
  1. what is Psychotherapy?
    involves an emotionally charged, confiding interaction between a trained therapist and a mental patient
  2. what is Biomedical therapy?
    uses drugs or other procedures that act on the patient’s nervous system curing him of psychological disorders
  3. Describe The Psychological Therapies
    In practice, many therapists take an eclectic approach, using a blend of techniques from different perspectives


    §Humanistic Therapies

    §Behavior Therapies

    §Cognitive Therapies

    §Group and Family Therapies
  4. What is the aim of psychoanalysis?
    the aim of psychoanalysis is to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness, through techniques like free association, where the patient can deal with them.
  5. List some Psychoanalysis: Criticisms
    1.Psychoanalysis is hard to refute because it cannot be proven or disproven.

    2.Psychoanalysis takes a long time and is very expensive.
  6. Contrast psychodynamic therapy and interpersonal therapy with traditional psychoanalysis.
    In a face-to-face setting, psychodynamic therapists understand symptoms and themes across important relationships in a patient’s life
  7. Interpersonal psychotherapy is...
    a variation of psychodynamic therapy is effective in treating depression. It focuses on symptom relief here and now, not overall personality change.
  8. Identify the basic characteristics of the humanistic therapies, and describe the specific goals and techniques of Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy.
    • Humanistic therapists aims to boost self-fulfillment by helping people grow in self-awareness and
    • self-acceptance.

    Person-centered therapy is a form of humanistic therapy:

    The therapist listens to the needs of the patient in an accepting and non-judgmental way.

    The therapist engages in active listening and echoes, restates, and clarifies patient’s thinking, acknowledging expressed feelings.
  9. Explain how the basic assumption of behavior therapy differs
    from those of traditional psychoanalytic and humanistic therapies.
    To treat phobias or sexual disorders behavior therapists do not delve deeply below the surface looking for inner causes.
  10. What is Behavior Therapy?
    Therapy that applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors
  11. what is Behavior Therapy: Exposure?
    • Exposes patients to things they fear and avoid. Through repeated exposures anxiety lessens because
    • they habituate to the things feared.
  12. Describe Behavior Therapy: Conditioning
    —Other forms of behavior therapy use principles of conditioning to influence behavior change:

    • —Classical conditioning
    • —bedwetting
    • —aversive conditioning to alcohol
    • —Problems with stimulus discrimination

    —Operant conditioning

    • —Rewards and punishment
    • —E.g., token
    • economies
  13. Cognitive Therapy is...
    —Based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions.

    • —Teaches people more adaptive ways of thinking and acting, through gentle questioning of these beliefs and assumptions.
  14. Cognitive therapists often...
    combine the reversal of self-defeating thinking with efforts to modify

  15. Cognitive-behavior therapy aims to alter the way people act (_____ therapy) and alter the way they think (_____ therapy).
    behavior, cognitive
  16. Discuss the rationale and benefits of group therapy, including family therapy.
    Group Therapy sessions can help more people and cost less. Clients benefit from knowing others have similar problems.

    • Family therapy treats the family as a system. Therapy guides family members toward positive
    • relationships and improved communication.
  17. Explain why clients tend to overestimate the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
    •Clients enter therapy in crisis and crisis may subside over the natural course of time

    •Clients may need to believe the therapy was worth the effort.

    •Therapists may not know if a therapy turns out to be ineffective down the line.
  18. Discuss the importance of outcome studies in judging the effectiveness of psychotherapies, and describe some of these findings.
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