
  1. colony
    • [ˈkɔləni]
    • n.聚居区
  2. subsist
    • [səbˈsist]
    • v.维持生活;生活
    • To maintain life; live
  3. lentil
    • [ˈlentil]
    • n.小扁豆
  4. tortilla
    • [tɔːˈtilə]
    • n.玉米粉圆饼
    • A thin disk of unleavened bread made from cornmeal or wheat flour,baked on a hot surface,and usually served topped with or rolled around beans,ground meat,or cheese.
  5. army
    • [aːmi]
    • n.大群,大军
    • 陆军,军队
  6. dough
    • [dəu]
    • n.面团
  7. flour
    • [ˈflauə]
    • n.面粉,白面
    • A fine,powdery foodstuff obtained by grinding and sifting the meal of a grain,especially wheat,used chiefly in baking.
  8. Latino
    • [læˈtiːnəu]
    • n.拉丁美洲人
  9. get a hold of
    • [get ə həuld əf]
    • 拥有,找到
    • To come into possession of; find
  10. fairy tale
    • [ˈfɛəri teil]
    • n童话
    • 神话故事,谎言
  11. critical essay
    • [ˈkritikəl ˈesi]
    • 评论文章
  12. intuitively
    • [inˈtjuːitivli]
    • 直觉地,直观地
  13. crooked
    • [ˈkrukid]
    • 弯曲的,畸形的
    • 拐骗的,不老实的
  14. burnt
    • [bəːnt]
    • P. of burn烧,烧焦
    • 点(灯),使感觉烧热
  15. lopsided
    • [ˈlɔpˈsaidid]
    • 不对称的,不平衡的
    • Heavier,larger,or higher on one side than on the other.
    • Sagging or leaning to one side.
    • 向一侧垂或倾斜的
  16. taboo
    • [təˈbuː]
    • n.禁忌
  17. poverty
    • [ˈpɔvəti]
    • n.贫困,贫乏
  18. shape
    • [ʃeip]
    • v.塑造
    • To give a particular form to; create.
  19. all along
    • [ɔːl əˈlɔŋ]
    • adv.自始自终,一直
  20. vagabond
    • [ˈvægəbɔnd]
    • vi.流浪,漂泊
    • adj.
    • 流浪的,漂泊的,浪荡的,流浪者的
    • n.流浪者,游民,浪子,流氓,懒汉
  21. draft
    • [draːft]
    • v.选拔
    • To select from a group for some usually compulsory service
    • 起草
    • To draw up a preliminary version of or plan for.
  22. surface
    • [ˈsəːfis]
    • n.表面或外表
  23. sappy
    • [ˈsæpi]
    • 多愁善感的,易流泪的
    • Slang Excessively sentimental; mawkish.
    • Full of sap; juicy.
  24. forsake
    • [fɔːˈseik]
    • v.遗弃,抛弃
    • To leave altogether; abandon
    • To give up (something formerly held dear); renounce
  25. descent
    • [diˈsent]
    • n.血统,出身
    • Hereditary derivation; lineage
    • 祖籍
    • 降下,降落,世系,侵袭
  26. street-wise
    • [striːt waiz]
    • 适应都市环境的
  27. constant
    • [ˈkɔnstənt]
    • n.不变,恒定
    • ,坚决的
    • n.
    • 常数,恒量
  28. nomadic
    • [nəuˈmædik]
    • 游牧的
  29. rambling
    • [ˈræmbliŋ]
    • n.流浪,漫游
  30. obsess
    • [əbˈses]
    • vt.迷住,萦绕
  31. figure
    • [ˈfigə]
    • vi.塑造
    • 出现,考虑,出名,扮演角色
  32. bunk-bed
    • [bʌŋk bed]
    • n.双层铺,上下铺
    • (附有梯子的)
  33. conspirator
    • [kənˈspirətə]
    • n.同谋
    • One that engages in a conspiracy.
  34. pal
    • [pæl]
    • n.好朋友,好伙伴
    • ,同志
    • vi.
    • 结为朋友
  35. odd
    • [ɔd]
    • 落单的,单独的
    • Remaining after others have been paired or grouped.
  36. bright
    • [brait]
    • 明亮的,欢快的
    • 聪明的,伶俐的
  37. avalanche
    • [ˈævəˌlænʃ]
    • n.雪崩
    • v.雪崩
  38. skinny
    • [skini]
    • 瘦的,皮包骨头的
    • Very thin.See Synonyms at lean 2
  39. crumpled
    • [ˈkrʌmpld]
    • 摺皱的,弄皱的
  40. crooked
    • [ˈkrukid]
    • 弯曲的
    • Having or marked by bends,curves,or angles.
  41. fold
    • [fəuld]
    • v.合拢,交迭
    • 折叠,包,,抱住,笼罩,调入
    • vi.折叠起来,彻底失败
  42. start all over
    • [staːt ɔːl əuvə]
    • 全部从头来
  43. flock
    • [flɔk]
    • n.群,大量
    • 羊群,(禽畜)群
    • ,众多
    • v.聚结
  44. slippery
    • [ˈslipəri]
    • 滑溜的,易滑落的
    • 滑的,光滑的
    • 难以捉摸的
  45. prestigious
    • [ˌpresˈtiːdʒəs]
    • 有威望的,受尊敬的
    • Having prestige; esteemed.
  46. bleach
    • [bliːtʃ]
    • v.漂白,褪色
  47. Peloponnesus
    • [ˌpeləpəˈniːsəs]
    • n.希腊南部一半岛
    • A peninsula forming the southern part of Greece south of the Gulf of Corinth. It was dominated by Sparta until the fourth century b.c. .
    • 伯罗奔尼撒半岛
  48. parade
    • [pəˈreid]
    • n.游行,列队行进
    • 炫耀,阅兵,检阅,阅兵场
    • v.
    • 游行,炫耀,夸耀,(使)
  49. promenader
    • [ˌprɔmiˈneidə]
    • n.散步的人
  50. polaroid
    • [ˈpəulərɔid]
    • n.偏振光
    • 宝丽来
  51. Chicana and Chicano
    • [tʃiˈkaːnə tʃiːˈkaːnəu]
    • n.美国的墨西哥女人和男人
  52. residency
    • [ˈrezidənsi]
    • n.居住
    • 住所
  53. ranch
    • [ræntʃ]
    • n.大牧场
    • An extensive farm,especially in the western United States,on which large herds of cattle,sheep,or horses are raised.
    • 养殖场
    • A large farm on which a particular crop or kind of animal is raised
  54. spun
    • [spʌn]
    • PP. of spin 旋转
    • v.纺,纺纱
    • n.旋转
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Textbook Vocabulary