directional terms

  1. anterior or ventral
    toward the front of the body, or in front of
  2. posterior or dorsal
    toward the back of the body, behind or in back of
  3. internal or deep
    toward the inside
  4. external or superficial
    toward the outside or on the outside
  5. contralateral
    located on the opposite side
  6. medial
    toward the midline
  7. lateral
    away from the midline
  8. ipsilateral
    located on the same side
  9. proximal
    close to the beginning or point of origin
  10. distal
    away from beginning or point of origin
  11. superior
  12. inferior
  13. cephlad
    toward the head
  14. caudad
    toward the feet
  15. peripheral
    pertaining to the outer aspects of an organ
  16. parietal
    pertaining to the walls of a cavity
  17. visceral
    pertaining to the organs within a cavity
  18. axilla or axillary
    armpit area
  19. axillary line
    imaginary line running down the side of the body originating at the armpit
Card Set
directional terms
directional terms