
  1. Define: Anatomy
    The study of the structure of the body
  2. Define: Physiology
    The study of the functions of the body
  3. Define: Pathology
    The study of the diseases and anything that upsets the normal structure or working processes of the body
  4. Name the four type of tissues in the body
    • muscle
    • nerve
    • epithelial
    • connective
  5. Describe the levels of organization of the body from the chemicals to the whole organism.
  6. a) Living matter is derived from simple chemicals and compounds that are the building blocks that make up living cells, which are the basic unit of biological organization to sustain life.
    • b) Cells are broken into specialized groups that form tissues
    • c) Tissues; muscle, nerve, epithelial, and connective, may or may not work together as organs.
    • d) Organs are a group of organized tissues working together to support one or more body systems.
    • e) A system is a group of organs that work together to perform a common function.
  7. The Body system that includes skin which include the hair, nails, sweat and oil glands
    The Integumentary system
  8. the system attached to the bones to produce movement, protect organs, maintain posture, and define the body structure
    The Muscular System
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Memler's Human Body in Health and Disease - Anatomy & Physiology 1: Chapter 1