
  1. Lede
    the beginning of a news story; conveys the main idea in few words to several paragraphs
  2. Inverted Pyramid
    the organizational pattern in which information is presented in most news stories. Information is organized from the most important to the least important
  3. Byline
    the name of the person who wrote a story, usually printed along with the story
  4. Dateline
    the place a story was written. The dateline appears at the beginning of stories that are not written
  5. Copy
    the written form in which a story, headline, caption or advertisement is prepared
  6. Attribution
    sighting sources
  7. Objectivity
    a lack of personal feeling or bias
  8. Subjectivity
  9. Libel
    the printing or broadcasting of false information that damages someone's reputation
  10. Masthead
    a statement in a newspaper that provides the details of publication
  11. Editorial Board
    the group of people (usually the top editors) who decides on a plan for each editorial that will appear in a newspaper
  12. First Amendment
    amendment to the US constitution that provides a right to free speech and free press
  13. Editorial
    an article that states a newspaper's ideas on a particular issue
  14. Letter to the editor
    people who voice their opinion
  15. Beat
    a regular assignment given to reporters
  16. Credibility
    the belief that what someone says is true
  17. Hard News
    a story about timely, breaking news
  18. Soft News
    a story about individuals or lifestyle issues
  19. Direct lead (Hard Lead)
    the 1st lead or two of a hard news story. The direct news lead gives the most important facts, the 5 W's and an H, about the story
  20. Indirectly lead (Soft Lead)
    a lead that sets a scene or introduces a character before letting the reader know the topic of the story
  21. Column
    a commentary or opinion written by an independent writer who sells their work to many newspaper. Newspapers subscribe to several columnist works on various days
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Journalism Terms