special senses-2

  1. vitreous chamber
  2. suspensory ligament
  3. layers of the eye
    • 1) fibrous tunic- outmost
    • 2) vascular tunic- middle w/ blood vessels
    • 3) retina- sensory tunic- innermost with neurons and receptors
  4. fibrous tunic consists of
    • cornea -outer layer covering eye
    • sclera- white of eye
  5. vascular tunic structures?
    • 1) choroid- poster 2/3 of eye
    • 2) ciliary body- consists of ciliary muscle, ciliary process, suspensory ligament
    • 3) lens
    • 4) iris- part with color which also contains pupil and circulatory smooth muscle and radial smooth muscle
  6. function of muscles in iris?
    • radial muscle- relaxes to dilate pupil
    • circular muscle- relaxes to constrict pupil
  7. what makes the aqueous humor?
    ciliary processes
  8. what causes glaucoma?
    the closing of canal of schlemm which increases pressure on eye
  9. what vitamin is needed for rhodopsin?
    vit A
  10. positive and negative afterimage?
    • positive afterimage is when you shut your eyes adn you see images after you have looked at an object
    • negative afterimage is when the image starts to change shape or color when you have your eyes shute
  11. why night blindness?
    its r/t a lack of vit A so the rods cant fire and you only see black /white and ther are no grey tones.
  12. external ear consists of what structures?
    • 1) Auricle/pinna- outer ear you see
    • 2) external auditory meatus- the tube runnign into ear
    • 3) tympanic membrane- small membrane in middle ear
  13. What are the structures of the middle ear?
    • 1) auditory ossicles- 3 small bones in middle ear (malleus, incus, stapes)
    • 2) oval window- directly under stapes
    • 3) roudn window- under stapes but superior to oval window
    • 4) auditory tube- tube leading to throat.
  14. Structures in Internal ear?
    • 1) bony labyrinth- walls of inner ear that are filled with fluid called perilymph. Inside this region are a) vesicles b) semicircular canals c) cochlea
    • 2) membranous labyrinth- filled with fluid called endolymph. Inside this region are a) utricle and b) saccule which are located in the vestibule. c) semicircular canals are located in
    • semicircular canal and d) cochlear ducts are located in cochlea.
    • 3) vestibulocochlear nerve leads to the above structures and pick up sensory information
  15. structures in cochlea duct?
    • spiral organ of corti which contains
    • 1) hair cells
    • 2) stereocilia
    • 3) supporting cells
    • 4) tectorial membrane
  16. where are crista located?
  17. cranial nerves invoved in taste?
    • facial nerve XII
    • Glossoharyngeal nerve IX
    • Vagus nerve X
  18. what are the bumps on your tongue called?
  19. ampulla
  20. auditory tube
  21. basilar membrane
  22. basilar membrane
  23. cochlea
  24. cochlear branch
  25. cochlear duct with endolymph
  26. cochlear duct
  27. external auditory meatus
  28. filiform papillae
  29. gustatory cell
  30. gustatory cell
  31. gustatory hair
  32. hair bundle
  33. hair cell
  34. hair cell
  35. incus
  36. malleus
  37. middle ear
  38. oval window
  39. papillae
  40. scala tympani with perilymph
  41. scala vestibule with perilymph
  42. scala vestibule
  43. semicirculator canal
  44. spiral organ of corti
  45. stapes
  46. taste pore
  47. tectorial membrane
  48. tectorial membrane
  49. tympanic membrane
  50. vestibular branch
  51. vestibular membrane
  52. vestibular membrane
  53. vestibule
  54. axons of ganglion cells
  55. bipolar layer
  56. bulbar conjunctiva
  57. choroid
  58. choroid
  59. choroid
  60. ciliary body
Card Set
special senses-2