1. If a participant responds "Yes" to:

    Have you ever done metal grinding, welding or machine shop work (job, hobby or strudent)?

    Can they be scanned?
    No, this represents an absolute contraindication. This belongs to Section 1 with the minor EXCEPTIONS of Vertigo and/or Claustraphobia.
  2. If a patient responded "Yes" to:

    Have you ever had metal removed from your eye(s) (including metal shavings, slivers, bullets)?

    Can they be scanned?
    No, this represents an absolute contraindication. In Section 1 the only exceptions are MINOR Claustrophobia and/or Vertigo.
  3. If a patient responds "Yes" to:

    Are you pregnant or breast-feeding? (Date of last menstrual period _ / _ / _ ?)

    Can they be scanned?
    No, this represents an absolute contraindication. This is part of Section 1 with the exceptions of MINOR claustrophobia and/or vertigo.

    Although there is no evidence that participation in an MR study by a pregnant woman would be harmful to her fetus, federal guidelines for the use of MRI in clinical settings recommend that MRI studies be delayed until after the pregnancy when possible.
  4. If the patient responds "Yes" to:

    Do you have Sickle Cell Anemia?

    Can they be scanned?
    No, this is in Section 2 and represents ABSOLUTE contraindications unless specifically approved within the current IRB Human Subjects Approval for the present scanning procedure.
  5. If a patient responded "Yes" to:

    Do you have a medical history of cancer?

    Can you scan them?
    No, this comes from Section 2 which represents ABSOLUTE contraindications unless specifically approved within the current IRB Human Subjects Approval for the present scanning Procedure.
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McCausland Safety Guidelines