Test 7

  1. What are enzymes that coagulate the blood?
  2. Staph aureus toxin that causes blistering of skin is called?
    • Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
    • exfoliant toxin
  3. What causes the red rash of scarlet fever?
    strain of S. pyogenes carrying a prophage that codes for erythrogenic toxin, they attack RBC's
  4. Scarlet fever is caused by what bacteria?
    Group A streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat) leads to scarlet fever
  5. What bacteria is the most common cause of neonatal pneumonia?
    Group B Streptococcus agalactiae
  6. What bacteria is the most common cause of UTI?
    Enterococcus faecalis

    • Escherichia coli
    • Staphylococcus saprophyticus
  7. What bacteria name is MSRA?
    methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
  8. Where can we find staph on or in the body?
    • nasal passages
    • skin
    • oral cavity
    • gastrointestinal tract
  9. What are the symptoms of TSS? Toxin Shock Syndrome
    • high fever (greater than 102° Fahrenheit [38.8° Celsius])
    • rapid drop in blood pressure (with lightheadedness or fainting)
    • sunburn-like rash on the entire body
    • vomiting and diarrhea
    • severe muscle aches or weakness
    • bright red coloring of the eyes, throat, and vaginaheadache, confusion, disorientation, or seizures kidney and other organ failure
  10. What is necrotizing fasciitis?
    Bacteria infection. This bacteria attacks the soft tissue and the fascia, which is a sheath of tissue covering the muscle. NF can occur in an extremity following a minor trauma, or after some other type of opportunity for the bacteria to enter the body such as surgery. The Group A Strep infection (flesh eating bacteria) is most common with minor trauma. A mixed bacterial infection is often the cause after surgery.
  11. Subacute endocarditic is associated with what?
    • The viridians category including streptococci of human origin.
    • Found in oral cavity, genitial, skin, nasophrynx.
    • Assoc. with dental procedures.
    • Effects the heart lining or valves, formation of thick biofilm called vegetation.
  12. Streph pneumonia causes what diseases?
    • Bacterial pneumonia
    • meningitis
    • otitis media (ear infection)
    • bacteremia (blood stream infection)
  13. What disease is caused by branhamella catarrhalis?
    • Common throat flora; causes .
    • Meningitis, endocarditis, otitis media, bronchopulmonary infections, and neonatal conjunctivitis.
    • Adult PT's with leukemia, alcoholosim, malignancy, diabetes, or rheumatoid disease are the most susceptible to it.
  14. What causes otitis media in children?
    Streptococcus pneumoniae aka pneumococcus

    • nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae
    • Moraxella catarrhalis
  15. What is anthrax?
    Bacillus anthracis is among the largest bacterial pathogen, associated with livestock ( Zoonosis) . Human contamination depends on portal of entry, most common cutaneous anthrax spores that enter thru breaks in skin . More serious is pulmonary anthrax aka wool sorter disease. Portal of entry is inhalation of spores. 99% of untreated pulmonary anthrax die. Also intestinal anthrax , portal of entry is eating food.
  16. What are neuro toxins that relax and tightens?
    Tetanus makes you rigid think lock jaw while botulism relaxes think botox. C. tetani and C botululinum produce the most deadly toxins known.
  17. What disease give psuedomembrane?
    • Diptheria
    • produces a leathery coat in the back of the throat
    • greenish gray film that develops in the pharynx from the solidification of fluid expressed during inflammation
    • if formed in airways can lead cause asphyxiation
  18. What germ makes the diptheria dangerous?
    • Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a facultative anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium
    • The primary virulence factor is diptherotoxin which is toxic to upper respiratory tissue, the peripheral nervous system and the heart
  19. TB skin test?
    • AKA Mantoux test is an intradermal test for hypersensitivity using a purified protein derivative (PPD).
    • look for reaction in 48-72 hrs. called wheal (raised red bump) measure the size of the bump called in duration
  20. How do you test for TB?
    test for sputum in the culture
  21. What does psuedomonas cause?
    • impact on the ecology, the are decomposers and bioremediations can help clean oil spills..
    • they cause endotoxic ,shock, are an opportunistic germ that attacks the weak, burn victims, neoplastic disease, premature birth. pts. with cystic fibrosis can get endocarditis, meningitis and bronchopneumonia. healthy people get skin rash, uti and external ear infections.
  22. What does brucellosis cause?
    • Malta fever, undulant fever and bang disease
    • Symptoms:
    • Fever, often rising to 104 F (40 C) or more in the afternoon
    • arising and falling (undulating) fever is one of the hallmarks of the disease
    • Chills, Sweats, Weakness, Fatigue
    • Joint, muscle and back pain
    • Headache
    • It is a zoonosis that transmitted to humans from infected or contaminated animal products harboring Brucella.
  23. What is pertussis aka whooping cough?
    • highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.
    • It is known to last for a duration of approximately 6 weeks before subsiding.
    • it is a communicable childhood infliction
    • it secrets toxins that find and destroy the cilia of the respiratory tract leading to a buildup of mucus and blockage of the airway
  24. What is the bubonic plague?
    caused by Yersinia pestis , carried by flea vector . transmitted from reservoir host to amplifying host to humans. bubonic plague the plague bacillus enters the lymph system leads to bubo s swollen lymph node lasts 2-8 days then fever, chills, h/a, nausea, weakness, tender bubo. septicemic plague is massive bacterial growth in the blood, its virulence factors create the darken skin aka black death. Pneumonic plague is localized to lungs, highly infectious thru sputum and aerosols
  25. What are the symptoms of septic shock syndrome?
    • Cool, pale extremities
    • High or very low temperature chills
    • Lightheadedness
    • Low blood pressure, especially when standing
    • Low or absent urine output
    • Palpitations
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Restlessness, agitation, lethargy, or confusion
    • Shortness of breath
    • Skin rash or discoloration
    • Nausea
    • tachycardia
    • can lead to organ damage due to low blood pressure
  26. Travel associated diarrhea is caused by what germ?
    e coli.. in particular the enterotoxigenic strain of e. coli.
  27. What bacteria causes hemolytic uremic syndrome?
    Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an enterohemorrhagic strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli and a cause of foodborne illness
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Test 7