How many ribs are there? How many true ribs? Flase ribs? Floating ribs?
What are the typical parts of a ribs?
- Ribs-12 True-7 False-3 Floating-2
- Head with 2 facets, Neck, tubercle, Body or shaft, Angle, Costal Groove
What are the three joints of the rib?
- Costovertebral
- Costotranverse
- Costochondral
- Sternocostal
Where is the point of articulation for the costoverterbral joint?
- The head of the rib with the superior part of the corresponding verterbrea, the inferior part of the inferior vertebrae and the vertebral disc. It is a synovial plane joint. The radiate ligament, thickened anteriorly, surrounds the head of the rib and the two bodies of the vertebrea. Inter-articular ligament attaches the head of the rib to the intervertebral disc.
Where is the articulation of the costotransverse joint?
- Between the tubercle of the rib and the associated transverse process.
- Synovial plane joint.
- Supported by superior and lateral costotransverse ligaments.
Where is the articulation of the costochondral joint?
- Sternal end of rib with the costal cartilage
- Primary cartilagenous joint
- No ribs attach directly to the sternum.
Where is the articulation of the sternocostal joint?
- costal cartilage with the manubriumand sternum
- 1 rib is primary cartilagenous joint
- 2-7 are synovial plane joints (supported by the anterior and posterior radiate sternocostal ligaments)
How does inspiration increas the volume of the thoracis cage?
- 1-Vetical Contraction of the diaphragm
- 2-Transverse Bucket handle, raising of ribs 8-10
- 3-Ant/Post pump handle movement of ribs 1-7
What are the main muscles of the thorax region? 9 total
- Pectoralis major and minor
- Serratus anterior
- Serratus Posterior
- External intercostals
- Internal intercostals
- Innermost intercostals
- Subcostal
- Transverse thoracis
- Levatores costarum
External intercostals
- 11 pairs of muscles
- Run oblique from rib above to rib below
- Run anterior inferior direction
- As they reah the COSTAL CARTILAGES, they become the external intercostal membrane
Internal Intercostals
- 11 pairs, Deep to the external intercostals, oblique at right angles to the external intercostals,posteriorly the form the interncostal membrane.
Innermost intercostals
- 11 pairs running similar to the internal intercostals
- Seperated by internal intercostals by the intercostal nerves and vessels
- cover the middle 3/4 of the intercostal space
- Thin muscular slips that extend from the angle of the rib on the internal surface, to the internal surface of the rib below.
- Cross two intercostal spaces
- Run in same direction as the internal intercostals
Transverse thoracis
- Four or Five muscle slips that arise from the zxiphoid and body of sternum, span superiorly and laterally to the 2nd and 6th costal cartilages.
Levatores costarum
- 12 fan shaped muscles
- arices from transverse processo f C7 to T11
- Inferiorly and laterally insert on the ribs below.
Where do the intercostal nerves come from?
- The ventral primary rami of the first 11 thoracic spinal nerves
- The 12th is called the subcostal nerve.
How do the intercostal spaces receive their blood supply?
- A large posterior intercostal artery arising from the aorta and a small intercostal artery arising from the internal thoracic artery which arises from the subclavian artery
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