Trace: Microscopes

  1. Real image
    • Formed on the side of the lens opposite the object
    • inverted image
    • image can be viewed on a screen
  2. A ______ image is formed on teh side of the lens opposite the object
  3. A ______ image is inverted and formed by the convergence of light rays at a given plane
  4. Virtual image
    • diverge from a plane on the same side of the lens as the object
    • image is erect (upright)
    • image cannot be viewed on a screen or a piece of film
    • another lens is needed to conver the virutual image into a real image
  5. A _____image is on the same side of the lens as the object
  6. A ____image is upright
  7. Optic axis
    straight line running through the centers of curvature of two surfaces
  8. If the object is on-axis at infinity on the left side of the lens..the lens will form a _______ on the______ at the _______ of the lens
    real image on the right side at the principal focus of the lens
  9. Focal length
    distance from the lens to the principal focus
  10. principal focus
  11. Ideal lens
    1/f=1/p +1/q

    1/focal length= 1/object distance +1/image distance

    if p or q is set to infinity then the other will equal focal length
  12. If p approaches the lens on the left side, q will:
    recede from the lens on the right side
  13. If q and p vary with a fixed f the plot shape is a _____ and the sixe of the image is:

    equal to the size of the object
  14. Magnification

  15. if p=2f=q then:
    maginification is 1
  16. if p>q then m<1 and there is:
    reduction of the image
  17. if p<q then m>1 and there is:
    magnification of the image
  18. If q reaches infinity then magnification reaches infintiy and
    it is not a useful magnification
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Trace: Microscopes
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