Unit I - Psych

  1. mental health
    • one's ability to cope with/adjust to recurrent stresses of everydy life
    • accureate assessment of reality
    • healthy self-concept
    • ability to relate to others
    • sense of meaning/purpose
    • creativity/productivity
    • control over one's behavior
    • ability to adapt to change and conflict
  2. neurotransmitters
    • responsible for transfer of impules from one neuron to next
    • mental disoreders have high or decreased neurotransmission function
  3. psychosocial assessment
    • culture
    • family
    • language
    • eye contact
    • religion
  4. nursing assessment
    • reason for admission
    • current medical problem
    • substance use
    • support systems
    • self-concept
    • social skills
  5. mental status assessment
    • appearance
    • orientation
    • mood/afect
    • speech
    • thought disorder
    • hallucinations
    • behavior
    • memory
    • judgement
  6. content of thought
    • delusions
    • hallucinations
    • depersonalization
    • obsessions
    • compulsions
    • overuse of defense mechanisms
  7. diagnosis of mental disorders
    • DSM-IV-TR
    • 5 axes -
    • I Clinical disorders
    • II Personality disorders
    • III General medical conditions
    • IV Psychosocial/environmental problems
    • V Global assessment of functioning
  8. nursing process
    • planning: individualized care plans w/ short and long term goals
    • interventions: counseling, meds
    • evaluation: observations recorded and monitored
  9. therapeutic communication
    • verbal and non-verbal
    • goal: replace dysfunctional behaviors
    • active listening and silence
    • 1.5 to 4 foot spacing
    • concentrate, listen objectively
    • change setting if necessary
    • eye contact/body language
    • do not interrupt
  10. legal aspects of mental health
    • liability: care providers legally responsibile for professional obligations
    • must remain competent
    • maintain current knowledge base
    • practice within scope
    • practice unimpaired
  11. patient's rights
    • right to consent
    • right to vote
    • right to buy and sell property
    • right to possess driver's license
  12. psych admissons
    • voluntary or involuntary (dangerous)
    • assessed and treated and released or transferred to long-term therapy
  13. disclosure of information
    • mandated with:
    • -suspected child abuse
    • -criminal cases
    • -government requests
    • -when public has right to know
  14. failure of duty to warn
    must warn police/others about intentions of psychiatric client
  15. collaborative care
    • total team approach to psych care
    • therapeutic environment, behavior therapies, crisis intervention
  16. therapeutic environment
    • pleasant and safe
    • structured activities
    • limits and controls
    • education
    • adaptive skills
    • team approach
  17. behavior therapies
    • behavior modification: positive behavior -> positive rewards
    • systemic desensitization: gradual exposure and relaxation w/ stressors
    • aversion therapy: unpleasant responses to inappropriate behavior
    • cognitive therapy: alternative to maladaptive thinking
    • implosion/flooding therapy: exposure to intense anxiety producers
    • limit therapy: establishes what needs to be done by the client
    • group therapy
    • play therapy
    • hynosis
    • psychoanalysis
    • recreational therapy
    • music therapy
    • magnetic therapy
    • hydrotherapy
    • occupational therapy
  18. crisis inervention
    • help the patient develop adequate coping skills to resolve immediate problem
    • developmental or situational
    • goal - return to pre-crisis function
  19. crisis intervention steps
    • ensure safety (of patient and self)
    • - talk quietly
    • - open hands
    • - do not leave or turn back
    • diffuse situation
    • - find out cause
    • - do not push for reasons
    • - must remain calm
    • decrease anxiety
    • - assure patient's safety
    • - explain you are here to help - need their cooperation
    • - be careful with physical contact
    • therapeutic interventions
    • - display acceptance
    • - do not argue
    • - clarify fantasies
  20. neurosis
    mild psychiatric disorder characterized by anxiety, depression, or hypochondria
  21. psychosis
    psychiatric disorders characterized by delusions, hallucinations, incoherence, and distorted perceptions of reality
  22. delusions
    false beliefs that are resistant to reasoning or change
  23. hallucinations
    false sensory input with no external stimulus (can be sight, touch, smell, sound, or taste)
  24. disorganized thinking
    thoughts that are not related to each other or the present situaton

    flight of ideas / disorganized speech
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Unit I - Psych
Unit I - Psychiatric Nursing