Admin Manage

  2. Ø Psychology
    • Ø Personality
    • Ø Individuality
    • Ø Attitudes
  3. Attitudes

    ABC Model
    • Affect – emotional component of an attitude,
    • · How you feel about something
    • Behavioral Intentions – component of an attitude,
    • · How would you behave if given the opportunity
    • Cognition – attitudes and perceptions of your behaviors
    • · Cognitive aspect,
    • ¨ Values
    • ¨ Beliefs
  4. Attitudes

    Cognitive Dissonance
  5. attitudes and behaviors conflict
  6. Attitude

    Different Views on Attitudes
  7. § Disposition View – attitudes are stable across al l situations
    • § Situational View – attitudes are flexible and shaped by the situation
    • § Interactive View – both the situation and disposition exert influence on the attitude behavior end
  8. Attitudes at Work

    • Job Satisfaction- Pleasurable or positive emotional state that results from the appraisal of ones job
    • Organizational Commitment- Strength of an individuals identification with the organization
    • Job Involvement- degree to which someone identifies with their job
  9. Change Attitudes

    • Persuasion- How you view the source
    • Expertise
    • Attractiveness
    • Trust
    • Message- No matter how attractive you are, if message sucks, it sucks; you cannot push a message
    • Involvement-Involve people in the decision making process there is a 90% chance your decision will be accepted
  10. Personality
    biological factors
    only Attractiveness; pepole who are considered attractive tend to be more socially outgoing
  11. Personality
    Social factors
    • 84% personatliy is derived from your parents
    • -confront situations like parents
    • -Saying similar things
  12. Personality
    Cultural factors
    American Culture
  13. Personality
    Situational factors
    Elements of a situation will dictate your personality
  14. Myer Bricks Personality Type
    • Industry standard of personality test
    • Shows which personality you are
  15. Introversion vs Extraversion
    • Intro- do you enjoy being by ourself
    • Extra- Rather be in a crowd
  16. Sensing intuiting
    • hear it, touch it, feel it
    • Woman more intuitive
  17. Thinking vs Feeling
    • Thinking- Logical Decision Making
    • Feeling- goes with your gut
  18. Judging vs Perceiving
    • Judging- Looks at your ability to be either task completion oriented
    • Perceiving- Information Seeking; Analyze
  19. Big 5 Personality
    Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscoiusness,Emotional Stability, Openness to Experience
  20. Big 5 Personailty
    Oppenness to Experience
  21. § Extraversion
    • · sociable and talkative
    • § Agreeableness
    • · Good natured,
    • · Cooperative
    • · And trusting
    • § Consciousness -
    • · Responsible,
    • · Dependable,
    • · And reliable
    • § Emotional Stability
    • · Calm
    • · Secure
    • § Openness to experience
    • · Would you go skydiving?
  22. Emotional Intelligence
    • Self Awareness
    • Self Management
    • Self Motivation
    • Empathy
    • Social Skills
  23. Self Awareness
    Self Management
    Self Motivation
    Social Skills
    • Self Awareness-
    • SMan.- Once you send the email you can't take it back
    • SMot.- Persistence
    • Em- Snese how others are feeling
    • SS- Ability to handle emotions of others
  24. Personality in the Workplace
    • Internal Locus of Control
    • External Locus of Control
  25. Internal and External Locus of Control
    • Internal- Belief You believe your in control of your own fate
    • External- Belief that someone else is in control of your fate
  26. Perception
    • = Process by which you select, organizat, and interpret stimuli from environment to give the environment meaning;
    • Individuals may look at the same thing and perceive it differently
  27. What impacts Perception
    • Good moods
    • Familiarity
    • Self Concept
    • Cognitive Structure
  28. Cognitive Structure
    • Physical Appearance
    • Personality
    • Mode of dress
  29. Target Characteristics of Perception
    • Physical Appearance
    • Verbal Communication
    • Non-Verbal Communication
    • Intensions
  30. Physical Appearance- mainly in our culture
    • PA- Dress, Looks, Race, Gender, Physical Deformity
    • VC- Whats being said-content; How its being said- context
    • NVC- Eye Contact, Hand Gestures
    • I- if someone is older when they walk in the classroom you think they are the professor
  31. Situational Characteristics
    • Social Context- if you are a student you say Prof.
    • Discounting-Sitation determins persons behavior
  32. Barriers to Social Perception
    • Selective Perception- support your POV, only see one side of an argument
    • Stereotype- Group generalization, Life experiences,
    • Self Fulfilling Prophecy-
    • Implicit Personality Issue- Everything we say implies to everyone
    • Halo Effect- allows one personality to override others;Looks
  33. Attribution Theory
    • Seeks reason for our/people's behaviors
    • Weiner
  34. Fundamentals of Attribution Biases
    • Actor Observer Bias
    • Self Serving Bias
    • False Consensus Effect
    • Peronsal Characteristics Bias
  35. Actor Observer Bias
    • Observer attributes the actors behaviors to internal causes
    • Actor is very well attributed with environment to external causes
  36. Self Serving Bias
    • Makes Internal attributions for our successes
    • Makes External attributions to our failures
  37. False Consensus Effect
    • Project our own abilities on other
    • -if they don't match, we make negative internal attributes
  38. Personal characteristics Bias
    Look at personal characteristic if they can't do what you think they can do

    * 7'2 guy that can't play basketball
  39. Attitudes are changed by
  40. Persuasion
    • Physical attractiveness
    • Expertise in Subject
    • Trustworthiness
    • Motiveness to change
    • Message Charteristics
  41. Determinates of Personality
    • Biological
    • Social
    • Cultural
    • Situational
  42. Motivation or Need
    Motivation -The willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need

    Need- An internal state that makes certain outcomes appear attractive
  43. Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Maslow)
    5 Human Needs
    • * Physiological: food, drink, shelter, sex
    • * Safety: physical safety
    • * Social: affiliation with others, affection, friendship
    • * Esteem: Internal (self-respect, autonomy, and achievement); external (status, recognition, and attention)
    • * Self-actualization: personal growth and fulfillment
  44. McGregor Theory X & Y
    Theory X- (negative) The assumption that employees dislike work, are lazy, seek to avoid responsibility, and must be coerced to perform

    Theory Y (positive)- The assumption that employees are creative, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction.
  45. Motivation Hygiene Theory (Herzberg)
    intrinsic/extrinsic, hygiene/motivators
    • Intrinsic factors relate to job satisfaction, while
    • Extrinsic factors relate to job dissatisfaction.

    • Hygiene factors- Supervision, Company policy, Relationship with Supervisor, Working Conditions, Salary, Relationship with peers, Personal Life, Relationship with Employees, Status, Security
    • Motivators- Achievement, Recognition, Work Itself, Responsibility, Advancement, and Growth
  46. Three Needs Theory (McClelland)
    Need for Achievement (nAch)- drive to excel, achieve a set of standards, strive to succeed.

    Need for Power (nPow)- make others begave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise.

    Need for affiliation (nAff)- Desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.
  47. 3 Types of Job Programs
    • Pay for Performance Programs
    • Minimum-Wage Employees
    • Professional and Technical Employees
  48. Pay for Performance
    Compensation that pays employees on the basis of performance measures not directly related to time spent on the job.

    *Piece rate plans *Gainsharing *Wage-incentive *Profit sharing *Lump-sum bonuses
  49. Minimum-Wage Employees
    *Use employee recognition programs * Provide praise * Empower Employees * Provide career development opportunities
  50. Professional and Technical Employees
    *Provide job challenge: new assignments and projects * Provide support and resources * Increase Autonomy * Provide continuing education opportunities * Provide recognition for accomplishments
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Admin Manage
Test 3