is . . . .
    2.5mg in 2.5 - 3 mL NS via neb
  7. What is the C & T for Fentanyl?
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Sublimaze
  8. Describe Fentanyl. . .
    Rapid & short acting synthetic narcotic analgesic
  9. What are indications for fentanyl?
    Sedation for intubation
  10. What are the contraindications for Fentanyl (2)?
    • MAO inhibitors
    • Myasthenia Gravis
  11. What are the precautions for fentanyl (6)?
    • ^ ICP
    • Elderly
    • Debilitated
    • COPD
    • Resp probs
    • Hepatic or renal insufficiency
  12. What are the dosages for fentanyl?
    25-50 mcg slowly IV
  13. What is the C & T for Ipratropium?
    • Anticholinergic
    • Atrovent
  14. Describe Ipratropium. . .
    • Bronchodilator used in treatment of resp emerg
    • Causes bronchial dilation & dries resp tract secretions
    • Blocks ACh receptors
  15. What are the indications for Ipratropium (3)?
    • Bronchospasm fr asthma
    • COPD
    • Inhaled irritants
  16. When is Ipratropium contraindicated?
    As primary treatment
  17. What are 3 precautions for Ipratropium?
    • Elderly
    • Cardiovascular Disease
    • HTN
  18. What is the dosage for Ipratropium?
    500 mcg in 2.5 - 3 mL NS via neb
  19. The C & T for morphine is ___ ____ & ____.
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Morphine
  20. Morphine is described as . . .
    A potent analgesic & sedative causing some vasodilation, reducing venous return & myocardial O2 demand
  21. The 3 indications for morphine are ____, ____ & ____ ____.
    • Pain
    • MI
    • Pulmonary Edema
  22. Give 6 contraindications for morphine. . . .
    • Head of abd inj
    • Hypotension or vol depletion
    • Acute bronchiole asthma
    • COPD
    • Severe Resp Depression
    • Pulmonary edema fr chem inhalation
  23. What are the 4 precautions for morphine?
    • Elderly
    • Children
    • Debilitated pts
    • Keep Narcan handy
  24. What are the dosages for morphine?
    • Pain = 2.5 -15 mg IV; 5 - 20 mg IM/SC
    • AMI or PE = 1 - 2 mg / 6 - 10 mins
  25. The C & T for naloxone are ____ & ____.
    • Narcotic Antagonist
    • Narcan
  26. Naloxone is described as a. . .
    Narc antagonist that blocks effects of natural & synthetic narcs & may rev resp depress
  27. Indications for Naloxone are ____ & ____.
    • Narc OD
    • Coma of unknown origin
  28. The contraindication for Naloxone is ____.
    non-narc induced resp depression
  29. The 2 precautions for naloxone are ____ & ____.
    • Possible dependancy
    • Short half life
  30. The dosage of naloxone is ____.
    0.4 - 2 mg IV/IM repeated 2 -3 mins as needed up to 10 mg
  31. The C of Diazepam is ____ & is T name is ____.
    • Benzodiazepine
    • Valium
  32. Diazepam is described as . . . .
    Benzo sedative & skeletal muscle relaxant that reduces tremors, induces amnesia & reduces recurrence of seizures. It relaxes muscles in ortho inj & produces amnesia for painful procedures
  33. The 5 indications for Diazepam are:
    • Motor seizures
    • Status epilepticus
    • Premed for cardioversion
    • Muscle tremors due to inj
    • Acute anxiety
  34. The 6 contraindications for Diazepam are:
    • Shock
    • Coma
    • Acute alcoholism
    • Depressed vitals
    • OB pts
    • Neonates
  35. The 5 precautions for Diazepam are:
    • Psychosis
    • Depression
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • COPD
    • Short Half life causes seizure to return
  36. The Seizure dose for diazepam is ____.
    5 -10 mg IV/IM
  37. The diazepam dose for anxiety is ____.
    2 - 5 mg IV/IM
  38. The diazepam dose for the purpose of premed is ____.
    5 - 15 mg IV
  39. The C for flumazenil is ____ & the T is ____.
    • Benzo Antagonist
    • Romazicon
  40. Flumazenil is described as . . .
    Benzo antagonist used to rev sedative, recall & psychomotor effects of benzo's
  41. Flumazenil is indicated for ____.
    resp depress secondary to benzo's
  42. Flumazenil is contraindicated for?
    • Pt's who take for status epilepticus or seizures
    • Seizure-prone pts during labor & delivery
    • Tricyclic anti-depressant OD
  43. The 7 precautions assoc w/ Flumazenil are what?
    • Hepatic impairment
    • Elderly
    • Pregnancy
    • Nursing mothers
    • Head inj
    • Alcohol/drug dependancy
    • Benzo dependancy
  44. Flumazenil is dosed @ ____.
    0.2 mg IV over 30 -60 secs; up to 1mg
  45. Succinylcholine C is ____ & it T name is ____.
    • Depolarizing Neuro-muscular blocker
    • Anectine
  46. Succinylcholine is described as ________.
    ultra short acting depolarizing neuro muscular blocker
  47. The indication for succinylcholine is ____.
    ET intubation
  48. The 3 contraindications assoc w/ succinylcholine are what?
    • Fam Hx of malignant hyperthermia
    • Penetrating eye in
    • Narrow angle glaucoma
  49. Precautions for succinylcholine are ____ & ____.
    • Severe burn or crush inj
    • Spinal cord inj
  50. Succinylcholine is dosed @ ____.
    1 - 1.5 mg/kg IV/IM
  51. Atropine is described as a . . . .
    • Parasympathetic NS blocker
    • Blocks vagal effects on the heart
    • ^ myocardial O2 demand
    • Decreases airway secretions
  52. Atropine is indicated for what 3 things?
    • Hemodynamically significant bradycardia
    • Bradyasystolic arrest
    • Organophosphate poisoning
  53. Atropine is contraindicated for what in the emergency setting?
  54. Precautions for atropine include ____ & ____.
    • AMI
    • Glaucoma
  55. For symptomatic bradycardia atropine is dosed @ ____.
    0.5 mg IV/1 mg ET. Repeat 3 - 5 mins to 3 mg
  56. For asystole atropine is dosed @ ____.
    1 mg IV or 2 mg ET repeated 3 - 5 mins to 3 mg
  57. For organophosphate poisoning atropine is dosed @ ____.
    2 - 5 mg IV/IM/IO 10 - 15 mins
  58. Epinephrine is classed as a ____. Trade name is ____.
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Adrenalin
  59. Epinephrine is described as a . . .
    Naturally occurring catecholamine that ^ HR, cardiac contractile force, myocardial elec activity, sys vascular resis & systolic BP. It decreases airway resistance & automaticity. Reduces pulmonary congestion & ^ tidal vol & vital capacity
  60. Epi is indicated for ____ & ____.
    • Cardiac Arrest
    • Allergic reaction
  61. Epi is contraindicated for what 3 things?
    • Narrow angle glaucoma
    • Hemorrhagic, cardiac or traumatic shock
    • During labor
  62. Are there any precautions for epi? If so what are they?
    There are none
  63. Epi is dosed @ _____ for cardiac arrest.
    1 mg 1:10,000 IV/ 3 - 5 mins (2 - 2.5 mg 1:1000 ET)
  64. For an allergic reaction, I would give epi in the dosage of _____.
    • 0.3 - 0.5 mg of 1:1000 SC 5 - 15 mins as needed
    • 0.5 - 1 mg of 1:10,000 if SC ineffective
  65. My pt w/ esophageal varices is going to receive _____ or ____ (T- name) in the dose of ____ in order to try to ctrl the bleeding.
    • Vasopressin or Pitressin
    • 0.2 - 0.4 units/min IV drip
  66. Vasopressin is classed as a ____/____ & is dosed @ 40 units IV when given for ____ ____.
    • Hormone / Vasopressor
    • Cardiac Arrest
  67. Vasopressin is described as a . . . .
    Hormone w/ strong vasopressive & antidiuretic properties but that may precipitate angina or AMI
  68. I cant give vasopressin to pt's who are in _____ or showing ____ on the monitor.
    • 1st stage of labor
    • PVCs
  69. The 8 precautions associated w/ vasopressin are:
    • Epilepsy
    • Migraine
    • Heart Failure
    • Angina
    • Vascular disease
    • Hepatic Impairment
    • Elderly
    • Children
  70. My pt has CHF. I am going to give ____ or ____in the dosage of ____ b/c it is a ____.
    • Furosemide
    • 40 - 120 mg slow IV
    • Diuretic
  71. My pt w/ pulmonary edema is going to get 40 - 120 mg of _____ unless they are in a state of _____, pregnant or are in _____ _____.
    • Furosemide
    • Fluid or electrolyte depletion
    • Hepatic coma
  72. Furosemide or lasix is described as . . .
    A rapid acting, potent diuretic & anti HTN that inhibits Na reabsorption by kidneys. Vasodilating effects reduce venous return & cardiac workload
  73. The 7 precautions for Lasix are . . . .
    • Infants
    • Elderly
    • Hepatic impairment
    • Nephrotic syndrome
    • Cardiogenic shock assoc w/ AMI
    • Gout
    • Pts receiving digitalis or K depleting steroids
  74. My pt is bradycardic & atropine didn't work. What drug is used refrac to atropine when pacing isn't available? How is it dosed?
    • Isoproterenol
    • 2 - 10 mcg/min titrated to cardiac rate
  75. I cannot use isoproterenol if my pt is in ____ ____.
    Cardiogenic shock
  76. Isoproterenol's C/T are? It is described as what?
    • Sympathomimetic / Isuprel
    • Synthetic sympathomimetic that ^ cardiac output by ^ inotropy & chronotropy
  77. I am cautioned about using isoproterenol when my pt has what?
    • Tachydysrhythmias
    • Rhythms assoc w/ digitalis or AMI
  78. Caine drugs (ie lidocaine) are used for "__"
    V's - V-tach, V-fib
  79. My cardiac arrest pt who I want to give lidocaine to is going to get it dosed @ ____ & then a ____ aft conversion.
    • 1 - 1.5 mg/kg IV repeated 3 - 5 min up to 3 mg/kg
    • Drip of 2 - 4 mg/min
  80. My V-tach pt who has a pulse is going to get Xylocaine (aka ____) dosed @ ____ until conversion. Aft conversion I will start a drip of?
    • Lidocaine
    • 1 - 1.5 mg/kg slow IV repeated 1/2 dose 5 - 10 min till conversion
    • Infusion of 2-4 mg/min
  81. Lidocaine (aka ____) is an ____ that ________.
    • Xylocaine
    • Antidysrhythmic that suppresses automaticity & ^ stimulation threshold of ventricles. Causes sedation, anticonvulsant & analgesic effects
  82. Lidocaine is contraindicated for ____, ____, ____ & ____.
    • Superventricular dysrhythmias
    • Stokes-Adams syndrome
    • 2nd & 3rd degree Heart Block
    • Bradycardias
  83. I am cautioned using Lido if my pt has something fr this list (8).
    • Hepatic or renal impairment
    • CHF
    • Hypoxia
    • Resp depression
    • Hypovolemia
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • Shock
    • Elderly
  84. Procainamide (aka ____) is an ____ that ____.
    • Pronestyl
    • Antiarrhythmic that prolongs ventricular repolarization, slows dromotropy & decreases myocardial excitability
  85. I am giving procainmide to my pt that is in ____ or pulseless ____ & is refrac to ____.
    • V-fib
    • V-tach
    • Lidocaine
  86. Procainamide is contraindicated for my pt who has ____ or ____.
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • 2nd, 3rd degree heart block
  87. I am cautioned about procainamide if my pt has any of the following:
    • Hypotension
    • Cardiac enlargement
    • CHF
    • AMI
    • Ventricular dysrhythmia fr digitalis
    • Hepatic or renal impairment
    • Bronchial Asthma
  88. For my v-fib or pulseless v-tach pt procainamide is dosed @ ____ w/ what stop points?
    • 20-30mg/min IV drip
    • (1) Up to 17 mg/kg to effect, then 1-4 mg/min (2) Ectopy resolves (3)QRS complex widens more than 50% fr original (4) Hypotension ensues
  89. Diltiazem (aka ____) is a ____ that is similar to verapamil & also . . .
    • Cardizem
    • CCB that also dilates coronary & peripheral arteries & arterioles ^ circulation to heart & reducing peripheral vascular resis
  90. I am giving diltiazem to my pt w/ ____ & ____.
    • Superventricular Tachydysrhythmias (A-fib, A-flutter, PSVT refrac to adenosine)
    • To ^ coronary artery perfusion in angina
  91. I am giving my pt w/ a superventricular tachydysrhythmia Cardizem in a dosage of _____. I may repeat as needed w/ ____.
    • 0.25 mg/kg IV over 2 min
    • 0.35 mg/kg followed by drip of 5-10 mg/hr not exceeding 15 mg/hr over 24 hrs
  92. Diltiazem is contraindicated if my pt has any of these 6 things
    • Sick Sinus Syndrome
    • 2nd, 3rd degree heart block
    • Systolic <90
    • Diastolic <60
    • Wide complex Tachycardia
    • WPW
  93. I am cautioned about using cardizem if my pt has ____, especially w/ ____.
    CHF especially w/ beta blockers
  94. Lexapro C
  95. Xanax C & T
    • Anxiety
    • Alprazolam
  96. Lyrica C
  97. Lisinipril C & T
    • HTN, ACE inhibitor
    • Prinivil
  98. Cymbalta C
    Antidepressant SSRNI
  99. Percocet C
    Synthitic Opiod Analgesic
  100. Zoloft C & T
    • Antidepressant
    • Sertraline Hydrochloride
  101. Ambien C
  102. Prednisone C & T
    • Steroid
    • Deltasone
  103. Wellbutrin C
  104. Norvasc C
  105. Toprol XL C & T
    • HTN Beta Blocker
    • Metoprolol
  106. Diovan C & T
    • HTN Angiotensin Antagonist
    • Valsartan
  107. Albuterol C & T
    • Beta 2 bronchodilator
    • Proventil
  108. Zocor C & T
    • Lipid Lowering Agent
    • Simvastatin
  109. Levaquin C
  110. Cipro C
    Antimicrobial Agent
  111. Clonazapam C & T
    • Seizure
    • Klonopin
  112. Prevacid C
  113. Celebrex C
    NSAID COX 2 inhibitor
  114. Atenolol C & T
    • HTN Beta blocker
    • Tenormin
  115. What is referenced in the Rolling Stones tune Mother's Little Helper?
  116. What Rx drug is used for anthrax?
  117. What is the mechanism for Lidocaine?
    • Suppresses Automaticity
    • Raises Ventricular Threshold
  118. What movie made Epi famous?
    Pulp Fiction
  119. What receptor sites does Isoproterenol hit?
    Beta 1 receptors
  120. Why does vasopressin precipitate AMI?
    B/c it causes vessel constriction raise BP
  121. What are the symptoms of Lidocaine OD?
    Seizure &/or stupor
  122. What receptor sites does Epi hit?
    Adrenergic receptors
  123. Atropine is a ____ & its trade name is ____.
    • parasympatholytic
    • Atropine
Card Set
drugs for wk of 7:25:10 revised
drugs for wk 7/25/10 for test