GRE word list3

  1. aorta
    • 主动脉
    • the main artery of the body
  2. apex
    • 顶点,最高点
    • the highest point; peak; vertex
  3. aphorism
    • 格言
    • maxim; adage
  4. apiary
    • 养蜂场,蜂房
    • a place where bees are dept
  5. aplomb
    • n 沉着,镇静
    • compliete and confident composure
  6. apocalyptic
    • a预示世界末日的;启 示的
    • prophetic
  7. apocrypha
    • n 伪经,伪书
    • writings or statements of dubious authenticity
  8. apocryphal
    • a 假冒的,虚假的
    • of doubtful authenticity
  9. apogee
    • n 远地点
    • the point in the orbit of an object(as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth
  10. apologize
    • v 道歉;辩解
    • to say one is sorry
    • to make a formal defence
  11. apoplectic
    • a 中风的;愤怒的
    • of, relating to, orr causing stroke
    • furious
  12. apostasy
    • n 背教,脱党
    • an abandoning of what one has believed in
  13. apostate
    • n 背教者;变节者
    • a person guilty off apostasy; renegade
  14. apostrophe
    • n 书写中撇号(’)
    • '(表示省略或所有格)
  15. apothecary
    • n 药剂师
    • one who prepares and sells drugs
  16. appall
    • v 使惊骇,使恐怖
    • to fill with horror or dismay; shock
  17. apparatus
    • n 仪器,设备
    • set of instruments in scientific experiments
  18. apparel
    • n(精致的)衣服
    • clothing; garments; attire
  19. apparition
    • n 幽灵,神奇的现象
    • a trange figure appearing suddenly and thought to be a ghost
  20. appeal
    • v 恳求;吸引;上诉
    • to supplicate
    • to be attractive or interesting
    • to take a lower court;s decision to a higher court for review
  21. appease
    • v 使平静,安抚
    • to pacify or quiet
  22. appellation
    • n 名称,称呼
    • a name or title; designation
  23. appetite
    • n 欲望,食欲,爱好
    • physical desires, esp. food or pleasure
  24. appetizer
    • n 开胃品
    • thing eaten to stimulate the appetite
  25. appetizing
    • a 美味可口,促进食欲的
    • stimulating the appetite
  26. applaud
    • v 鼓掌表示欢迎或赞赏
    • to show approval clapping the hands
  27. applause
    • n 鼓掌,喝彩
    • approval publicly expressed clapping the hands
    • acclaim
  28. applicable
    • a 生效的,适合的
    • capable of being applied; appropriate
  29. applicant
    • n 申请人
    • person who applies, esp. for a job
  30. application
    • n请求,申请;应用, 应用程序
    • an act of applying; request
    • a program that performs one of the major tasks for which a computer is used
  31. appoint
    • v 任命,指定;约会
    • to name for an office or position
  32. apposite
    • a 适当的,恰当的
    • appropriate; pat; relevant
  33. appraise
    • v 评价,鉴定
    • to assess the value or quality
  34. appreciable
    • a 明显的
    • noticeable; perceptible
  35. appreciate
    • v欣赏;感激
    • to understand and enjoy
    • to recognize with gratitude
  36. apprehend
    • v 逮捕;恐惧
    • to capture or arrest
    • to anticipate with anxiety; dread
  37. apprehensive
    • a 害怕的;有眼力的
    • anxious or fearful that sth. bad or unpleasant will happen
    • capable of apprehending or quick to do so
  38. apprise
    • v 通知,告诉
    • to inform, or notify
  39. approach
    • v 靠近;着手处理 n 方法
    • to come nearer
    • to begin to handle
    • method
  40. approbation
    • n 称赞,认可
    • commendation; official approval
  41. appropriate
    • 拨款;盗用;a 恰当的
    • to set money aside for a specific use
    • to take improperly
    • fitting
  42. approximate
    • a 大约的,估计的
    • much like; nearly correct or exact
  43. apron
    • n 围裙
    • a protective skirt worn over one's clothing
  44. apropos
    • a/adv 适宜的(地);有关
    • seasonable
    • with reference to; regarding
  45. apt
  46. aptitude
    • n 适宜;才能
    • a natural tendency
    • natural ability to do sth.
  47. aquatic
    • a水生的,水中的
    • growing or living in or upon water
  48. aqueduct
    • n 引水渠;高架渠
    • a conduit for water
    • a structure for conveying a canal over a river or hollow
    • a canal or passage
  49. aquifer
    • n 含水土层
    • an underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yields water
  50. arabesque
  51. arable
    • a 可耕的,适合种植的
    • suitable for plowing and planting
  52. arbiter
    • n 权威人士,泰斗
    • arbitrator; a person fully qualified to judge or decide
  53. arbitrary
    • a 专横的,不理智的
    • discretionary; despotic; dictatorial
  54. arbitrate
    • v 仲裁,公断
    • to decide (a dispute) as an arbitrator
  55. arboreal
    • a 树木的
    • of or like a tree
  56. arboretum
    • n 植物园
    • a place where trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scentific and educational purposes
  57. arcane
    • a 神秘的,秘密的
    • mysterious; hidden or secret
  58. arch
    • n 拱门,拱形
    • a typically curved structural member spanning an opening and serving as a support
    • to have the curved shape of such a structure
  59. archetype
    • n 原型;典型例子
    • the original pattern; prototype
    • a perfect example
  60. archipelago
    • n 群岛
    • a group or chain of many islands
  61. archive
    • n 档案室
    • a place where public record or document are kept
  62. arctic
    • a 北极的;极寒的
    • bitterly cold
  63. ardent
    • a 热心的,热烈的
    • intensely enthusiastic or devoded; passionate
  64. arena
    • n(角斗的)竞技场
    • intensely enthusiastic or devoded; passionate
  65. argot
    • n 隐语,黑话
    • slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people
  66. aria
    • n 独唱曲,咏叹调
    • a melody in an opera, cantata, or oratorio for solo voice with instrumental accompaniment
  67. arid
    • a 干旱的;枯燥的
    • dry
    • dull; uninteresting
  68. aristocracy
    • n 贵族;贵族政府
    • the people of the highest sicial class esp. from noble families
    • government in which power is held by the nobility
  69. armada
    • n 舰队
    • a fleet of warships
  70. armistice
    • n 休战,停战
    • a temporary stopping of warfare; a truce
  71. armory
    • n 军械库
    • place where arms and armor are kept
  72. aroma
    • n 芳香,香气
    • a pleasant, often spicy odor; fragance
  73. aromatic
    • a 芬芳的,芳香的
    • having a strong pleasant smell
  74. arouse
    • v 唤醒;激发
    • to wake up
    • to cause to become active
  75. array
    • v 部署;n 陈列
    • to place armed forces in battle order
    • impressive display
  76. arrest
    • v 依法逮捕;阻止,抑制
    • seize, capture
    • to stop or check
  77. arresting
    • a 显著的,引人注意的
    • catching the attention
  78. arrhythmic
    • a 无节奏的;不规则的
    • lacking rhythm or regularity
  79. arrogance
    • n 傲慢,自大
    • unpleasant pride and a lack of respect for others
  80. arrogant
    • a 傲慢的,自大的
    • overbearing; haughty; proud
  81. arrogate
    • v 冒称具有...权利
    • to claim or seize without right
  82. arroyo
    • n 干涸的河床;小河
    • a dry gully
    • a creek
  83. arsenal
    • n 军械库
    • place where weapons and ammunition are stored
  84. arson
    • n 纵火,放火
    • the crime of purposely setting fire
  85. artery
    • n 动脉,命脉
    • a vessal that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body
  86. arthritis
    • n 关节炎
    • an inflammation of the joints
  87. articulate
    • v 清楚说话
    • to express clearly
    • to puttogether by joints
  88. artifact
    • n 人工制品
    • object made by human beings
  89. artifice
    • n 巧办法;诡计
    • skill or ingenuity
    • a sly trick
  90. artificial
    • a 人造的,假的
    • unnatural
  91. artistry
    • n 艺术技巧
    • skill of an artis
  92. artless
    • a 粗俗的;自然的
    • uncultured; ignorant
    • without arificiality
  93. ascendancy
    • n 统治权,支配力量
    • supremacy; domination
  94. ascetic
    • a 禁欲的;n 苦行者
    • self-denying
    • anyone who lives with strict self-discipline
  95. ascribe
    • v 归功于;归咎于
    • to consider sth. to be caused by
  96. aseptic
    • a 洁净的;无菌的
    • not contaminated
    • not septic
  97. asparagus
  98. aspect
    • n 方面;面貌,外表
    • a particular status or phase in which sth. appears or may be regarded
    • appearence
  99. aspen
  100. asperity
    • n 严酷;粗鲁
    • rigor, severity
    • harshness
  101. aspersion
    • n 诽谤,中伤
    • disparaging remark; slander
  102. asphyxiate
    • v(使)无法呼吸,窒息而 死
    • to suffocate
  103. aspirant
    • n 有抱负者
    • a person who aspires after honors, high position
  104. aspiration
    • n 抱负,热望
    • strong desire or ambition
  105. aspire
    • v 向往,有志于
    • to direct one's hopes and efforts to some important aim
  106. assail
    • v 抨击;猛攻
    • to attack with arguments
    • to assault
  107. assault
    • n 突然袭击;猛袭
    • a suden attack
    • aviolent attack
  108. assay
    • v/n 试验,测定
    • testing for quality
  109. assemble
    • v 集合,聚集
    • to collect
    • to fit together the parts
  110. assent
    • v 同意,赞成
    • to express acceptance; concure; consent
  111. assert
    • v 断言,主张
    • to state positively; declare; affirm
  112. assertive
    • a 过分自信;有进取心的
    • expressing or tending to epress strong opinions or claims
  113. assertiveness
    • n 过分自信
    • state characterized by bold or confident assertion
  114. assess
    • v 确定评定;估计...的质量
    • to evaluate
    • to estimate the quality
  115. assessment
    • n 估计,评价
    • the action or an instance of assessing
  116. asset
    • n 财产;可取之处
    • anything owned
    • a desirable thing
  117. assiduous
    • 勤勉的;专心的
    • diligent; persevering
    • attentive
  118. assimilate
    • v 同化;吸收
    • to absorb and incorporate
  119. associate
    • a 联合的;n 合伙人
    • joined
    • partner; colleague
    • to join people or things together
  120. assorted
    • a 混杂的
    • mixed
  121. assuage
    • v 缓和,减轻
    • to lessen; relieve
  122. assume
    • v 假定
    • to accept sth. as true before there is proof
    • to take on duties or responsibilities
  123. assumption
    • n 设想;夺取
    • an assuming that sth is true
    • the act of taking possession of sth.
  124. assure
    • v 向某人保证,确信
    • to tell sb. positively
  125. assured
    • a 自信的;确定的
    • confident
    • characterized by certainty or security
  126. asterisk
    • n 星号
    • a mark like a star used to draw attention
  127. asteroid
    • n 小行星
    • small planet
  128. asthma
    • n 哮喘症
    • an illness involving difficulty in breathing
  129. astound
    • v 使震惊
    • to overcome sb. with surprise
  130. astray
    • a 迷路的,误入歧途的
    • off the right path or way
  131. astringent
    • a 止血的,收缩的;n 收 缩剂,止血剂
    • styptic, puckery
    • an astingent substance
  132. astrolabe
  133. astrology
    • n 占星术;占星学
    • primitive astronomy
  134. astronomical
    • a 庞大的
    • enormously or inconceivably large or great
  135. astute
    • a 机敏的,精明的
    • showing clever or shrewd mind; cunning; crafty
  136. asunder
    • a/adv 分离的;化为碎片
    • apart or separate
    • into pieces
  137. asylum
    • n 避难所,庇护所
    • refuge; shelter
  138. asymmetric
    • a 不对称的
    • having sides that are not alike
  139. athletics
    • n 运动,体育
    • exercises, sports, or games engated in by athletes
  140. atonal
    • a(音乐)无调的
    • marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality
  141. atrocious
    • a 残忍的,凶恶的
    • very cruel; brutal; outrageous
  142. atrocity
    • n 残暴,暴行
    • brutality; cruelty
  143. atrophy
    • n 萎缩,衰退
    • decrease in size or wasting away of a body part of tissue
  144. attach
    • v 将某物系在(另一物)上
    • to fasten sth. to sth.
  145. attain
    • v 达到,实现
    • to achieve
  146. attainment
    • n 成就
    • achievement
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GRE word list3