Lung and Respiratory

  1. The thorax is alos known as the _____.
  2. The thoracic cage consists of __ thoracic vertebrae.
  3. The thoracic cage consist of __ pairs of ribs.
  4. The first _ ribs are connected to the sternum.
  5. The __ and __ ribs are "floating" ribs.
    11th and 12th
  6. The adult sternum has 3 components: the manubrium, the body, and the ______ ______.
    xiphoid process
  7. The manumbrium also supports the _______.
  8. what are the primary muscles of inspiration?
    diaphragm and intercostal muscles
  9. During inspiration you have positive or negative pressure?
  10. the pathway of air flow
    mouth/nose > pharynx > larynx > trachea > bronchi > bronchioles > alveolar ducts > multiple alveoli
  11. The _____ bronchus is shorter, wider, and more verticle.
  12. Heart disease and renal disease can cause _______ _____.
    pulmonary edema
  13. _____ pneumonia causes a dry cough.
  14. _________ pneumonia causes a productive cough.
  15. ____ sputum may occur with colds, viral infections, or bronchitis
    white or clear
  16. ______ sputum may occur with bacterial infections
    yellow or green
  17. ____ sputum may occur with smoke or coal dust inhalation
  18. ______ sputum may occur with tuberculosis or pneumococcal pneumonia.
  19. What is the expectoration of sputum containing blood?
  20. Pink, frothy sputum with dyspnea is associated with what disease?
    pulmonary edema
  21. thick sputum is commonly associated with what disease?
    cystic fibrosis
  22. If a client tells you that he or she smoked one-half pack of cigarettes a day for 40 years what would their pack-year be?
  23. Difficulty breathing when the individual is lying down.
  24. shortness of breath that awakens the individual in the middle of the night
    paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
  25. leaning forward with the arms braced against the knees, against a chair, or against a bed... suggests respiratory distress
    tripod position
  26. in an adult, passive breathing should occur at a rate of __ to __ breaths per minute
    12 to 20
  27. men tend to use ______ breathing
  28. women tend to use _____ breathing
  29. frequent sighing is considered an normal or abnormal finding?
  30. respiratory rate less than 12 breaths per minute
  31. respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths per minute
  32. characterized by increased rate AND depth of respiration
  33. characterized by irregularly interspersed periods of apnea in a disorganized and irregular pattern, rate, or depth.
    biot breathing pattern
  34. characterized by intervals of apnea interspersed with a deep and rapid breathing pattern. Seen in clients with severe illness, brain damage, or drug overdose.
  35. ______ of the skin, nails, or lips may be a sign of inadequate oxygenation of tissues caused by an underlying respiratory or cardiovascular condition.
  36. fine, high-pitched crackling and popping noises heard during the end of inspiration
    fine crackles
  37. medium-pitched, moist sound heard about halfway through inspiration
    medium crackles
  38. low-pitched, bubbling or gurgling sounds that start early in inspiration and exten into the first part of expiration. Heard in pulmonary edema
    coarse crackles
  39. musical sounds, heard moer commonly during expiration, but may also be heard during inspiration. Heard in narrow airway diseases such as asthma
  40. low-pitched, coarse, loud, low snoring or moaning tone. Primarily during expiration
  41. coarse rubbing or grating sound. Heard throughout inspiration and expiration. Heard in individuals with pleurisy.
    pleural friction rub
  42. ___________ is heard when there is overinflation of the lungs.
  43. an inflammation of the mucous membrances of the bronchial tree caused by viruses or bacteria
    acute bronchitis
  44. infection of the terminal bronchiles and alveoli. It may be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, mycoplasma, or aspiration of gastric secretions.
  45. contagious, bacterial infection is caused by Mycobacterium __________.
  46. an accumulation of serous fluid in the pleural space between the visceral and parietal pleurae is called ____ _____.
    pleural effusion
  47. hyperractive airway disease is characterized by bronchoconstriction, airway obstruction, and inflammation in response to inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, or emotional stress.
  48. destruction of the alveolar walls causes permanent abnormal enlargement of the air spaces
  49. characterized by hypersecretion of mucus by the goblet cells of the trachea and bronchi resulting in a productive cought for 3 months in each of 2 successive years.
    chronic bronchitis
  50. air in the pleural spaces
  51. blood in the pleural space
  52. an uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells in the lungs.
    lung cancer
Card Set
Lung and Respiratory
terms for nursing