EFRU to 100

  1. 91 facio factum
    • Do, make(Latin)
    • Satisfy-to make enough
    • Magnify-to make large
    • Efface-do away with
  2. 92 scribo scriptum
    • write (Latin)
    • scriptures-sacred writing
    • describe - write down
  3. 93 plico plicatum
    • fold (Latin)
    • duplicate -twofold
    • triplicate - threefold
  4. 94 dico dictum
    • Speak,say (Latin)
    • dictate- speak,command
    • verdict - a true saying
    • contradict - speak against
  5. 95 biblos
    • book (Greek)
    • bibliophile - lover of books
    • bibliomania- craziness about books
  6. 96 liber libri
    • book (Latin)
    • library-placewhere books are kept
    • librarian-one in charge of a library
  7. 97 scio scitum
    • know (Latin)
    • prescience-foreknowledge
    • conscience-knowledge of right and wrong
    • omniscience-knowing all
  8. 98 discipulus
    • student (Latin)
    • disciple-a student
    • disciplinary-one who enforces order
  9. 99 sauros
    • lizard (Greek)
    • dinosaur- terrible lizard
    • tyrannosaurus- tyrant lizard
    • brontosaurus-thunder lizard
  10. 100 amo amatum
    • love (Latin)
    • amorous-full of love
    • amour-love affair
    • enamoured-charmed,captivated,in love
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EFRU to 100
EFRU Latin Greek Roots to 100 AO4 mes