Medical Terminology

  1. Urticaria
  2. What is pruritus?
    Itching; caused by stimulation of itch-specific nerve fibers at the dermal-epidermal junction.
  3. Ataxia?
    Decreased motor coordination
  4. Diplopia?
    double vision
  5. Dysmetria?
    inability to direct or limit movement
  6. Paresthesia?
    numbness or tingling sensations
  7. Dysarthria?
    slurred speech
  8. Dysphagia
    difficulty swallowing
  9. Nystagmus?
    involuntary eye movements
  10. Scotomas?
    changes in peripheral vision
  11. Tinnitus?
    continuous ringing or noise perception in the ear
  12. Vertigo?
    spinning sensation; true vertigo is a sense of whirling or turning in space
  13. Dyskinesia
    problem with movement
  14. Anuria
    total urine output of less than 100 ml in 24 hours
  15. Dysuria?
    discomfort or pain associated with micturition (urination)
  16. Urinary frequency?
    feeling the need to void often, usually voiding small amounts of urine each time; may void every hour or even more frequently than hourly
  17. Urinary hesitancy?
    difficulty in initiating the flow of urine, even when the bladder has sufficient urine to initiate a void and the sensation of the need to void is present
  18. Micturition?
    the act of voiding
  19. Nocturia?
    awakening prematurely from sleep because of the need to empty the bladder
  20. Oliguria?
    decreased uine output; total urine output between 100 and 400 mL in 24 hours
  21. Polyuria?
    increased urine output; total urine output usually greater than 2000 mL in 24 hours
  22. Uremia?
    full-blown manifestations of renal failure; sometimes referred to as the uremic syndrome, especially if the cause of the renal failure is unknown

    Results from the accumulation of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, a result of renal failure. Manifestations include anorexia (loss of appetite), N/V, muscle cramps, pruritus (itching), fatigue, and lethargy (abnormal drowsiness)
  23. Urinary urgency?
    a sudden onset of the feeling of the need to void immediately; may result in incontinence if the client is unable to locate or get to toileting facilities quickly
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Medical Terminology
Common medical terms