Fem Repo

  1. adenomyosis
    benign invasive growth of the endomedtrium that may cause heavy, painful menstrual bleeding
  2. cervical polyp
    hyperplastic protrusion of the epithelium of the cervix; may be broad based or pedunculated
  3. cervical stenosis
    acquired condition with obstruction of the cervical canal
  4. curettage
    scraping with a curet to remove the contents of the uterus, as is done following inevitable or incomplete abortion; to produce abortion; to obtain specimens for use in diagnosis; and to remove growths such as polyps
  5. dysmenorrhea
    pain in association with menstruation
  6. ectopic pregnancy
    pregnancy occurring outside the uterine cavity
  7. ectocervix
    a protion of the canal of the uterine cervix that is lined with squamous epithelium
  8. endometrial carcinoma
    maliganacy characterized by abnormal thickening of the endometrial cavity; usually includes irregular bleeding in perimenopausal and in postmenopausal women
  9. endometrial hyperplasia
    • condition that results from estrogen stimulation to the endometrium without the influence of progestin; frequent cause of bleeding
    • (especially in postmenapausal women
  10. endometrial polyp
    pedunculated or sessile well-defined mass attached to the endometrial cavity
  11. endometritis
    infection within the endometrium of the uterus
  12. Gartner's duct syst
    small cyst within the vigina
  13. hydrometra
    obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by an accumulation of fluid
  14. intramural leiomyoma
    most common type of leiomyoma; deforms the myometrium intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) a device insrted into the endometrial cavity to prevent pregnancy
  15. leiomyoma
    most common bening gynecologic tumor in women during their reproductive years
  16. metrorrhea
    irregular, acyclic bleeding
  17. nabothian cyst
    bening tiny cyst within the cervix
  18. pyometra
    obstruction of the uterus and/or the vagina characterized by an accumulation of pus
  19. sonohysterography
    injection of sterile saline into the endometrial cavity under ultrasound guidance; also known a saline infused sonography (SIS)
  20. squamous cell carcinoma
    most common type of cervical cancer
  21. subserosal lieomyoma
    type of leiomyoma that may become pedunculated and appear as an extrauterine mass
  22. submucosal leiomyoma
    type of leiomyoma found to deform the endometrail cavity and cause heavy or irregular meneses
  23. tamoxifen
    an antiestrogen drug used in treating carcinoma of the breast
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Fem Repo