
  1. panel
    • [ˈpænl]
    • n.座谈小组
    • ,全体陪审员
    • 面板,嵌板,仪表板
    • vt.
    • 嵌镶板
  2. apologia
    • [ˌæpəˈləudʒiə]
    • n.辩解文
    • A formal defense or justification.See Synonyms at apology
    • 正式辩护
  3. scholar
    • [ˈskɔlə]
    • n.学者
  4. fascinate
    • [ˈfæsineit]
    • v.迷住
    • To hold an intense interest or attraction for.See Synonyms at charm
    • 使呆住
    • To hold motionless; spellbind.
  5. keenly
    • [kiːnli]
    • 敏锐地,灵敏地
  6. lengthy
    • [ˈleŋθi]
    • 冗长的
    • Of considerable length,especially in time; extended
    • 漫长的
    • Tediously long; drawn-out
    • 冗长乏味的
  7. intersection
    • [ˌintə(ː)ˈsekʃən]
    • n.交汇处,交叉点
    • 十字路口
    • 交集
  8. wrought
    • [rɔːt]
    • P. & PP. of work
  9. nominalize
    • [ˈnɔminəˌlaiz]
    • v.使名词化
  10. past perfect tense
    • [pæst pəːfikt tens]
    • n.过去完成时
  11. walk down
    • [wɔːk daun]
    • 散步,遛弯
  12. intimacy
    • [ˈintiməsi]
    • n.亲密
    • 隐私
    • 亲昵行为(尤指不正当的性关系)
  13. gangster
    • [ˈgæŋstə]
    • n.流氓,土匪
    • A member of an organized group of criminals; a racketeer.
  14. show up
    • [ʃəu ʌp]
    • v.露面,到达
    • To put in an appearance; arrive.
  15. fruit stand
    • [fruːt stænd]
    • n.水果摊,水果店
  16. look down
    • [luːk daun]
    • 看不起
  17. mafia
    • [ˈmaːfiə]
    • n.黑手党
    • A secret terrorist organization in Sicily,operating since the early 19th century in opposition to legal authority
  18. YMCA
    • [wai em siː ei]
    • Young Men's Christian Association
    • 基督教青年会
  19. belie
    • [biˈlai]
    • v.误述,错误地表达
    • 与…相对立;与…相矛盾
    • To be counter to; contradict
  20. Forbes
    • [ˈfɔːbz]
    • n.福布斯(杂志)
  21. fractured
    • [fræktʃəːd]
    • 断裂的,骨折的
  22. wince
    • [wins]
    • v.畏缩
    • 退缩
    • To shrink or start involuntarily,as in pain or distress; flinch.
  23. wholeness
    • [həulˌnis]
    • n.全体,完全
  24. soundness
    • [ˈsaundnis]
    • n.完全坚固,稳固
  25. empirical
    • [emˈpirikəl]
    • 经验的,实践的
    • Relying on or derived from observation or experiment
  26. guise
    • [gaiz]
    • n.伪装
    • 外观
    • 装束
    • v.
    • 伪装
  27. portfolio
    • [pɔːtˈfəuljəu]
    • n.投资组合,一组投资
    • A group of investments.
  28. adolescent
    • [ˈædəuˈlesnt]
    • 青春期的
    • Of,relating to,or undergoing adolescence.See Synonyms at young
    • n.
    • 青少年
  29. astonished
    • [əsˈtɔniʃ]
    • 惊讶的
  30. impeccable
    • [imˈpekəbl]
    • 无错的,无瑕疵的
    • Having no flaws; perfect.See Synonyms at perfect
    • 完美的
    • Incapable of sin or wrongdoing.
    • 不犯罪的
  31. humorous
    • [ˈhjuːmərəs]
    • 滑稽的,诙谐的
    • 富幽默感的,想入非非的,异想天开的
  32. sympathy
    • [ˈsimpəθi]
    • n.同情
    • Mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity.
    • A relationship or an affinity between people or things in which whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other.
    • 意气相投,同感
  33. tumor
    • [ˈtjuːmə]
    • n.肿瘤,瘤
    • An abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled,progressive multiplication of cells and serving no physiological function; a neoplasm.
    • 赘生物
    • A swollen part; a swelling.
    • 肿胀
  34. budge
    • [bʌdʒ]
    • v.挪动
    • To move or stir slightly
    • 改变立场或态度
    • To alter a position or attitude
  35. insular
    • [ˈinsjulə]
    • 海岛的,孤立的
    • ,岛民的,岛特有的
    • ,超然物外的
  36. achievement
    • [əˈtʃiːvmənt]
    • n.成绩,成就
  37. strong suit
    • [strɔŋ sjuːt]
    • n.特长,强项
    • A quality,an activity,or a skill in which a person excels
    • 胜过他人的品质,活动或技巧
    • Games A long suit in a card game such as bridge that contains high cards.
    • 长套(桥牌游戏)
  38. percentile
    • [pəˈsentail]
    • n. 百分点,分
    • One of a set of points on a scale arrived at by dividing a group into parts in order of magnitude. For example,a score higher than 97 percent of those attained on an examination is said to be in the 97th
    • 百分位数
  39. judgment call
    • [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt kɔːl]
    • n.判决请求
    • ,判决召唤
  40. bland
    • [blænd]
    • 平淡的,柔和的
    • 乏味的,无动于衷的
  41. semantic
    • [siˈmæntik]
    • 语义的
    • Of or relating to meaning,especially meaning in language.
  42. analogy
    • [əˈnælədʒi]
    • n.类比,类推
  43. stoplight
    • [stɔpˌlait]
    • n.刹车灯
    • A light on the rear of a vehicle that is activated when the brakes are applied.Also called brake light
  44. disobedient
    • [ˌdisəˈbiːdjənt]
    • 不服从的
  45. stay out
    • [stei aut]
    • 在户外,不呆家里
    • 坚持到...结束
    • 不在家,外出
  46. feverish
    • [ˈfiːvəriʃ]
    • 发烧的,热病的
    • 狂热,兴奋的
  47. pneumonia
    • [nju(ː)ˈməunjə]
    • n.肺炎
    • An acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs and caused by viruses,bacteria,or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants.
  48. enroll
    • [inˈrəul]
    • v.注册,登记
    • To enter or register in a roll,list,or record
    • 在花名册、名单或记录上登记注册或记录
    • To roll or wrap up.
    • 卷起或包起
    • To write or print a final copy of; engross.
    • 誊清或印刷…的终稿;正式写成文件
  49. rebellious
    • [reˈbeljəs]
    • 反叛的,叛逆的
    • Prone to or participating in a rebellion
    • Of,relating to,or characteristic of a rebel or rebellion
    • 难对付的,桀骜不驯的
    • rebellious behavior.
    • 桀骜不驯的行为
    • Resisting treatment or control; unruly.See Synonyms at insubordinate
    • 难治的
  50. disprove
    • [disˈpruːv]
    • v.证明...错误
    • 驳斥,反驳
  51. pre-med
    • [ˈpriː med]
    • n.医学院预科
  52. freelancer
    • [friː lænsəː]
    • n.自由作家,自由撰稿人
    • 独立笔杆子
  53. hone
    • [həun]
    • vt.磨(刀),磨练
    • n.细磨刀石
  54. wittily
    • [witili]
    • 机智地
  55. crafted
    • [kraːft]
    • 手艺的
  56. quandary
    • [ˈkwɔndəri]
    • n.窘境、困惑
    • A state of uncertainty or perplexity.See Synonyms at predicament
  57. nascent
    • [ˈnæsnt]
    • 开始形成的,萌芽的
    • Coming into existence; emerging
  58. decide on
    • [diˈsaid ɔn]
    • 决定目标为
  59. essence
    • [ˈesns]
    • n.本质,要素
    • The intrinsic or indispensable properties that serve to characterize or identify something.
    • The inherent,unchanging nature of a thing or class of things.
    • An extract that has the fundamental properties of a substance in concentrated form.
    • 精髓,精华
    • Such an extract in a solution of alcohol.
    • 酒精提取物
  60. rhythm
    • [ˈriðəm,ˈriθəm]
    • n.韵律,节奏
    • ,节拍
  61. critic
    • [ˈkritik]
    • n.评论家
    • One who forms and expresses judgments of the merits,faults,value,or truth of a matter.
    • 缩写 crit.文学评论家
  62. verdict
    • [ˈvəːdikt]
    • n.定论
    • An expressed conclusion; a judgment or an opinion
    • 裁定,审判中陪审团的裁决
    • Law The finding of a jury in a trial.
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Textbook Vocabulary