1. renal failure
    the inability of a kidney to excrete metabolites at normal plasma levels or the inability to retain electrolytes under condition
  2. anuria
    complete cessation of urinary secretion by the kidneys
  3. diuretic
    an agent that increases excretion of urine
  4. renal agenesis
    the abscence of a functioning kidney
  5. uremeia
    an excess in the blood of urea creatinine and other nitrogenous waste of protein and amino acids metabolties
  6. incontinenece
    constant or frequent involuntary passage of urine commonly caused by the failure of voluntary control of the vesical and urethral sphincters
  7. vesicoureteral reflux
    a backward return or flow of urine from the bladder int othe ureter and kidney
  8. urinary tract infection
    infection that frequently occur in both adults and children and are caused by bacteria viruses fung i or parasites
  9. pyloric stenosis
    a narrowing of the distal portion of the stomach
  10. gastroesophageal reflux
    backward flow of stomach contents
  11. gastritis
    inflammation of the stomach mucosa
  12. varices
    dilated veins in the distal esophagus
  13. dysphagia
    difficulty swallowing
  14. atresia
    the incomplete development of the esophagus
  15. chrons disease
    chronic inflammatory condition usually involving the terminal ileum
  16. volvulus
    the lg bowel twisting upon its own mesentery
  17. intussusception
    a teloscoping of one part of bowel into another
  18. diverticulitis
    inflammation of the small outpouchings of colonic mucosa
  19. hirschsprungs
    lack of ganglion cells in rectosigmoid colon
  20. ileus
    a small bowel obstrution
  21. giardiasis
    infection of the lumen of the small intestine due to the flagellate protozoan
  22. enteritis
    inflammation of the S.I.
  23. colitis
    inflammatory condition of the large intestine
  24. what term describes a normal kidney that fails to ascend in the abdomen but rather stays in the pelvis

  25. the inability to void which may be due to obstruction in the urethra or lack of sensation urinate is called

  26. passing a large vol of urine in a given period 9a common symptom of diabetes) is called
  27. what condition describes an inflammation of the bladder that is much more common in females due to the length of the urethra

  28. a diuretic is an agent that increases excretion of urine
    t or f
  29. urinary incontinence is the inability to void
    t or f
  30. cystitis
    inflammation of the urinary bladder
  31. hydronephrosis
    a dilation or distention of the renal pelvis and calyces of the kdineys of an obstruction
  32. renal failure
    the inability of a kidney to excrete metabolites at a normal plasma levels
  33. staghorn calculus
    a large stone that grows and completely fills the renal pelvis
  34. horseshoes kidney
    a fusion of the kidneys during fetal development
  35. fistula
    an artificial opening between the rectum and the bladder
  36. bifid
    involves two ureters and/or the renal pelvis originating from the same kidney
  37. calculi
    calcifications in the urinary tract
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