Summer Session II; Anatomy; Lecture 21; Scalp and Cranial Cavity

  1. What is the purpose of loose connective tissue in the scalp?
    allows the outer three layers to move freely over the skull.
  2. What seperates the inner and outer tables of compact bone and is spongy bone?
  3. what are cranial meniges?
    three membranes that surround the brain and are continous with the meniges of the spinal cord.
  4. Describe dura mater and its two parts.
    • fused with the periosteum
    • Periosteal dura: continous with the periosteum of the inner surface of the skull

    Meningeal dura: continous with the dura of the spinal cord
  5. What is a delicate membrane that lines the innner surface of the dura? What are fine extensions that span across the subdural space and attach to the pia mater?
    arachnoid mater;

    Arachnoid trabeculae
  6. Define Pia mater
    vascular delicate membrane that attaches to the brain
  7. what creates channels in the cranium?
    The seperation of meningeal dura from periosteal dura.
  8. list 4 dural folds
    • falx cerebri
    • falx cerebelli
    • tentorium cerebelli
    • diaphragma sellae

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  9. List 4 sutures:
    • Coronal;
    • Sagittal
    • squamosal
    • lambdoidal

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  10. What structure(s) passes through the foramen lacerum?
    small vascular structures
  11. What structure(s) passes through the formen magnum?
    junction of spinal cordd and brainstem; vertebral arteries; anterior and posterior spinal arteries; meninges
  12. What structure(s) passes through the foramen ovale?
    mandibular nerve; lesser petrosal nerve; acessory menigeal artery
  13. What structure(s) passes through the Foramen rotundum?
    maxillary nerve
  14. What structure(s) passes through the foramen spinosum?
    Middle meningeal artery
  15. What structure(s) passes through the groove for greater petrosal?
    greater petrosal nerve
  16. What structure(s) passes through the hypoglossal canal?
    hypoglossal nerve
  17. What structure(s) passes through the internal auditory meatus?
    vestibulocochlear nerve; facial nerve
  18. What structure(s) passes through the jugular foramen?
    Nerves IX, X, XI; internal jugular vein as formed by the sigmoid sinus and inferior petrosal sinus.
  19. What structure(s) passes through the olfactory forimina in cribiform plate?
    olfactory nerve
  20. What structure(s) passes through the optic canal?
    Nerve II; ophthalmic artery; sympathetic nerves from internal carotid plexus for ciliary muscle; dilator of pupul and smooth muscle of blood vessels in eye.
  21. What structure(s) passes through the carotid canal?
    internal carotid artery and sympathetic carotid plexus
  22. What structure(s) passes through the greater palatine foramen?
    greater palatine vessles and nerves
  23. What structure(s) passes through the incisive foramen and canal?
    Greater palatine arteries; nasopalatine nerve
  24. What structure(s) passes through the lesser palatine foramina?
    lesser platine vessels and nerve
  25. What structure(s) passes through the stylomastoid foramen?
    Nerve VII
  26. What structure(s) passes through the superior orbital fissure?
    Nerves III, IV, V, VI
  27. What structure(s) passes through the Supraorbital foramen?
    supraorbital artery, nerve and vein
  28. What structure(s) passes through the infraorbital foramen?
    V2, Infraorbital nerve, artery and vein
  29. What structure(s) passes through the mandibular canal?
    Inferior alveolar artery , nerve and vein
  30. What structure(s) passes through the mental foramen?
    mental nerve artery and vein
  31. List the 12 cranial nerves
    • CN
    • I: olfactory n.
    • II: optic n.
    • III: oculomotor n.
    • IV: trochlear n.
    • V: trigeminal (V1, V2, V3)
    • VI: abducens n.
    • VII: Facial n.
    • VIII: vestibulocochlear n.
    • IX: glossopharyngeal n.
    • X: vagus
    • XI: Acessory
    • XII: hypoglossal
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Summer Session II; Anatomy; Lecture 21; Scalp and Cranial Cavity
Summer Session II; Anatomy; Lecture 21; Scalp and Cranial Cavity