
  1. Additional trunk movements to maintain balance
  2. Bent arms in support or bent knees
    (Max 0.30 arms & 0.30 knees/ elem) >0.30 ea
  3. Brush/touch landing surface with 1 or both hands (no support)
  4. Deep squat on landing
  5. Deviation from straight direction on landing
  6. Extra arm swings on landings
  7. Extra steps on landing
    (max 0.40) 0.10 ea
  8. Fail to remove board/spotting block after release elements
  9. Fall on mat to knee(s) or hips
  10. Fall on or against the apparatus
  11. Fall/Failure to land on soles of feet first
    0.5 + NO VP/SR/Bonus
  12. Flexed feet on VP elements
    0.05 ea
  13. Grasp of bar apparatus to avoid a fall
  14. Hesitation during jump to High Bar or swing to Handstand
    >0.10 ea
  15. Hit on apparatus with foot (feet)
  16. Hit on mat with foot (feet)
  17. Incorrect body posture on landing
  18. Insufficient amplitude of bar elements (including releases)
  19. Insufficient dynamics throughout
  20. Insufficient exactness of stretched position - Arch
    > 0.20 ea
  21. Insufficient exactness of stretched position-Hips angle (136°-179°)
    >0.20 ea
  22. Insufficient exactness of tuck or pike position
    >0.20 ea
  23. Insufficient extension of glides/swings into kips
    >0.10 ea
  24. Insufficient height (amplitude) of salto dismount
  25. Intermediate (extra) swing
  26. Landing too close to the bar on Dismount
  27. Large step or jump on landing (~3 feet)
  28. Leg crossed during salto dismounts with twist
  29. Leg or knee separations
    >0.20 ea
  30. Poor rhythm in elements/connections
    >0.10 ea
  31. Precision of HS positions throughout the exercise
  32. Slight hop or small adjustment of feet on landing of dismounts
  33. Spotting during the element
    0.5 + NO VP/SR/Bonus
  34. Spotting landing of dismount
    0.5 + NO Bonus- VP & SR OK
  35. Support on mat with 1 or 2 hands
  36. Swing forward or backward under horizontal
    0.10 ea
  37. Touch/brush on apparatus or mat with foot (feet)
    >0.10 ea
  38. Third run approach
  39. Under-rotation of release/flight elements
    >0.10 ea
  40. Level 10 BARS Composition Deductions
    • 3/4 Giant circle forward with or without grip change
    • 0.10
  41. Choice of Elements:
    >0.20 Max
  42. Fail to perform elements both forward & backward within exercise
  43. Balance between pirouettes & flight elements
  44. Lack of variety of elements & connections
  45. Choice of release elements not up to competitive level
    >0.20 >0.20
  46. Insufficient direction change
  47. Insufficient distribution of the elements
  48. Lack of 2 bar changes
  49. More than 1 element before mount
  50. More than 1 Squat on Low Bar with or without sole circle to grasp High Bar
    0.10 ea
  51. Uncharacteristic elements
    0.10 ea
  52. cast to HS_0°-10° from vertical =
    "B" VP & NO Deduction
  53. cast to HS-11°-20° from vertical =
    "B" VP & 0.05
  54. cast to HS 21°-30° from vertical =
    No VP & 0.10
  55. cast to HS 31°-45° from vertical =
    No VP & 0.15 - 0.20
  56. cast to HS 46° & below from vertical =
    No VP & 0.25 - 0.30
  57. Amplitude of Flight to Handstand on Low Bar
    • 0°-10° from vertical
    • = No Deduction & Higher VP
  58. amplitude of flight 11°-20° from vertical =
    0.05 & Higher VP
  59. amplitude of flight 21° or more from vertical =
    Lower VP
  60. Amplitude of Circling Elements0°-10° from vertical =
    No Deduction & Higher VP
  61. amplitude of circle elements 11°-20° from vertical =
    0.05 & Higher VP
  62. amplitude of circle element 21°-45° from vertical =
    No Deduction & Lower VP
  63. amplitude of circle element 45°- Horizontal =
    >0.20 & Lower VP
  64. amplitude of circle element Below Horizontal =
    >0.20 & "A" VP for Clear Hip
  65. Circle Amplitude of Body at Turn Completio
    • IN Handstand
    • >20° from vertical = No Deduction
  66. circle amp. of body at turn completion 21°-30° from vertical =
    0.05 - 0.10
  67. circle amp. of body at turn complettion 31°-45° from vertical =
    0.15 - 0.20
  68. circle amp. of body at turn completion 46° or more from vertical =
    0.25 - 0.30
  69. Amplitude of Body at Turn Completion after HS
    • >30° from vertical =
    • No Deduction
    • amp. of body at turn completion after handstatnd 31°-45° from vertical =
    • 0.05 - 0.15
  70. amp. of body at turn completion after HS 46° or more from vertical =
    0.20 - 0.30
  71. Allowable Range
    • 9.500 - 10.00
    • 0.20
  72. range 9.000 - 9.475
  73. range 8.000 - 8.975
  74. range Below 8.00
Card Set