Mental Health and the Law

  1. Section 2
    ( Purpose, Max duration, Application, Recommendations)
    • - Purpose: Admission for assessment
    • - Max duration: 28 days
    • - Application: AMHP
    • - Recommendations: 2 dr (at least 1 section 12 approved)

    Section 12 approved dr is so with proven expertise in diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder (usu. a psychiatrist)
  2. Section 3

    (Purpose, Max duration, Application, Recommendations)
    • - Purpose: Admission for treatment 
    • - Max duration: 6 months
    • - Application: AMHP
    • - Recommendations: 2 drs (at least one Section 12 approved)
  3. Section 5 (2)

    (Purpose, Max duration, Application, Recommendations)
    • - Purpose: holding order for a pt already on the ward
    • - Max duration: 72 hours
    • - Application: - 
    • - Recommendations: 1 doctor
  4. Section 136

    (Purpose, Max duration, Application, Recommendations)
    • - Purpose: 
    • police order to remove a person appearing to suffer from a 'mental disorder' from a public place to a 'place of safety'
    • - Max duration: 72 hours
    • - Application: - 
    • - Recommendations: police officer
  5. Key points
    • - People can only be detained if appropriate medical treatment is available
    • - Sections do not apply for the treatment of physical disorders
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Mental Health and the Law
2 areas 1. The compulsory admission and treatment of mental illness - The Mental Health Act 2007 2. Consent and capacity - governed by Mental Capacity Act 2005