Private Pilot Book

  1. The operating principle float-type carburetors is based on what?
    The difference in pressure at the venturi throat and the air inlet
  2. When you lean the mixture, you _________ the fuel flow to compensate for _______ air density.
    Decrease, decrease
  3. Leaning the mixture may eliminate what during runup at high-elevation airports?
    Engine roughness during runup at high-elevation airports.
  4. If you do not adjust the mixture control during descents from high tot low altitudes, the fuel/air misture will be _______.
    Too lean
  5. At what temperature and relative humidity should you expect carburetor ice?
    Temperatures are at or below 21degrees C(70F) and the relative humidity is high
  6. The first indication of carburetor ice is what in a fixed-pitch propeller?
    Loss of R.P.M.
  7. A decrease in R.P.M caused by the enriched mixture will be followed by what?
    An increase in R.P.M as the ice melts
  8. The use of carburetor heat generally does what to the engine?
    Decreases engine performance
  9. Are fuel injection systems or flowat type carburetors more susceptible to icing?
    Float-type carburetors
  10. What's the difference between a supercharger and turbocharger?
    • A supercharger compresses incoming air using engine power and decreasing net power of the engine.
    • A turbocharger is a more efficient way of compressing the air by using a mechanism driven by engine exhaust gases, which would otherwise be driven overboard.
  11. What components are involved in the ignition system?
    Magnetos, spark plugs, interconnecting wires, and the ignition switch
  12. What does the dual ignition system do for an airplanes engine?
    Improves engine performance
  13. What is detonation?
    When fuel in the cylinders explodes instead of burning smoothly.
  14. How can detonation occur?
    Allowing the engine to overheat or if you use a lower than recommended fuel grade.
  15. If you suspect the engine is detonating on climbout what are the appropriate actions?
    Lower the nose to increase airspeed and the cooling airflow around the engine.
  16. What is preignition?
    The uncontrolled combustion of fuel in advance of normal ignition.
  17. On aircraft equipped with fuel pumps, when is the auxillary electric driven pump used?
    In the event the engine-driven fuel pump fails.
  18. When is an electric boost pump used?
    Provides fuel under pressure for engine starting and as a backup, should engine-driven pump malfunction.
  19. What is vapor lock?
    A condition which may be a result of running a fuel system dr and allowing air to enter the fuel system. In fuel injected engines the fuel may become so hot it vaporizes in the fuel line, not allowing the fuel to rach the cylinders.
  20. What type of planes use gravity-feed systems?
    High-wing airplanes where the pressure, created by gravity, from the fuel tanks to the engine is sufficient.
  21. What's the point of filling fuel tanks after the last flight of the day?
    Prevents moisture from condensing by eliminating air from the tanks.
  22. Why do airplane engines depend on the circulation of oil?
    For lubrication of internal parts and cooling.
  23. What is ISA at sea level in Hg and millibars? and at what temperature?
    29.92in. Hg, 1013.2millibars, 15degrees C
  24. How much does the temperature decrease with increase in altitude?
    2degrees C/ 1000' increase in altitude
  25. What are static port systems?
    A/S Indicator, VSI, and Altimeter
  26. On an A/S indicator the white arc indicates what?
    Flap operating range
  27. On an A/S Indicator the green arc is what?
    Normal Operations
  28. On an A/S Indicator the yellow arc is what?
    Caution Range
  29. What isn't labeled on the A/S indicator and why isn't it?
    • Va, best manuevering speed.
    • Va changes with weight which is why it isn't labeled on the indicator
  30. As altitude increases, the indicated airspeed at which a given airplane stalls in tha specific configuration

    B. ) Remains the same
  31. What is pressure altitude?
    The height above the standard datum plane when 29.92 is set in the altimeter scale.
  32. What is density altitude?
    • The pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature.
    • (Density altitude increases as ambient temperature increases).
  33. What is true altitude?
    The actual vertical distance above mean sea level, and is equal to pressure altitude and indicated altitude when standard atmospehreic conditions exist.
  34. When does true altitude equal field elevation?
    When the altimeter is set to the local pressure setting.
  35. What is absolute altitude?
    The height, or vertical distance, above the surface.
  36. If you fly from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure without resetting your altimeter, the altimeter will indicate ________________ than actual (true) altitude.
  37. If you do not reset your altimeter when flying from a low pressure area to an area of high pressure, your altimeter will indicate _______________ than actual (true) altitude.
  38. One inch change in the altimeter setting changes the indicated alitude by how much?
    1000' in the same direction
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Private Pilot Book
Tan Questions