acu quiz 125

  1. A patient presents with palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest which may radiate to the inneraspect of the left arm or to the shoulder. They have a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest,shortness of breath, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands, painful periods with dark clots. Their tongue ispurple in its entirety or only on the sides in the chest area. Their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient'sdiagnosis?A) Heart Blood StasisB) Pericardium Blood StagnationC) Heart Vessel ObstructedD) Heart Qi Stagnation
    Heart Blood Stasis
  2. A patient comes to you for help. He has been having scanty and brownish urine. This has been alongwithmuscular flaccidity of the lower limbs with motor impairment. This has been very worryingandtroubling. This is accompanied by fever, cough, irritability, and thirst. Their tongue is re with ayellowcoating and their pulse is thready and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?A) Kidney and Liver Yin DeficiencyB) Kidney and Lung Yin DeficiencyC) Heat in the LungD) Damp Heat in the Lower Jiao
    Heat in the Lung
  3. Which one of the following pulses indicates phlegm-rheum?
    A) Pulse is superficial, thready, and hits the fingers without strength
    B) Straight and long like presing on the string of a qin.
    C) Pulse arrives tightly and with force like a twisted rope.
    D) Pulse is floating, thready, and soft
    Straight and long like presing on the string of a qin.
  4. Which one of the following pulses indicates water departing, blood not nourishing the heart, and essencenot transforming into qi causing center vacuity?
    A) Pulse arrives like waves, arriving flourishing, and departing debilitated.
    B) Deep, thready, and without force
    C) Superficial, deficient, and weak
    D) Lacks force, deficient, and vacuous with pressure
    Superficial, deficient, and weak
  5. A patient presents with palpitations, feeling of tightness and heat of the chest, slight chest ache, rapidbreathing, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers. They are mentall restless, feeling agitated, and have a feeling ofheat. They have insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, a red face, and a bitter taste after a bad night's sleep.They have also been having heavy periods. Their tongue is red with the tip redder and swollen with redpoints and a yellow coating. There may be a midline crack reaching to the tip. Their pulse is forceful,rapid, and surging, especially on the left front position. It could also be abrupt. What is the patient'sdiagnosis?A) Heart Fire BlazingB) Blood Stasis of the PericardiumC) Phlegm Fire Harassing the PericardiumD) Pericardium Fire
    Pericardium Fire
  6. A patient presents with a feeling of distension and slight pain of the chest. They have a feeling of tightnessof the chest, slight shortness of breath, sighing, a feeling of a lump in the throat, palpitations, depression,irritability, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, and slightly purple lips, and a pale complexion. Theirtongue is slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area and their pulse is deficient but very slightlysurging on the left front position. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for thispatient?A) G 34, Liv 3, Liv 13, Liv 14, SJ 6, and P 6 B) P 6, P 4, H 7, Ren 14, Ren 17, B 14, B 17, and SP 10 C) P 6, H 5, H 7, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 17, B 14, L 7, S 40, and LI 4 D) P 8, H 8, B 14, Ren 15, Ren 14, Ren 17, LI 11, Du 24, Du 19, SP 6, and Liv 2
    P 6, H 5, H 7, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 17, B 14, L 7, S 40, and LI 4
  7. A patient presents with palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, propensity to be startled, poormemory, anxiety, five-palm heat, feeling hot and bothered, and a feeling of heat especially in the evening.They also have a malar flush, mental restlessness, uneasiness, fidgetiness, dry mouth and throat, alongwith night sweating. What do you expect for their tongue and pulse to look like?A) Their tongue will not have a coating and there will be a deep, midline crack reaching the tip. Theirpulse is superficial and empty or thready and rapid.B) Dry red tongue with a rapid, string-taut pulseC) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulseD) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse
    • Their tongue will not have a coating and there will be a deep, midline
    • crack reaching the tip. Theirpulse is superficial and empty or thready
    • and rapid.
  8. How is pectoral qi formed?A) It is formed from the combination of the essential qi of water and food and the clear qi inhaled bythe lung.B) It is formed by the combination of the clear qi of water and food and the nutritive qi inhaled by thelung.C) It is formed by the combination of the nutritive qi of water and food and the clear qi inhaled by thelung.D) It is formed by the combination of the clear qi of water and food and the essential qi inhaled by thelung.
    It is formed from the combination of the essential qi of water and food and the clear qi inhaled bythe lung.
  9. What does froth of bubbles mean?A) The appearance of excess dampness in the bodyB) The appearance of excess phlegm in the body.C) The appearance of the decomposed state of digested food.D) The appearance of excess dampness and phlegm in the body.
    The appearance of the decomposed state of digested food.
  10. Which one of the following statements is completely true?A) Congenital essence is transformed from the essential substance of food by the spleen and stomachand acquired essence is transformed from the parents. Of the two, acquired essence is the mostimportant.B) Congenital essence is inherited from the parents, and acquired essence is transformed from theessential substances of food by the spleen and stomach. Of the two, congenital essence is the mostimportant.C) Congenital essence is transformed from the essential substance of food by the spleen and stomachand acquired essence is transformed from the parents. Of the two, congenital essence is the mostimportant.D) Congenital essence is inherited from the parents, and acquired essence is transformed from theessential substances of food by the spleen and stomach. Of the two, acquired essence is the mostimportant.
    • Congenital essence is inherited from the parents, and acquired essence
    • is transformed from theessential substances of food by the spleen and
    • stomach. Of the two, acquired essence is the mostimportant.
  11. A patient presents with palpitations, a feeling of oppression and heat of the chest, chest pain, rapidbreathing, thirst, red face, bitter taste, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mentalrestlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rashbehavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself,mental depression and dullness, and manic behavior. Their tongue is red, swollen with a yellow,dry stickycoating. They have a deep Heart crack. The tip may be redder and swollen with red points. Their pulse isexcess, rapid, and rolling. Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?A) Wen Dan TangB) Da Huang, Huang Lian, and Huang QinC) Ban Xia Hou Po TangD) Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
    Wen Dan Tang
  12. A patient presents with red eyes and tinnitus. They also are experiencing constipation and dryness of themouth. They also have been experiencing a bitter taste along with acid regurgitation. They are irritable andhave hypochondriac distension. You ask if they have any chest symptoms and they reply saying theyexperience chest distress. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating and their pulse is string-taut and rapid.Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?A) Ren 22, Ren 17, S 40, P 6, and Liv 3B) Ren 13, SJ 6, Liv 2, G 34, and G 43C) B 18, Ren 17, Ren 12, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3D) Ren 14, SP 6, Liv 3, and H 7
    Ren 13, SJ 6, Liv 2, G 34, and G 43
  13. Which of the following pulses may be present in prolonged endogenous disease, outward floating of yangqi, and is a critical sign?A) A deep and weak pulseB) A pulse that feels slow and weak with regularly missed beatsC) A superficial, large, and weak pulseD) A superficial and thready pulse that hits the fingers without strength
    A superficial, large, and weak pulse
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acu quiz 125
acu quiz 125