
  1. What test is used for an Achilles tendon tear?
    Thompson Test
  2. What is the name of the test used for torn anterior talofibular ligament?
    Anterior Drawer test (ankle)
  3. Name the test that helps diagnose a calcaneofibular ligament tear.
    Talar tilt
  4. What does a Bump Test imply?
    A possible advanced stress fracture.
  5. What test is used to look for a gross fracture or stress fracture of the fibula?
    The Squeeze test
  6. What test can you use for a DVT (even though it is not accurate), in conjuction with other signs?
    The Homen's sign
  7. What does the Lachman's test imply?
    Damage to the ACL
  8. What is another name for the Lachman's test?
    Anterior drawer test (knee) - tests for damage to ACL
  9. What does a negative alternative Lachman's test with a positive anterior drawer test imply?
    A tear in the PCL
  10. What test can be used to look for a torn MCL?
    A valgus test
  11. What does a positive Varus test imply?
    A tear in the LCL
  12. This is a popping, clicking, or locking of the knee.
    Positive McMurray's Click
  13. What does a McMurray Test look for?
    A meniscal tear in the knee.
  14. A positive result for this test can be found with an indentation beneath the acromion process.
    Sulcus test.
  15. Laxity in the superior glenohumeral ligament is implied with a positive ________ Test?
    A sulcus test
  16. If you have a tear in the inferior portion of the glenoid labrium what test may be used to help diagnose?
    The sulcus test
  17. If patient thinks that the shoulder may dislocate during this test, what direction is the glenohumeral joint being rotated?
  18. What does the relocation test of the shoulder look for?
    Anterior glenohumeral laxity
  19. A positive AC compression test implies what?
    Damage to the coracoclavicular ligament and maybe the acromioclavicular ligament
  20. What is the other name for the "empty can" test?
    Supraspinatus test
  21. What does the "empty can" test imply if positive?
    An impinged supraspinatus and possibly an inflamed coracoacromial arch
  22. Where would you feel pain if positive for a Yergason's Test?
    bicipital groove
  23. Where does a snapping/popping in the bicipital groove during a Yergason's test imply damage?
    Tear or laxity of the transverse humeral ligament. If no popping but still painful, think bicipital tendonitis
  24. What test can look for ulnar nerve compromise?
    Tinel's sign
  25. What problem may lead to tingling sensation along the forearm, hand, and fingers?
    Ulnar nerve compromise
  26. What nerve is involved in carpal tunnel syndrome?
    Median nerve - positive Tinel's sign for wrist
  27. What area of the body is examined during a Phalen's test?
    The wrist - looking at median nerve compression
  28. What position is the patient holding their hands for a Phalen test?
    Flexed wrist (think praying hands inverted)
  29. Why would you perform an Allen test?
    To insure adequate blood supply to the hand from the radial and ulnar arteries
  30. If you have pain on the side opposite lateral bending with a brachial plexus stretch what is implied?
    The brachial plexus is stretched
  31. If you have pain on the same side as the lateral bend in a brachial plexus stretch what is implied?
    Pinched cervical nerve roots between the two vertebrae
  32. If performing a Allen test by abduction of the shoulder and get a positive result, what should you see?
    The radial pulse will disappear
  33. What muscle is compressing the neurovascular bundle in a positive shoulder Allen test?
    Pectoralis minor
  34. What test, if positive, could be because the patient is not trying to perform the maneuver?
    Hoover test - active straight leg raise is not attempted
  35. If positive for pain in the SI joints, where did the examiner press?
    Pressure is applied bilaterally to the ASIS
  36. Where does the examiner press to test for SI pain in the SI distraction test?
    Pressure is applied to the anterior portion of the ilium
Card Set
Orthopedic Special tests