Anat 1 Lect Test 3 Jeopardy

  1. What is the depth of Pec mjr?
  2. Name 3 actions of Levator Scapula
    • 1. Downward rotation of scap
    • 2. Lateral flexion of head & neck
    • 3. ipsilateral rotation
  3. What 3 muscles attach at the coracoid process?
    • 1. Coracoid Brachialis
    • 2. Pec Minor
    • 3. Short head of Biceps Brachii
  4. What is origin of Pronator Teres?
    • - Medial Epicondyle of the humerus
    • - Coranoid Process of Ulna
  5. What is insertion of Trapezius?
    • 1. Lateral 1/3 of Clavicle
    • 2. Acromion Process
    • 3. Spine of Scapula
  6. What is origin of Teres Major?
    • Lateral inferior angle of Scapula
    • Lower 1/2 of lateral border of Scapula
  7. What are the 4 Rotator Cuff muscles?
    • Supraspinatus
    • Infraspinatus
    • Teres Minor
    • Subscapularis
    • (SITS)
  8. Name 2 muscles that ADDuct Scapula?
    • Middle Trapezius
    • Rhomboids Mjr & Mnr
  9. Which is only Rotator Cuff muscle to produce medial (internal) rotation?
  10. Name a muscle that does ABduction of Scapula?
    Serratus Anterior
  11. Which muscle is the flexor of the Elbow?
  12. Name 3 actions produced by Deltoid
    • ABducts Shoulder
    • Extension of shoulder
    • Flexion of shoulder
    • Internal & External Rotation
  13. What is only Rotator Cuff muscle that does NOT rotate?
  14. What is depth of Supinator?
  15. What is insertion of Brachioradialis?
    Styloid Process of Radius
  16. What is depth of Supraspinatus?
  17. Where is general location of triceps?
    Posterior Arm
  18. What are 2 actions of Supraspinatus?
    • ABducts Humerus
    • Stabilizes head of Humerus in Glenoid Process
  19. What is insertion of Infraspinatus?
    Greater Tubercle of Humerus
  20. What is origin of Pec Minor?
    Ribs 3,4,5
  21. What are 3 origins of Triceps?
    • Long Head- Infraglenoid Tubercle of Scapula
    • Lateral Head- Posterior surface of proximal 1/2 of Humerus
    • Medial Head- Posterior surface of distal 1/2 of Humerus
  22. What is origin or Coracobrachialis?
    Coracoid Process of the Scapula
  23. What is insertion of Deltoid?
    Deltoid Tuberosity
  24. What is the broadest muscle in the back?
    Latissimus Dorsi
  25. What is the depth of Pec Minor?
  26. What muscles attach to the ribs?
    • Serratus Anterior
    • Pec Minor
    • Pec Major
    • Lats
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Anat 1 Lect Test 3 Jeopardy
Test 3 Jeopardy