What are the 3 points of feedback in the paper?
1. Communicate main points in section 1; 2. Defend those points in section 2; 3. is simply appliction
In Gen 1:1 God ____ creation into being
There is no gap between God's ____ and ____
speaking and reality
God is ____ and he ____
personal and speaks
God speaks when he gives ____ and _____
comands and covenants
What's an example of G's work being written?
"Moses received the law on stone tablets, written by God"
Name a verse where God gives the written word
"Ex 24:12 ""I have written"""
God's word is _____ and _____ speech
human and divine
Define location
"the act of speaking or writing ""Fire!"""
Define Illuction
"What the speech is intended to accomplish (ie, get out of the building quickly)"
Define Perloucation
"What effect should the speech have on the fearer (ie, existing the building)"
What are 3 implications of the human authors of scripture?
1. Genre 2. Perspective 3. Gramatical/historical exegesus
What is an implication of God being the authori of scripture?
1. very words are authoritatie
Define inspiration
God superintended the writing of scripture so that what the human authors wrote refelects G's very word
What verse talks about the God breathed nature of scripture?
2 Tim 3:16
What does infalability of scripture mean?
it accompliehes what it desires
"it some genres, ____ and ____ are less of a prioity "
propositions or chronology
What does VERBAL inspiration mean?
very WORDS are inspired
What does PLENARY inspiration mean?
"ALL of scripture, not just parts on faith"
Define innerarncy of scripture
"in the original autograph, scripture is wholly true in what it affirms"
Innerarny can be used an excuse to ignore ____
What is the unity and diversoty of scripture?
unity = one progressing narraitive; diversity = different human authors/covenants
Often the problem is _____ but ______
interpretation but obedience
Give 2 reasons why interpretation is needed
1. to translate - can't understand Greek fragment 2. Historical difference
what is script written in all upper case?
What are presupitions?
biases and preconceptions about the world and meaning of words
Define hermeneutics
the science and art that outlines methods for correct interpretation
What's the normal role of the HS in interpretation?
illumunation > understanding the spiritual dimension
What are the 3 steps of the interpretive diagram?
1. What it meant 2. What it means In all of scripture 3. what it means for us today
Name 2 aspects of step 1 - what it meant
1. read in context of particular book 2. read in context of cannon up to that point
Describe step 2 - what it means in the context of whole bible
Passages read in the context of the entire bible. Connecting from there to hear
"For original context, what it _____ must be tried to what it _____"
means meant
Which step do we often skip?
step 2.
What are the 3 styles of translation?
1. literal 2. paraphrase (free) 3. dynamic equivelence
Give an example of a translation in each category
1. literal = NASB; Dynamic Equivelence = NIV; Paraphrase = The Message
ESV is very _____
What is literary context?
one comes before and after the text itself
What is historical context?
the historical situation behind the text
What's the most important rule for literary context?
"if you don't undersstand how a passage fits in the context, you probably don't understand it"
"The ____ the passage being studied, the greater the change or error"
Name 4 aspects of historical context?
1. author 2. audience 3. Date. Occasion
What sit he key to the sentence diagramming?
identidying main and minor (dependent) clauses
Name 2 greek fallacies
1. Aorist once and for all (actually means almost nothing) 2. Definitive article (JW's)
Define semantics
words have a range of meanings
Define semantic domain
range of meaning a word can have in a given context
When word meanings overlap:
What is the strongest force that drives word meaning?
Name 3 things to avoid with word studies
1. root fallacies 2. one meaning fallace 3. illigitiamte totality transfer
What is illigintament totalality transfer?
combining all meanings into one.
What are the language games?
interpretive assumptions the hearer is to read w/
What are language games relate to?
What ist he Point of language games?
can't demand same things of all genres
The bible is not a book of __________ but ____
theological sayings history
Name 3 misguided views about history
1. History is irrelevant 2. history is chance 3. history fate
What 3 things were true of people in the beginnign?
"1. we were God's people, 2. In G's place 3. Reigning under G's rule"
What are 3 aspects of the fall?
"What is th e""grace of enmity"" passage?"
Gen 3:15
Name 3 passages on the spread of violence
1. Cain and Abel Gen 4; 2. Noah and the Flood Gen 6; Babel Gen 11
Name a mpassage where God chooses his people
Gen 12:1-3
Give brief Isrealite chronoology of 6 steps
"1. slavery in Egypt, 2. exdocus; 3. Giving of the law 4. God dwells w/ his people tabernacle 5. Wilderness wanderings 6. conquest"
What is the point of getting free in the Exodos?
so they can go and serve God
Where is the law given?
Ex 20
What passage talks about the tabernacle?
Ex 40
Define Biblical theology
"theology that studies each body of scripture in it's own right, with respect to its position in salvation history"
What's an example of biblical theology category vs. systematic theology?
Adtoption vs. Soteriology
What is the focus of exegisi?
understanding the meaning of a message in it's original context
Biblical theology focies on ____ while systematic theology focuses on ___
theology of books topics/themes throughout scripture
Biblical theology is tbe bridge between ____ and ____
exegesis and systematic tehology
What are 2 aspects of G's covenants?
1. God speaks and makes a promise 2. There are consequences/contingencies
Name the 6 covenants in class
1. Protoevengelion 2. Noahic 3. Abrhamic 4. Mosic 5. Davidic 6. NEW
What is the Protoevangelion ?
Gen 3:15
Where is the Noahic Covenant?
"Gen 6,8"
Where is the Arahamic covenant?
Gen 12:1-7
Where is the Mosaic covenant?
Ex 19-20
Where is the Davidic covenant?
2 Sam 7
Where is the NEW covenant?
Matt 26:28
What is typology basically?
historical correspondance
Give an example of typology and passage
Adam and Christ -> Romans 5
What is the similartiy in the Adm/Christ type?
both their actions affect the whole world
There's a false dichomoty between history and _____
What are two ways the stories are shapped in scripture?
1. repition 2. ommission
Give an example where the story is emphasized over the history and allegoried?
"David and Goliah ""we are all like David"""
What are the 3 levels of OT narrative?
1. single narriative 2. purupose for Isreal 3. Purpose within G's overall plan
Prophets were covenant ______ _______
enforcement mediators
"When intterpreting prophesy, consider _____"
main point in the original context
Coventntal tend to emphasize _____ fulfillment and dispentsationalist emaphsize _____
"non-literal, literal"
Give an example of definititive non-literal fulfillemtn
Matt 11 John the Baptist was Elijah
What is telescoping in prophesy?
double rerefence of a prophesy.
What is an example of telescoping?
"Lk 18:19 - ""Day of vengence of our God."""
The bible is full of _____
"How do we understand ""My god, My god"" as God's word?"
God approves of it
"What is meant by the ""inspiration of literary artiface""?"
the affect of the text is important. God breathed the poetry itself.
Name 2 common features of Hebrew poetry
"Tersness, parallelism"
What is Krugels definition of paralellism?
"A, what's more B"
"What kind of paralell? Ps 111:16 ""He has shown his people the power of his works, giving the lands of other nations"""
"What kind of parellel? Prov 11:20 ""Lord hates those with evil hears, but is pleased with those are are innocent"""
"What kind of parallel? Isa 40:9 ""You who bring to tidings to Zion, go up a mount, lift up your voice"""
What is a sense unit?
still talking about the same thing in a parallelism.
What is the general procedure for inpterpreting Psalms and poetry?
"1) what is main point in light of form, sense unit, context 2) What is the affect of the point 3) What Is the connection with us down through history"
What are 2 special cases of poetry?
1) Messianic 2) Imprecatory
What is the main procedure with Messianic Psalms?
understand what they meant in original context
What is an imprecatory Psalm?
curses and prayers for retailiation against enemies
Give an example of an imprevactory Pslam
"Ps 137 ""dashes them against the rocks"""
What are 3 characteristic of wisdom?
1) Practical 2) Dependence on G 3) Rooted in creation theology
Quote Prov 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom
What is a proverb?
a brief statement of truth designed to be memorable
Proverbs are not _____
legal guranteess from God
What's an example of exnteded allegory?
Eccl 12 - old age
What is the main theme of Ecclesiastes?
meaningless and vanity in life
What is the key verse in Eccl?
Ecl 12:13-14 (end)
What is main theme in job?
Who is man to judge God (Job 38) / Success/reward not always punishment or reward
What are 3 cautions on wisdom?
1. absolutizing single statements 2. mistunderstanding terminology 3. emphasizing negative sections too much
What is a 'fool' in wisdom literature?
"unebliever, selfish, indulgent whims"
What are 4 hermentical principle for wisdom literarure from Osborne?
1. Note the form 2. is context imp 3. is hyperbole 4. Find analogy for obscure passage
"What is the nature of the ""Gospel"" form"
Retelling for a purpose
"_____ is telling orderly, _____ is more styliszed"
Luke Matthew
What is the main point of Jesus caliming the storm?
to answer question: who is Jesus?
What is the danger of intrperting when J calmed the storm?
"to read like a personallzed parable, J calms storms in your life"
Name 3 forms a parable takes
"1) story 2) Proverb 3) similies ""I send use a sheep amost the wolves"""
Parables may not hit us with full impact because we don't live ______
"simple, earthly lives"
What is the primary purpose of a parable?
impact the hearer
"BY ______ a parable, people can destroy it"
What are points of reference in a parable?
identifycation of listeners and main characeters in the parable
What's an example of a reversal of expectation parable?
good samaritan
What are 2 things the parables teach?
1) Kingdom escatology 2) Kingdom ethics
What are 2 fallacies with intepreting parables?
2) allegorizing (e.g. Augustine's good Samaritan) 2) Moralizing (single point only)
What can parables have more than one point?
when there is more than one frame of reference
What are the 8 procudure for NT parable?
1. note context 2. allow 2 affect u 3. experience it 4. Determine frames of refernce 5. Determine main points 6. Relate it to the message of the gospel it's in 7. Apply to similar situations in modern life 8. preach it holisticlally
What's an example of a 3 poitn parable?
prodigal son (father/prodigal/older brother)
What's an example of a 2 point parable?
good samaritan. You have the samaritan and the religious people.
What's an example of a 1 point parable?
Hidden Treasure
Descripe form of an eqisles
1. author 2. addressee 3. greeting 4. thanksgiving 6. body 7. Benediction
Epiestles are _____ documents
what does occational mean?
written for a certain occasion
The theology in the epiestles is _____ theology
The occasion could also be called the ____ context
What are 2 tools for understanding literary context?
Book charting and diagraming
What's a clue when you don't understand flow of context?
"sudden, unexplained topic switch. (ie, a piece doesn't fit)"
Need to understand ______ before NT apocrypha
Old Testament
What does apolyptic mean?
What si the significance fo apolyptics?
God wins in the end
What is the preterist view of revlation?
predominint things culfilled in the 1st centray
What is historist view of revelation?
description events from 1st cen to current situation
What is futurist view?
"end times, anout 10 out of date"
Define Amillenisan
Christ riegn is in process now through the church
earthly pregin of Christ is initiated @ return of X
Define post-millenialsm
presaent age gradually merge into million train
What is the inductive scienctific ideal method?
1. Exegsis 2. Biblical theology 3. systematic sthoelogy 4. homileticisl theology
What is postmodernisms main crique for inductive scientific ideal?
start with systems. Need to work back down to text and get out of system
Modernism was very arrogant about ____
total objectivity
What are presupitions?
frameworks of understanding we assume and bring to the text.
We often have a ____ and want to ____ it in the text
position find
What is a precommitment?
invested in certain interpretations because of denominational or past expereicnces
Desacribe the hermeneuticla circle
start with presupisions -> text -> prepupisiton etc.
describe the hermeneutical spiral
presuptions -> get somewhat corrected by text -> presupitions -> somewhat corrected by text
What is the key to hermentutical spiral?
theology correct by scripture
We need to allow ____ to correct our biblical theology to correct out ______
exegesis systematic theology
What is the difference between the hermeneutical circle and hermenutical spiral?
"circle = vicious, without forward progress. Locked presupitions. Spirial allows learn and grow and change with each pass with the text. Increasingly closer understanding to text"
"[diagram]. What is step 1, and what does it map to?"
1. what it meant; exegesis
"[diagram] What is step 2, what map to?"
2. What it meant in light of all scripture; biblical theology
"[diagram] what is step 3, what map to?"
3. What mean for us; application; prob systematic and homiletical theology
Exegsis focues on the _____ act
human speech
Biblical theology focues on the _____ word
divine word (what G saying in whole word)
Give a verse on the imperitive of interpreting scripture
2 Tim 3:16-17
We make a mistake in application when insist on always _____ application
"The ""oiji board"" proof text mistake in application makes what error?"
insufficient attention to CONTEXT
"Satan's temptation saying ""jump of the temple"" was an example of what kind of interpretive problem"
unsufficiently analogous
"What is a comman mistake, esp with oLd convenant passages"
failure to address issues of continuity and discontinity (e.g. J declared all foods ot be clean)
[on exam] What is biblical exegesis?
what it meant in it's original context
[exam] What is biblical theology?
what mean means in light of rest of scripture
What does issues of continuity and discontity have to do with?
biblical theology
[exam] what is cultural exegesis?
what is means in our specicl cultural context
[exam] restart the main diagram with these new categories
1. exegsis 2. biblical theology 3. cultural exegesis
What is culture?
patterns of assumed social values and bahaviors which are shared by a group of people
What's the difference between high and low context cultures?
"high context = group oriented, relationships. Low context = invidiaul oriented, linear logic."
Describe applciation diagram for cross cultural principals
exegesis > BT > Original situation > parallell sitations > General contextualization > Specific Contextualization
Spiritual gtruth is appropriated through the _______
holy spirit
Youe need bot the ____ and ____ for theoloogical understanding
[exam] What ar ethe 3 principals of semantics?
1) Words have a range of meeanings 2) word meanings overlap 3) Word meanings change over time.