Rip Currents

  1. Are rip currents due to the tides?
  2. How do rip currents form
    They form when 2 longshore currents converge
  3. What causes a seismic sea wave?
    • 1. Submarine earthquake
    • 2. Submarine Landslide
    • 3. Volcanic Eruption
    • 4. Meteor Impact
  4. Seismic sea waves move at a velocity of ---- miles per hour.
  5. Label of a foreshore and backshore of a beach.
    High Tide
    Low Tide
    • B. Back shore
    • A. Foreshore
  6. What is a spit?
    Curving sandbar forms by long shore current
  7. What is a Tombolo
    Sandbar that connects and islands to mainland
  8. What is a bay mouth bar?
    A split that has grown completely to close off the bay from the sea
  9. Barrier Island?
    Form by low line coast liners.
  10. Erosional features of a shorelie?
    • 1. Stacks
    • 2. Arches
    • 3. Sea Cliffs
    • 4. Sea Caves
    • 5. Wave cut terraces
  11. Deposional Features of a Shoreline?
    • 1. Spit
    • 2. Bay barrier bar or mouth bar
    • 3. Tombolo
    • 4. Barrier Islands
  12. Marine terraces form by _____ erosion?
  13. In a series of elevated terraces, the oldest terrace is the ____ one?
  14. Continental margin represent the _______ edges of the continents.
    flooded downward
  15. Put Slope, Shelf , and rise in order. Where ocean is above?
    • 1. Shelf
    • 2. Slope
    • 3. Rise
  16. The southern california continental borderland is a series of _____ and banks due to ____ faulting.
    • 1. Basin
    • 2. Normal
  17. What processes, other than marine erosion and sedimentation, have modified the continental shelf?
    • 1. Sea floor spreading
    • 2. Plate tectonics
  18. Are continental shelves uniform in width?
  19. The greatest oceanic depth are located in the:
  20. In terms of plate tectonics, sea floor is destroyed in the:
  21. Trenches are called:
    Subduction zones
  22. In some subduction zones, an _____ bearing plate is sinking beneath a continental bearing plate.
  23. Ocean ridges are sites were sea floor is being:
  24. Ocean ridges are called ________ because the ocean bearing plates are _______ away from the ridge crest/
    • 1. Spreading centers
    • 2. Diverging or spreading
  25. Submarine canyons are due to:
    • 1. Stream Erosions
    • 2. Turbidity current erosion
    • 3. Traction flow erosion
  26. Are submarine canyons common in California?
    • Yes
    • 1. Hudson Canyon
    • 2. Monterey Canyon
  27. Turbidity currents move down slope under the influence of:
  28. Echo sounders give a continuous _____ of the bottom _____.
    • 1.Profile
    • 2. Topography
  29. What is vertical exaggeration?
    Makes slope seem steeper
  30. In order to live coral reefs require:
    • 1.Clear
    • 2.Warm
    • 3. Shallow
  31. Three common types of coral reefs:
    • 1. Fringing
    • 2. Barrier
    • 3. Coral Atoll
  32. How does coral atoll form?
    Sinking Island
  33. Two main types of deep sea sediments are:
    • 1. Pelagic
    • 2. Terrigineous
  34. Neritic is:
    Anything above 600 feet
  35. Oceanic is?
    Deeper then 600 feet.
  36. Benthonic is?
    Sea floor
  37. Planktonic is?
  38. Nektonic is?
  39. Sessile is?
    Lives on bottom
  40. What was the source of the ocean's water?
    Volcanic eruptions steam
  41. How old are the oceans?
    4.1- 4.3 bya
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Rip Currents