Invasion of a host by a parasite
Any change from good health
Infection refers to:
- the relationship between the host and microbe
- the competition for supremacy between them
- If the host loses the competition, disease occurs
Normal flora occurs where
Intestines, mouth, skin, vagina
Methods of aquiring normal flora
- During passage thru birth canal
- Contact with feeding materials
- Contact with medical instruments
- Contact with other people
- During nursing
Microbes that reside in the body without causing disease (in symbiosis)
Both host and microbe benefit
- The microbe benefits and the host is unaffected.
- This is not very common
Ability to invade the body and cause disease
In parasitism, pathogens cause
Damage and disease in the host
- The degree of pathogenicity
- Severity of disease
An exogenous infection occurs if
A pathogen breaches the host�s external defense and enters sterile tissue
An endogenous infection occurs if
normal microbiota enter sterile tissue
Opportunistic infections occur when
Commensals take advantage of a change in the body�s environment that favors the microbe
A parasite that causes no harm to the host.
Acute diseases
Acute diseases develop rapidly, cause severe symptoms, and fade quickly
Chronic diseases
Chronic diseases linger for long periods of time, and are slower to develop and recede
Primary and secondary diseases
Local and systemic diseases
Primary infections
Can invade and cause disease in a healthy body
Secondary infections
Infections in someone who has another disease
Local disease
Infection in a specific area, such as a boil
Systemic disease
Systemic diseases disseminate to organs and systems
Periods of progress of disease
- Incubation
- Prodromal symptoms
- Acme
- Decline
- Convalescence
Period of incubation
The time between entry and appearance of symptoms
Period of incubation variation
- Number of organisms that entered host
- Generation time
- Virulence
- Host resistance
- Location of entry
Period of prodromal symptoms
- General symptoms
- Malaise
- Nausea
- Headache
Period of acme
- Pinacle
- Peak of disease
- Specific symptoms appear
- Crisis period
- If you make it thru, you live
Period of decline
Body has won the fight and is killing off stragglers
Period of convalescence
Regain strength and return to normal
Clinical disease
Symptoms are apparent
Subclinical disease
- Symptoms are minor
- Few obvious symptoms
Barriers to disease
- Skin
- Mucous membranes
- Eyes � lysozymes
- Saliva
Establishment of disease: Portal of entry
- The portal of entry is the route an exogenous pathogen uses to enter the body
- Area where the disease enters
- Has to be the right entry or disease is not established.
- IE, tetanus must enter a puncture wound, not the stomach to cause disease
Establishment of disease: Dose
- The infectious dose is the number of microbes entering the body
- You need to get the minimum required bacteria.
- IE, cholera you need at least a million bacteria to become infected
- If you have a high level of resistance, you need more
Establishment of disease: Tissue penetration
Many pathogens have adhesins that allow then to adhere to specific tissues
Invasiveness is
The ability of a pathogen to penetrate tissues and spread
Many pathogens use phagocytosis by body cells to
Enter cells or pass through defenses
Toxigenicity is the ability of pathogens
to produce toxins
Toxemia is
The presence of toxins in the blood
Exotoxins are
Proteins produced during bacterial metabolism
Neurotoxins act on
The nervous system
Enterotoxins act on
The gastrointestinal tract
Antitoxins are
Produced by the host body and neutralize toxins
Toxoids are
Toxins whose toxicity has been destroyed but still elicit an immune response
Endotoxins are
- Released upon disintegration of gram-negative cells
- They cause blood coagulation and cell rupture
Endotoxin symptoms
- Increased temperature
- Body weakness
- Aches
- General malaise
- Damage to the cardiovascular system
Endotoxin shock
- Blood pressure drops due to the endotoxins causing blood vessels to dialate
- May occur with antibiotic treatment of diseases caused by gram-negative bacilli
Establishment of disease: Enzymes
- Can increase virulence
- Some organisms make enzymes that increase their chances of causing disease
- Leukocidins
- Hemolysins
- Coagulase
- Streptokinase
- Hyaluronidase
- Enhances pathogen penetration through tissues
- Destroys hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide that "cements" cells together in a tissue
- Permits organisms to spread through tissues and establish themselves at sites distant from that of the intial infection
Some staphylococci produce streptokinase, which dissolves fibrin clots and allows dissemination of the bacteria
- Destroy white blood cells
- Disintegrate neutrophils and macrophages
Dissolve red blood cells
Some staphylococci produce coagulase to form a blood clot that protects them from phagocytosis
Weaken or harm the host body
Enzymes can
- increase the virulence of a pathogen
- Enzymes influence virulence
- A layer of bacteria
- Virulence can be enhanced in biofilms because immune cells cannot reach bacterial cells
Transmission of disease
- Cough or sneeze
- Urine
- Blood
- Insect bite
- Feces
- Lesion
Direct transmission methods
- Person to person contact
- Coughing
- Animal bite
Indirect transmission methods
- Fomites
- Arthropod vectors
- Mechanical vectors: bug lands in feces and then later in food
- Biological vectors: Organism lives in the bug. Bug poops on you
- Reservoirs
- Carriers
Mechanical vectors
Bug lands in feces and then later in food
Biological vectors
Organism lives in the bug. Bug poops on you
Ecological niches where microbes live and reproduce
Have recovered from the disease but continue to shed the disease agents
Communicable diseases
- Are contagious
- They are transmittable among hosts in a population
Noncommunicable diseases are
- Not easily transmitted to another host
- They are acquired directly from the environment
Endemic disease
Is habitually present at a low level in a certain geographic area
Epidemic disease
Occurs in a region in excess of what is normally found in that population
A more contained epidemic
A pandemic
A worldwide epidemic
Means that diseases emerging anywhere in the world can be spread globally
Diseases transmitted from other vertebrate animals to humans
Nosocomial Infections
Hospital acquired
Health care-associated infections (HAIs)
Occur as a result of receiving treatment for another condition
Disease emergence and reemergence are related to:
- Changes in land use or agriculture practices
- Changes in human demographics
- Poor population health
- Pathogen evolution
- Contamination of food sources and water supplies
- International travel
- Failure of public health systems
- International trade
- Climate change