
  1. what is the treatment for mild/moderate cellulitis?
    • penicilin V (oral + flucloxacillin
    • or co-amoxiclav alone
    • or erythromycin alone (if pen allergic)
  2. what is the treatment for severe cellulitis?
    • iv benzylpenicillin
    • and flucloxacillin
    • or co-amoxiclav alone
  3. what is the treatment for septic arthritis?
    • flucloxacillin iv
    • or clindamycin alone
  4. what is the treatment for osteomyelitis?
    • iv flucloxacillin and FUSIDIC ACID
    • or clindamycin alone
  5. what is the treatment for sinusitis and otitis media?
    • nothing if thing viral
    • amoxicillin or erythromycin
  6. what is the treatment for throat infections?
    • nothing
    • penicillin V
    • or erythromycin
  7. what is the treatment for CAP?
    • mild: amoxicillin or erythromycin (if atypical)
    • severe: co-amoxiclav
    • or benpen and clary
    • or cefuroxime and clary
  8. what is the treatment for M.TB
    • RIPE for 2 months
    • RI for 4 months
  9. what are the SE of rifampicin?
    • discolouration of body fluids
    • hepatitis
    • induces liver enzymes so inactivates pill, warfarin
  10. what are the SE of isoniazid?
    • polyneuropathy (prevent with B6, pyridoxine)
    • agranulocytosis
    • hepatitis
  11. what are the SE of pyrazinamide?
    • hepatotoxicity
    • arthralgia
    • hyperuricaemia so CI in gout
  12. what are the SE of ethambutol
    optic neuritis, lose colour vision first
  13. if you are pen allergic, what is the treatment for COPD exacerbation? and what are SE of this drug?
    • tetracycline
    • grey staining bone and teeth, photosensitive, D&V
  14. what are the range of treatments for mild/mod UTI?
    • TANC
    • tetracycline (not in pregnancy)
    • amoxicillin
    • nitrofurantoin
    • ciprofloxacin
  15. what is the treatment of severe UTI?
    • co-amoxiclav
    • 2nd/3rd gen cephalo and gentamicin if severe sepsis
  16. what is the treatment of viral Gastroenteritis?
  17. what is the treatment for E coli gastroentereis?
    nothing, self limit
  18. what are common organisms for travellers diarrhoea and how treat (3) and SE of that drug?
    • campylobacter, salmonella, tyhpoid fever
    • treat with ciprofloxacin (SE: seizure, tendon inflame and rupture)
  19. what is 1st and 2nd line treatment of pseudomemb colitis?
    • 1st: metronidazole
    • 2nd: vancomycin £ and taste bad
    • c.diff
  20. what is treatment for GI tract surgery or peritonitis?
    • 2nd/3rd generation cephalosporin and metronidazole
    • or co-amoxiclav alone
  21. what is the treatment for meningitis?
    cetriazone iv
  22. what is the treatment for meningococcal contacts as prophylaxis?
    rifampicin or ciprofloxacin
  23. what is the treatment for septicaemia?
    ceftriaxone and gentamicin
  24. what is the treatment for septicaemia if anaerobes suspected? and SE?
    • ceftriaxone and gentamicin
    • and metronidazole
    • well tolerated but disulfiram like reaction if take alcohol
  25. what is the treatment for septicaemia if staph aureus suspected?
    • ceftriaxone and gentamicin
    • and flucloxacillin
  26. what is the treatment for septicaemia if MRSA suspected? and SE and MOA of the main drug?
    • ceftriaxone and gentamicin
    • and vancomycin
    • SE of vancomycin: nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, red man syndrome (have to measure blood levels)
    • MOA: glycopeptide, inhibit cell wall synthesis
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